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Quantum Prophecy


But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture
is a matter of one’s own interpretation,
for no prophecy was ever made by an act of
human will,
but men
moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.
~ 2 Peter

By Gaylene Goodroad

When we consider creation and all things eternal, our false concepts regarding time and matter limit our understanding. Receive the concept that Jesus is outside of our time and calendar, looking in. He is observing. He is sustaining all things in this nanosecond (one billionth of a second) and is singing the frequencies or vibrations of your body. If He didn’t, you would dissolve! Your electrons, particles, and subatomic structures are blinking in and out of existence. You think you are a solid object, but quantum mechanics has confirmed that all subatomic particles – the stuff you are made of – are blinking in and out of this reality….
Because the speed of light has slowed down, because we have our upper bandwidth back, and because He is sustaining us every nanosecond, the act of creation is happening now! Take your quantum leap into His eternal now.
~David Van Koevering,”Keys to Taking Your Quantum Leap”*

God is speaking through Quantum Physics more than ever these days! There is so much revelation linking science and the spirit realm proving that God is the Creator and the Great Physicist of all.

~Steve Shultz, TheElijahList**

How do Quantum Mysticism teachings alter biblical prophecy? How are the quantum “cosms,” “codes,”
and “cryptologies,” connected to End Times teachings? What do Tom
Horn, Chuck Missler, and other quantum collaborators teach about the last days?

These men abuse the text of Genesis 6 (and
other passages) by adding in strange and wild speculations. They combine their exotic occult
and extra-biblical suppositions with New Age physics, then make further conjectures
about transhumanism. In short, these men have craftily distorted biblical eschatology into a
far-fetched science fiction-fantasy that directs attention to the return of their mythical, mutant, and hybrid
“demigods” instead of the Lord Jesus
, the believer’s “Blessed Hope” at His Coming (Titus 2:11-15).

The two earlier Herescope
articles, “Doomsday Datesetters,” and “Militant Prayer,” carefully document
these heresies, but here is a brief review:


Here is a summary of their aberrant end-time eschatology. According to the quantum collaborators, God Almighty sent the Flood upon the earth—not because
of the inherent sinfulness and wickedness of mankind—but because the human gene pool (genome) had been
by “Watchers” (fallen angels/extraterrestrials/pagan gods) who
mated with human women, producing an evil, mutant race of giant hybrids
(demigods) called “Nephilim.” Only Noah and his family remained genetically unstained by this celestial
interbreeding with mankind….

These teachers claim that Jesus’ prophecy: “as it was in the days of Noah… (Matt.
24:37),” actually warns us that the “Watchers”
(parents of the Nephilim/alien life) will be returning through
multi/hyper-dimensional portals/stargates to repeat the fictionalized events in
Genesis 6—threatening to wipe out humanity as we know it. (There is a connection here to
the Roswell UFO event and their subsequent use of geomantic devices [divination] to
accommodate these false teachings, as was discussed in Part 6 of this series).

This end-time Nephilim return scenario negates the Lord’s
admonition to readiness and godly living—with
a view to His Coming
(1 John
2:28; 1 Thess. 1:10; 2:19; 3:13; 4:1-18; 5:23). Note that none of their myths can be clearly found
in the Bible text itself. They need their extrabiblical sources in order to construct their fantastic end-time scenarios. 

Sadly, this eschatological fable continues to grow as more extrabiblical sources are added into the mixture. In his book Apollyon Rising 2012, Tom Horn promotes
the idea that Genesis’ Nimrod was in fact a “Nephilim,” who will “rise” (resurrect) in 2012 as an incarnation of
the mythical god Apollyon (Apollo/Osiris). According to Horn, this monster will manifest himself to the world as the Antichrist! 

this isn’t fantastic enough, “Apollyon,” Horn’s end-times super nemesis will
also manifest as the “Great Architect” of Freemasonry—the Masonic “messiah” (details
of this deception are addressed in Part 6 of this series).

