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Who We Are

Lynn D. Leslie

Lynn D. Leslie began his walk of faith in Jesus Christ in October 1977. He is a senior human resource professional with over forty-five years in supervision, administration, and management. He holds a B.S. in Business Administration and a Master of Public Administration and for six years was an adjunct instructor teaching master’s level coursework. Lynn has served on the Board of Directors of two homeless missions, founded several non-profit groups, and served in positions of leadership in several ministries. Along with his wife Sarah, Lynn was a leader in both the right to life and homeschooling movements. Together they homeschooled their seven children and have ministered to many other children and adults living in their home over the years. He is publisher of The Christian Conscience magazine and Conscience Press, which published Charlotte Iserbyt’s book the deliberate dumbing down of america and the first editions of Warren Smith’s books Deceived on Purpose and Reinventing Jesus Christ. Lynn co-authored and published the monograph “The Pied Pipers of Purpose: Part 1: Human Capital Systems and Church Performance.” He is a founding member of the Discernment Research Group which publishes Herescope and has co-authored many articles published in newsletters and on the Internet.

Sarah H. Leslie

Sarah H. Leslie has a unique testimony of being radically saved and coming out of the hippie movement and eastern mysticism. Sarah received a B.S. in Elementary Education and an M.S. in Counseling and had a professional counseling practice for six years. She headed the right to life movement in Iowa during the 1980s and became a homeschooling leader during a key crisis in 1989-92. During the 1990s Sarah pioneered parental opposition to education reform and edited the newspaper Free World Research Report. She served as an editor and publisher for the magazine The Christian Conscience, both editions of Charlette Iserbyt’s book the deliberate dumbing down of America, and the first editions of Warren Smith’s books Deceived on Purpose and Reinventing Jesus Christ. Sarah co-authored the monograph “The Pied Pipers of Purpose: Part 1: Human Capital Systems and Church Performance.” She was a founding member of the Discernment Research Group that has researched for the Herescope blog since 2005 and serves as its main editor. She has written numerous articles for various publications in print and online, and has done in-depth research behind the scenes for many published works by other authors, including Paul Smith’s New Evangelicalism: The New World Order. She has appeared on numerous radio and television interviews, been a frequent speaker at conferences, and teaches an international women’s Bible study. Sarah homeschooled their seven children, plus a few extras, and has coordinated a food cooperative for several decades for people with special dietary needs.


Sarah's Testimony, Part 1

Sarah's Testimony, Part 2

Sarah's Testimony, Part 3

Sarah's Testimony, Part 4

Sarah's Testimony, Part 5

Lynn & Sarah Leslie's Testimony

The Church in the 21st Century: Session 3
Lynn & Sarah Leslie

Watch our testimony on YouTube, Rumble, or BitChute.