Invoking Dead Fal$e Prophet$ to Ca$h in on Patrioti$m
During A Cri$i$
I believe the greatest awakening
we’ve ever seen is coming!”
– Clay Clark, Tampa ReAwaken event[2]
Ed. Note: This
research report is a multi-part series which will be published in a rapid succession beginning with today’s Part A. Our
writing focus is on the spiritual concerns, not the political issues.
For those who want to do a deeper dive into the background, follow the
many hyperlinks and footnotes in this post.
the past two years, citizens around the planet have been thrust into a
veritable dystopian dark world that rivals any best-selling suspense
novel or block-buster movie. Panic, fear, and hysteria have swept every nation on Earth as the media seers incessantly project a looming threat of disease, death, and prolonged isolation. They have transmitted their fear porn on every news report, propaganda special, and social media alert. The real peril of universal lockdowns, shutdowns, and tyrannical mandates has
squashed personal autonomy and individual freedoms for earthlings of
every walk of life worldwide. Perhaps most frightening of all, is the
ubiquitous information censorship for those who question the mainline
narratives, and legitimately fear the massive overreach of Big Tech, Big Government, and Big Business, who demonize, cancel or muzzle dissenters.
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Exhibit: Masked & muzzled! [3] |
culture had shifted, sometimes forcibly, and Christians have been
feeling the brunt of it. These ominous trends create a burgeoning
pursuit for truth, direction, freedom and hope—which is ultimately only
found in the Lord Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, these crushing
developments also give rise to false prophet$ and prophete$$e$, con$piracy theorist$, and
prophecy mongerer$. Christian believers are being deceived, manipulated, and exploited. Simultaneously
many believers are also being persecuted—the assaults are coming from all sides. It is a time that calls for believers to pray for discernment and wisdom, and to stand fast on God’s Word.
has been reinventing itself to ca$h in on cri$e$, and exploit volatile
civic voting and freedom issues. Employing the spiritual-sounding marketing narratives of revival, or return, or awakening,
the NAR movement has strategically capitalized on each ensuing
national crisis to expand its outreach. Many religious and political
leaders have been swept into the muddy currents of this false gospel stream. Those who should have known better have seemed eager to team up with the NAR’s self-anointed, self-appointed “apostles” and “prophets” for political gain and/or spiritual power. It fits the unsavory old idiom “politics makes strange bedfellows.”
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Clay Clark’s interview with Mike Adams HERE applying Kim Clement’s “prophecy” to himself (see HERE) |
Access control and ID card, advertising, apartment, appliance, auto parts, aviation, bakery, banking, brand consulting, bridal, camping, carpet cleaning, charity / non-profit, cheerleading, coffee, cosmetic dentistry, college university, commercial real estate, construction, cosmetic surgery dentistry, education, entertainment, event planning, fitness, franchising furniture, gourmet desserts, general medical practice, government, hair care, home building, insurance, leadership development, life coaching, limousine, lawn care, lighting, jewelry, mail orders, medical care, ministry, mortgage, neurosurgery, multi-level marketing, orthodontics, non-profit, paint, public schools, photography, public residential real-estate, retail, restaurant, sales, search engine, security, sod farms, sports products, sports specific physical training, staffing, supplementation, technology, videography, web design & development, and more… [5]
trafficking in fake meat, fake gospels, fake christs, and fake prophets.
Evangelical media has failed to factually address the controversial issues that we and others have raised. And now the NAR has greatly expanded its outreach and influence onto new political platforms that appear to be either woefully naive or complicit concerning their strategic goals.
Fast Facts:
- Also known as Dominionism, Third Wave, Latter Rain, Kingdom Now, Joel’s Army, Manifest Sons of God, Charismatic Renewal, Charismania.
- Its founder was C. Peter Wagner who claims that the Church of the 21st Century will be ruled by Apostles and Prophets. Wagner has anointed himself NAR’s “Presiding Apostle.”
- Linked with the Kansas City Prophets “who brought grandiose claims that a ‘new breed’ of super prophets were beginning to arrive on planet earth who would change the world forever”; likewise Word Faith and Pentecostal movements.
- Not governed by an official denomination, it is led by alleged apostles and prophets.
- Teaches that the new apostles and prophets are to be the government for the emerging “New Order” church.