Note again that the return of the Lord Jesus Christ is absent from this imaginary
end-times scenario.
Instead, the quantum collaborators encourage followers to fearfully prepare
for the return of an ancient pagan demi-god with supernatural powers—and a dark
army of soul-less, half human-half angel creatures (also enhanced by transhumanist
technologies), hell-bent on destroying the human race.

This is false eschatology. It does not
come from the Bible.

Instead of preaching repentance and
belief upon the Lord Jesus to save us from our sin, the world, and the devil, some
of these men have not only invented an end-run around the book of Revelation, but preach
an earthbound solution to “the return of the Nephilim.” Their story goes like this:

  • As the lesser Nephilim (“serpent seed”)
    proliferate during this time of Apollo’s coming, enhanced by transhumanist
    devices, and as their demonic parents, the “Watchers” (who may appear as
    extraterrestrials) continue to descend upon earth, believers will be forced to abandon traditional methods of spiritual
    warfare such as bible reading, praying, and walking in the strength of God’s
    . Instead, they will be challenged to learn new methods of
    “techno-dimensional spiritual warfare.” Leaving behind God’s Word and God’s
    Spirit, Christians will be forced to “engage these pagan deities” and “dark
    angels” in the spiritual realm and penetrate their unholy domain (Horn’s “gasket
    heaven”) by the power of these more effective prayer warfare techniques.

Militant Prayer” for details and documentation of this scenario.)
of Genesis 6 is the glue holding these false prophesies together—and Quantum
Mysticism the underlying fabric!

In the Introduction to God’s Ghostbusters, Chuck Missler
brings these wild teachings—and its readers—into a quantum realm of deception.
(See Part 1 of this
series.) Missler writes

Encounters with
hyperspaces—spaces with more than three dimensions—may involve phenomena which
we call “paranormal” or “supernatural.” Paranormal events may be the result of
transdimensional interactions. Metaphors reign where mysteries reside.

Such themes have become
popular in our entertainments, such as science fiction movies (Thirteenth Floor, Matrix, et al) where
the participants discover that they are simply “program units” within a
simulated virtual environment. However,
it is disturbing to discover that we, too, are apparently in an equivalent
predicament: being a pawn in a virtual
, being caught in a game played by others from outside our own

This puts an unusual
premium on the tool and resources we need to evaluate our true condition, and
to gain a glimpse into our own destiny. It translates our academic interest
into a prerequisite for survival….[1]
[bold, italics mine]

This would have been the right place to
introduce his readers to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our “true condition”
without Him is a desperately lost one:
condemned to die in our sin—and on the way to Hell for eternity. Our
“destiny” is determined by whether or not we surrender to the Lord Jesus
Christ. When we repent of our sin—believing upon His sacrifice at the Cross and
His resurrection from the grave—He forgives and cleanses us of our sin, and
gives us His indwelling Spirit so that we can live as we ought. God alone is
able to empower believers to live right in a godless age—no matter the
circumstances, or what the unknown future may portend.

Missler’s  “The Realm of Angels,” is featured on the
cover of the March 2012 issue of the Koinoina Institute publication Personal Update. The article includes
much of the New Age physics that Missler also teaches in his God’s Ghostbusters Introduction under
the heading: “The Boundaries of Our ‘Reality” (discussed in Part 1 of this series). In “The Realm of Angels,” under the
subheading, “The 10-Dimensional Metacosm,” Missler writes:

…It is also interesting
that the Hebrew sage known as Nachmonides, writing in the 13th
century, concluded from his study of the Book of Genesis that the universe has
ten dimensions, but only four of them are “knowable” by man…. It would seem that the domain of the “Metacosm”—which includes
the elusive six dimensions—is the realm of the trans-dimensional phenomena such
as angels, demons, and, perhaps, UFOs and other paranormal phenomena
…. So one
of our major hindrances as we approach the subject of the “Angelic Realm” will
come from the myopia of our obsolete Euclidean perspective. The more you know about the advanced
frontiers of science, the more comfortable the Biblical text appears.
let’s summarize what the only reliable source about this realm tells us.[2]
[bold and color added]

Note how Missler describes this cosmic “angelic

…Some fallen angels have
even been guilty of producing hybrids—Nephilim,
the “fallen ones”—that led to, among other things, the flood of Noah’s day.
11 These strange activities are confirmed several times in
the New Testament.
12 And there is reason to expect more of these bizarre occurrences on our near
horizon. The emergent trend toward “transhumanism” will also usher in similar, new
…. The Bible clearly presents the hyper-dimensional realities that
surround us and it is imperative that we “do our homework.” Our personal survival depends upon it. We
need to understand that we are both the pawns—and the prize—inn this continuing
cosmic struggle
[bold added]

Is this what the Bible actually teaches?
Or does this Quantum Eschatology depend upon extra-biblical, mythological, and
occult teaching to stand—not to mention the added ingredients of human speculations and wild imaginations? What
is the end result of these strange teachings? Will readers be driven to
Christ… or away from Him to follow these fantastic myths?

Where will Quantum Mysticism eventually lead?
We may be forced to watch it unfold. It is disturbing to discover that these
contorted teachings from Genesis 6 may already be metastasizing throughout the Dominionist camp, the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).

The ultra-dominionist Kingdom League
International (NAR)[4]
held an event February 18th in Renton, WA, called: “Are You Prepared
to Live in the Days of Noah – Matt. 24?” Here are a few of the event
discussions highlighted in the email brochure:
  • What the days of Noah were like
  • How the demonic manifested itself
  • What Christians prepared for the bridal
    company will face
  • The angels being released for the end
    time harvest
  • The kind of army God is raising up to
    engage the hosts of darkness
  • How you can prepare like Noah did to
    build an ARC[5]
Tim Taylor—NAR apostle, prophet and
teacher—is the founder of The Kingdom League International.[6]
In January, in a 60-minute online teaching audio, he expounds on Matthew 23:36,
“as in the days of Noah…” by laying out a prophetic scenario almost identical to
Tom Horn and his fellow collaborators. Also like Horn, Taylor spends most of
his time recounting passages in the apocryphal Book of Enoch—even comparing the
Nephilim hybrids to pagan mythology![7] About halfway through his teaching,
Taylor comes to the point: God is raising an “army of sons to defeat this
demonic army. ” There is coming “a corporate anointing” to “engage in this
spiritual war.”[8]

In a separate 2011 KLI document, Taylor
reported that God began speaking to him in 2007—instructing him to build “an
ARC” alluding to Noah and his famous boat:
Then I heard the Lord say, Noah built
Me an ark, and I want you to: “build an ARC; an Apostolic
Resource Center”

As I meditated on what God said to me
these thoughts arose: The Lord used an ark to:
  • Save a family, the nations and creation (Noah).
  • Deliver a deliverer (Moses).
  • Lead His people through the wilderness, in order that they might war to enter
    into their inheritance and Promised Land (Moses and Joshua).
  • Serve as a place for His presence to dwell.
The ARC is an acronym and a word play
with deep meaning. The characteristics of Noah’s ark plus the Ark of the
Covenant equal what I see. It is a vessel like an aircraft carrier and its task
force made to project power in the nations, delivering the weak and
administering justice to the oppressor, enforcing
the will of the kingdom of God, on earth as it is in heaven

This ARC is made up of many teams of
people with unique skills and functions all working together for a common
purpose. That purpose is to present the
gospel of the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ with signs, wonders and results
[9] [bold added]

This Apostolic Resource Center (ARC) is
explained on other websites, and one includes a graphic of the ARC hovering like
a canopy over “the seven spheres of culture,” which are necessary to fulfill
the dominion mandate.[10] [links added]
One corporate method to accomplishing this mandate involves prayer: “
To utilize
prayer as a weapon of spiritual warfare to
take territory for the kingdom.”[11]
This hearkens back to Horn’s “militant prayer,” and C. Peter Wagner’s
“warfare prayer” examined in a previous Herescope article, “Militant Prayer,”
dealing with the Latter Rain inspired teachings on “territorial spirits.”