- Claims there will be a reformation greater in scale than the Protestant Reformation.
- Claim direct revelation from God and many allege that Jesus and angels visit them in person. Some of them declare that they have visited heaven many times and had conversations with Jesus as well as the Prophets and Apostles.
- NAR’s extensive mission outreach throughout the globe has caused the astonishing church growth that’s happening in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
- Denigration of the Bible and Sola Scriptura.
- Experience oriented theology and based in emotionalism.
- Steeped in mysticism.[9]
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Screenshot from Os Hillman/Lance Wallnau’s original website introducing the 7 mountains/spheres of Dominionism. |
hath put a lying spirit in the mouth
of all these thy prophets….”
(1 Kings 22:23a)
Fast Facts:
- Known as Positive Confession, Name-it-and-claim-it, Word of Faith or Word-Faith.
Fastest-growing segment of Christianity - Sometimes (but not always) linked with the New Age and with New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).
- The WOF movement grew out of the Pentecostal movement in the late 20th century.
- Its founder was E. W. Kenyon, who studied the metaphysical New Thought teachings of Phineas Quimby.
- Mind science (where “name it and claim it” originated) was combined with Pentecostalism, resulting in a peculiar mix of orthodox Christianity and mysticism.
- Kenneth Hagin, in turn, studied under E. W. Kenyon and made the Word of Faith movement what it is today.[15]
The ReAwakening docuseries details at least two prophecies connected to Clark’s current work. “It turned out—you can find it on YouTube—in 1963, Kenneth Hagin said there would be an atheistic, communist, Marxist and racially divisive spirit that would descend upon America—sound familiar?—and that the spark of the revival would start from Tulsa, Oklahoma,” Clark explains. This August, when he held his first “Health and Freedom” event, later renamed the ReAwaken America Tour, his team called civic centers and event centers, but the only facility willing to host the tour was Rhema Bible College, led by Hagin’s son, Kenneth W. Hagin.[18]
As the popularity of the tour grew and the demand for Clark to appear on various media outlets rose, someone sent him the Kim Clement prophecy from April 20, 2013, that seems to have a clear connection to his calling to reawaken America. It mentions a “man by the name of Mr. Clark,” and says in part, “You have been determined through your prayers to influence this nation. You’re watching me; you’re an influential person. The Spirit of God says, ‘Hear the word of the prophet to you as a king, I will open that door that you prayed about.'”[20]
apparent to Clement’s eerie Trump “prophecy” that ran rampant on social media before and after the last election.
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“Kim Clement Prophetic Word: Donald, Clark, American Flag, Election,” YouTube, Feb. 21, 2017 |
Clement is affiliated with the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and is heavily promoted on the NAR website, The ElijahList. His “Prophetic Words” are published there, along with those of other NAR notables: Chuck Pierce, Dutch Sheets, Rick Joyner, Bill Johnson, Francis Frangipane, Patricia King, Cindy Jacobs, Paul Keith Davis, Lance Wallnau, David Herzog, Johnny Enlow, James Goll, Bobby Conner, and many, many more.The notorious 7-Mountain Mandate leader Lance Wallnau, who spoke alongside Clement at the 2008 Prophetic Blast conference in Chicago, explains Clement’s mystical, prophetic abilities:I once asked a proven prophetic voice, a friend named Kim Clement, “how do you hear God when on the platform?” It was really quite amazing to watch.He said he listened till he separated the voice of the person’s own spirit-man, which could be pulling on him in a certain direction. Then he separated the devil’s voice trying to intimidate him. Then he separated his own voice and the way it was handling the pressure of the audience upon him. Whatever remained, was God.Tragically for Clement and his followers, he has just described an exercise in occult mysticism, not sound biblical practice. But this is Clement’s distinctive, mystical-music method of prophecy.[21]
forsake their own mercy.”
(Jonah 2:8)
According to his website, NAR leader Lance Wallnau claims that he “is the innovator who introduced the “Seven Mountains of Culture” as a fresh template to explain how the church must engage culture at the turn of the century.”[23] Whether or not this a true statement is a matter we have written about previously. What exactly is this teaching and why is it unbiblical?