The recurring theme includes God’s people warring against the
Nephilim hoards as they return to the earth to corrupt the human gene pool “as
in the days of Noah.”

teacher Randy DeMain, founder of Kingdom Revelation Ministries,[12]
a book in 2010 entitled The Nephilim
Agenda: Exposing the Ultimate Last Days Deception
Here is
how the book is described on the TheElijahList website:
Mysteries of the Bible are unfolding with startling clarity. One such mystery
is the Genesis Six account of giants on the earth. These giants—the
Nephilim—were the vile offspring of earthly women and divine beings bent on the
deception and destruction of God’s holy people. History is about to repeat
Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will also be
in the days of the Son of Man” (Luke 17:26). The Nephilim are coming
again, positioning themselves to rule the world in degrees of wickedness such
as man has never known.
Are you ready?[14]
[bold added]
DeMain’s The Nephilim Agenda was published by
Extreme Prophetic (XP) NAR prophetess Patricia King[15]
interviewed DeMain on her television program about his book.[16]
King will
also be hosting the Quantum Healing
in Phoenix in August this year—featuring none other than David van
Koevering and JoAnn McFatter.[17]
Van Koevering and McFatter presented at the
Quantum Leap 2 Conference in 2007 along with Chuck Missler.[18]
(This particular conference was discussed in “Doomsday Datesetters 2012,” and in Part 3 of this
article series).[19]

Other such
quantum connections with the NAR abound. One example is Randy DeMain and Horn collaborator L.A. Marzulli, who have shared the
speaking platform on more than one occasion. DeMain and Marzulli will be
appearing together in October in Frederick, MD for The Nephilim Agenda Official Disclosure 2 Conference,[20]
as well
as a New Age event, Maya 2012: Personal
Planetary Transformation
, a global
gathering at the Mayan pyramids in Mexico on December 21, 2012![21]
(See Part 6 of this article series to understand the significance of this Mayan legend date.)

According to his website, Marzulli
has authored several books with Nephilim and UFO themes. In 2006, Horn
published an article of Marzulli’s dealing with UFO abduction in his Anomalos
magazine, Official Disclosure: Biblical
Perspectives on the Paranormal
, pp. 30-31.[22]
artwork on the front of Marzulli’s article depicts a man being “beamed up” into
an alien spaceship. This is the same publication cited in Part 6 of this
article series dealing with the Quantum Mysticism of the late Horn
collaborator, David Flynn.

David Flynn
endorsed Marzulli’s 2007 book Politics,
Prophecy & the Supernatural
, which was published by Horn.[23]
Here is
Horn’s description of this book:
Summary: The title of
best selling author L.A. Marzulli’s new book “Politics, Prophecy and the
Supernatural: The Coming Great Deception and the Luciferian End Game,”
weaves the seemingly odd literary bedfellows that make up the book and its riveting expose of what might befall
planet earth in the near future.
Integrating biblical predictions,
historical observations and scientific facts, Marzulli explores the carefully detailed and documented history of
ancient prophetic writings and the ongoing supernaturalism that so many others
are afraid to touch — UFOs, the Fatima apparitions of 1917, Crop Circles and
— blending these seemingly unexplained phenomena with increases in
paranormal activity and “signs in the heavens,” which he believes
points to a coming great deception and Luciferian end game. Politics,
Prophecy and the Supernatural
will leave you breathlessly reconsidering the
facts behind today’s headlines.
[24] [bold added]
In 2010,
Marzulli appeared on Gary Stearman’s
syndicated television program, Prophecy in the News, along with Tom Horn to discuss
“The Secret Alien Agenda.”[25] A video of
this interview is available on Horn’s disaster preparedness website.[26]

(Stearman’s involvement in Quantum Mysticism is discussed in Part 5 of this article series.)

also contributed his “expertise” in “Official Disclosure: Prepare for Contact.”
Here is an excerpt of this event as described by Horn’s Defender Publishing:

special multi-hour interview series covered numerous important issues that some believe could soon affect all mankind. Questions
such as:
  • Is
    official disclosure of alien contact near?
  • Do
    world authorities know something about ET they are not telling us?
  • Would
    aliens be friendly or hostile?
  • What
    is panspermia?
  • What
    is happening during alien abduction?
  • Are
    angels or demons involved?
answers to these questions are often unnerving as ex-government agents with
above top-secret security clearance, world-famous field investigators,
physicists and theologians peel back the
truth behind a reality so astonishing the personal destiny of every man, woman
and child could be impacted by its implications.
[27] [bold added]
All of this talk about space aliens begins to sound like the old TV series Outer Limits or The Twilight Zone! Marzulli is even slated to speak at the Oregon Sasquatch Symposium [Big Foot] this year! 

Marzulli, who else was among the “ex-government agents, world-famous field
investigators, physicists and theologians” speaking on “alien life imminent”?  They include quantum collaborators such as Chuck
Missler, Thomas Horn, Gary Stearman, Terry James, and Michael Heiser, among
others.[28]  With the
exception of Michael Heiser, this same group of quantum collaborators will
appear together in July at The Prophecy
Summit at Branson 2012: The Final Prophecies are Here
—hosted by Stearman’s Prophecy in the News.[29] 

Other NAR leaders could easily become quantum collaborators. Rick Joyner of Morningstar Ministries and the politically charged Oak Initiative (Dominionist) has written about the Nephilim.[30] Cindy Trimm, well-known leader in the Word-Faith movement, sounds like a New Ager when talks about Quantum Physics and promises it will produce prosperity. She claims there is a “Law of Attraction” that

is based on the principle that we attract into our lives whatever we focus on as a result of the energy that is exchanged in the process. Because all matter – seen and unseen – is comprised of energy, the energy created by our unseen thoughts either attracts or repels the energy matter of what we ultimately see and experience as a result.

This phenomena is rooted in the findings of quantum physics – which found that nothing in the universe is static due to the fact that all matter is vibrating energy – raw energy that responds to the vibrations of our thoughts….

Your success and prosperity hinge on what lies within your mind…. Whatever can be imagined already exists; it simply exists in another dimension – in another form or substance – and that is the source of all inspiration.[31]

David Van Koevering (who was featured at the Quantum Leap 2 Conference along with Missler, cited above) did a teaching series “Quantum Physics, Time, Space
& Matter ” which is being marketed by the NAR’s TheElijahList.
His list of topics explain why the New Apostolic Reformation is enthralled
about applying Quantum Physics to their brand of spirituality, particularly their version of the future. 

  • “The ‘Physics’ of the Supernatural Realm”
    If you want to take your own personal quantum leap, then get ready for a
    journey of a lifetime as you listen to this 2 disc message that is
    nothing less than a collision of science and the supernatural!
  • Reaching into the Non-Physical Reality – For Your Future!” Want
    to know where yesterday went and where tomorrow comes from? Renowned
    physicist David Van Koevering opens revelation on the reality of time,
    eternity and God, and how physics actually supports and substantiates
  •  “The Science of Bandwidth, Eternity, and the Voice of God”
    What does the speed of light and vibration (bandwidth) have to do with
    time, seeing your future and taking deliberate action to bring your
    destiny into the ‘now’ physical realm?…
  • “Real True Alternative Medicine is All About Getting Your ‘Frequency’ Fixed!” We
    all (even all of creation) vibrate (bandwidth/frequency). This is a
    true, scientifically supported fact. But do you want to understand how
    vibration (yours, others, and all of creation) – whether correct or
    skewed – impacts and dictates the health of your body, soul, and spirit?
    This message explains how God fashioned the cosmos (and you) to
    function at a wonderful level of abundant life!
  •  “The Physics of Worship – How to Create an Umbrella of Protection! Is
    the purpose and fruit of worship simply an acknowledgment of the
    ‘Godliness’ and ‘Godness’ of God – or does it actually do something in
    regards to physics and the unseen realm?…[32] 