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Os Hillman’s 2008 conference featuring Lance Wallnau where they launched the 7 mountains movement. Read HERE. |
Have you ever heard the story of where the seven mountains came from? It’s a funny story that involves a prophecy, a Senator, the Senator’s wife commanding him back into his body when he died, and a mysterious phone call.All it will take within each of the seven mountains is a small gathering of people exerting their spiritual authority to shift that entire sphere of influence.[25]
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Benny Hinn’s claims to a mantle and anointings (Source) |
Remarkably, even though Wagner was a mission leader who hobnobbed in the same circles as Cunningham and Bright, he states that he didn’t know about the experiences of these two men until Lance Wallnau… brought it to his attention. Wagner writes: “He [Wallnau] calls them the seven mountains. The warfare strategy is that ‘if the world is to be won, these are the mountains that mold the culture and the minds of men. Whoever controls these mountains controls the direction of the world and the harvest therein.’” (p. 114) [The Church in the Workplace (Regal, 2006), ed.]
The amazing quote within the quote above is attributed by Wagner to a “privately circulated paper” of Lance Wallnau’s entitles “A Prophetic, Biblical, and Personal Call to the Marketplace.” Apparently in this paper Wallnau spiritualizes the “high places” of these 7 spheres or mountains which supposedly have “principalities and powers that control” them.
We also asked in a post several days later, titled “Neo-Kuyperian Spheres,”
Did Loren Cunningham and Bill Bright just happen to have corresponding spiritual experiences where God told them a new way to make disciples of all nations, as described in the previous post? Did God really give them a vision of “categories of society” that were to be the church’s “seven spheres of influence”? Or, perhaps, were they exposed to the teachings of Abraham Kuyper? The latter is a more likely scenario since Kuyper is behind the modern concept of “spheres.” Bright may have been exposed to Kuyper’s teachings while a student at Princeton Theological Seminary, which now houses the Abraham Kuyper Center for Public Theology.
so that you ye be not partakers of her sins,
and that ye receive not of her plagues.
For her sins have reached unto heave,
and God hath remembered her iniquities.’”
(Revelation 18:4-5)
7. “Clairaudience”—VoicesAs clairvoyance involves seeing abnormal sights, clairaudience involves
hearing inaudible voices. Guiley offers the following definition:“Clairaudience is a phenomenon of mystical and trance experiences.
Oracles, shamans, priests, prophets, mystics, adepts, saints, and other
holy persons throughout history have been guided by clairaudient voices.
The voices have been perceived as those of angels, God, spirits of the
dead, spirit guides, and the formless Divine Force, the All That Is,
sometimes called ‘The Voice of the Eternal Silence’.”False prophets claimed to experience visions (i.e., “I had a dream, I
had a dream!”—Jeremiah 23:25) in which they received a counterfeit word
(i.e., “The Lord declares; Peace. Peace; You will have peace; Calamity
will not come upon you.”—Jeremiah 23:31; 8:11; 23:17). Claiming that
they heard a word from the Lord, these false prophets authorized their
message by prefacing it with the mantra, “The oracle of the Lord . . .
the oracle of the Lord . . . the oracle of the Lord” (Jeremiah
23:33-38). Hearers were then duped into believing that the Lord was
speaking through these prophets when He was not.(Does this have a
contemporary ring about it?)As the “positivity, possibility,
prosperity, and peace” message from the false seers spread, Samaria and
Jerusalem continued their downward spiral into decadence. With spiritual
chaos consuming the land (here a vision, there a vision, everywhere a
vision . . . vision), the Lord appointed Jeremiah to be His spokesman.
He told the prophet to tell the people—“I did not send these prophets, /
But they ran. I did not speak to them [clairaudience?], / But they
prophesied” (Jeremiah 23:21).Thus, concluded Koch: “Clairvoyance,
clairaudience and clairsentience all belong to the list of mediumistic
forces and subjections.” So to protect His Holy Name and verify to
the truth of His Word, God was forced to oppose the false message of the
false prophets and judge His people. (See Deuteronomy 18:19; Jeremiah
14:15-16.)War and calamity, not peace and security, were to come upon
the nation (Jeremiah 23:39-40; 25:8-11*).
Part 2: “Presence” Eschatology
Part 3: Bridal Eschatology
Part 4: The Perfectly Obedient Bride
Part 5: The 2nd Coming of the “Presence”
Part 6: The Battled Bride