Van Koevering has also written this strange statement, with his own unique vernacular, that integrates Word-Faith teachings with Quantum Physics as a way to change the future:

Matter has memory, and you can change everything that has been recorded by what you observe, by the words you declare, or by the curses you remove and release in the name of Jesus. You can create protected places by anointing with oil and speaking blessings with your words of faith. Where will you start? What quantum leaps have come up in your spirit? You have been given a new elsewhen cosmic consciousness. Pop those God qwiffs and cause upper bandwidth to change your reality.[33]

The New Apostolic Reformation’s version of Quantum Mysticism even believes that there is a quantum sound that will transform culture and help build the seven mountains of Dominionism.[34]  The Seven Mountain Symphony was advertised as a “sound that the Lord has chosen to be released onto the earth for this season to help effect the transformation of culture.”[35] JoAnn McFatter (cited above in connection with the Quantum Leap 2 Conference with Missler) has taught that “God Has a Sound Frequency” that “plays into your destiny!”[36]

It appears as though the Quantum
Mysticism of Horn, Missler, Stearman, Flynn, and others has meshed with the Dominionist camp and is now seducing souls further into error through these deceptions and
false teachings. This raises troubling questions due to the extreme views of the NAR and its Latter Rain adherents. Their end-time scenario places them in the script of the book of Revelation, fulfilling their destiny, manifesting Christ on earth, and taking political and cultural dominion over the earth (a frequent topic of the past several years of posts on Herescope). 

Horn and Missler and their fellow quantum collaborators have painted a vivid image of end-time creatures, entities, space aliens and hybrids coming to planet earth. The NAR has prepped its people for decades in anticipation of an end-time army (“Joel’s Army“) that believes it must conduct hyperspiritual warfare to rid the planet of unwanted elements. It seems evident that these two groups are beginning to cross-pollinate and share their extreme quantum views and eschatologies.

But many other things are converging… At what point and in what capacity will these extreme eschatology ideas fully merge with the Emergent Church, other apostate
groups—and even seemingly sound evangelical churches? How many sheep will be
caught in its deception? How many souls will be diverted from Christ into

he said to me, “
These words are
faithful and true
and the Lord, the God of the spirits of the

sent His angel to show to His bond-servants
the things which must
soon take place.

“And behold, I am coming quickly.
Blessed is he who heeds the words of the prophecy of this book
~ Revelation 22:6-7
the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine;
but wanting to have their ears tickled,
they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own
and will turn away their ears
from the truth
will turn aside to myths.
~ 2 Timothy 4:3-4
Stay tuned for Part 8 in this multi-part series “COSMS, CODES, AND CRYPTOLOGIES”. . . .

Part 3: The Emerging ENIGMA Bible
Part 4: False Eschatology Arising!


[1] Chuck Missler,
Introduction to God’s Ghostbusters,
“The Boundaries of Our Physical Reality,” Thomas Horn, Defender Publishing,
Crane, MO 2011, pp. 14-15.
[2] Dr. Chuck
Missler, Personal Update, “The Realm
of Angels,” March 2012, pp. 11-13.
[3] Ibid, pp. 13-15.
[4] Tim Taylor,
The Kingdom League International Teaching pdf, 2011; http://www.kingdomleague.org/uploads/6/8/6/0/6860455/3_-_kingdom_league_teaching.pdf.
The Kingdom League International e- newsletter, Feb. 11, 2012; See also:
[7] Tim
Taylor, KLI, January 21 Training, “As it Was in the Days of Noah,” MP3 audio
; http://www.kingdomleague.org/mp3s.html.
[8] Ibid.
[9] Tim Taylor, KLI, “The Sign of the ARC – Apostolic
Resource Center,” July 2, 2011;
[11] Ibid.
[13] Randy DeMain, The Nephilim Agenda: Exposing the Ultimate
Last Days Deception
, XP Publishing, Maricopa, AZ, 2010.
Randy DeMain, The Nephilim Agenda:Exposing
the Ultimate Last Days Deception
, the Elijah List Store;
see also;
Patricia King interviews Randy DeMain, YouTube;
[19] NOTE: Consider
these materials offered on Elijah List : a 6 CD set, “Sound Doctrine: Quantum
Physics, Time, Space and Matter,” by David van Koevering;  http://www.elijahshopper.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=6-PACK-QUANTUM_4_CD;
EL article by Steve Schultz, “Quantum Prophetic: Extreme Angels – Sudden
Portals,” June 1, 2008; http://www.injesus.com/message-archives/prophetic/elijahlist/quantum-prophetic-extreme-angels-sudden-portals-1;
The Nephilim Agenda by Randy Demain,;
and PDF E-book, Convergence: Quantum
Physics, Scripture and Prophecy,
by Ras and Bev Robinson; http://www.elijahshopper.com/Convergence_p/dl_eb-rrobro001.htm.
[23] Horn’s Anomalos Publishing website: http://www.anomalospublishing.com/politics.htm.
[24] Ibid.
[25] “The Secret Alien Agenda: Part 1,” with Gary
Stearman, Tom Horn, and L.A. Marzulli, YouTube;
[27] Donna Anderson, Defender Publishing,
SurvivorMall.Com, 2010;  
http://survivormall.com/OFFICIALDISCLOSURE-PREPAREFORCONTACTCDSERIES.aspx; see also; http://www.officialdisclosure.com/.
[28] Ibid.
[29] See: http://www.prophecyinthenews.com/the-prophecy-summit-at-branson-2012/. Joining them will be Noah
Hutchings, Larry Spargimino, Bill Federer, Joseph Farah, Doug Woodward, Derek
and Sharon Gilbert, and others.

[30] Rick Joyner, “Day 47 – Noah and the Nephilim,” Morningstar Ministries, http://www.morningstarministries.org/resources/daily-devotional/2006/day-47-noah-and-nephilim 
 [31] Cindy Trimm, “The Properties of Thought: You Become What You Think,” The Elijah List, October 29, 2010. See original here: http://www.elijahlist.com/words/html/textonly-102910-Trimm.html. For more information on Trimm see www.apprising.org website and search to find posts like http://apprising.org/2010/10/20/rick-warren-laverne-adams-and-cindy-trimm/ and http://apprising.org/2011/06/22/word-faith-heretic-cindy-trimm-receives-award-from-billy-graham-evangelistic-association/ and http://apprising.org/2012/02/08/t-d-jakes-may-2012-leadership-conference-to-feature-joel-osteen/
[32] http://www.elijahshopper.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=DL_6-PACK-Quantum_4_CD 
[33] David Van Koevering, “Keys to Taking Your Quantum Leap: a.k.a. Christianity and Quantum Physics,” 8/20/08, http://paulwilkinson.wordpress.com/keys-to-taking-your-quantum-leap/, bold added . Also see his beliefs at his website:  http://www.davidvankoevering.com/ 
[34] For example, see “Quantum Physics, Music, and the Prophetic [4 CDs] — by David Van Koevering, Ray Hughes, Bob Jones, and JoAnn McFatter” advertised at http://www.elijahshopper.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=4%2DPACK%2DQuantum.
[35] The “Seven Mountain Symphony” was widely advertised a few years ago and one can still obtain it from The Elijah List: http://www.elijahshopper.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=DL_CD-SMS001-M
[36] “Quantum Physics, Music, and the Prophetic [4 CDs] — by
David Van Koevering, Ray Hughes, Bob Jones, and JoAnn McFatter”
advertised at http://www.elijahshopper.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=4%2DPACK%2DQuantum.

*David Van Koevering, “Keys to Taking Your Quantum Leap: a.k.a. Christianity and Quantum Physics,” 8/20/08, http://paulwilkinson.wordpress.com/keys-to-taking-your-quantum-leap/, bold added . Also see his website:  http://www.davidvankoevering.com/  
**”From the desk of Steve Shultz, The Elijah List, 2/16/08, promoting David Van Koevering’s “Keys to Taking Your Quantum Leap,”  http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word/6762, bold added.