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How to “Conquer the 7 Spheres”

Q: How can this and the next generation conquer the seven spheres? What can this generation do?

For this generation presently, it’s one of the most exciting generations. They’re about 26 and below. Some call them the “media” generation, or the “millennial” generation, or they call them “y” generation, but whatever, they are the most exciting group. . . . They’re also global in their thinking, and they don’t think of just their own nation. And because of this, and their connectivity because of the media through IT, through the various forms of the Internet and so on, they are really connected around the world. Now when they are sparked by God, and see that God has the answers through them, to change the nations, and find out, “hey, we can do it in the category God’s already given us a gifting and a calling to”. . . . And so, if they’re called into business, or called into education or called into missions and the church or whatever the category is, they can see God coming in and make a change, because we don’t have to use old paradigms, we can use the new. . . . There’s no limit now through the internet. . . . To give one-hundred percent to their mountain of achievement–the mountain they’re claming [sic] for God, and their sphere that they’re going to fill with the glory of God, . . . He can shine into every one of the spheres onto every mountain that needs to be climbed and brought into the kingdom of God.
So we have the challenge for this generation that just fits perfectly and I think it’s like dry kindling ready to be set afire, and it’s going be spread about like a wildfire in a hurry and across the nations and across the internet in every form, texting and you name it, blogging and on youtube and a lot of other tubes that are coming out, like God-tube, and there’s Yahweh, and there’s others that are coming out to give their testimony of what God is doing and then through that, beginning to effect their sphere of life.

“Theology of Reclaiming 7 Mountains,” Os Hillman’s interview with Loren Cunningham, 11/19/07 [emphasis added].

While attention is focused on Robert Schuller’s Rethink Conference this weekend, next weekend’s Reclaiming the 7 Mountains Conference scheduled in Atlanta, Georgia, puts wheels on the global agenda to “reclaim the 7 mountains of culture.” And they are even launching a new theology along with it, which requires evangelicals to “rethink.” It is a big deal. As of yesterday, an e-mail promoting this live-webcast conference proclaims that “Next week, we are expecting nearly 500 from 30 states and 21 nations!”

If the term “spheres” wasn’t in your evangelical lexicon before, it will be from now on. The Reclaiming 7 Mountains Conference is set to make “spheres” a household word. From henceforth you will be prepped and prodded to discard your previous theologies. That is what “rethink” means.

Previously on this blog we have discussed how the original Schuller Rethink Conference used the “spheres” terminology. This was no accident, but we noted it was pulled and the website was changed. Perhaps this was because “spheres” has everything to do with governments, global institutions, international agendas, transforming culture, and building some sort of a literal/physical “kingdom” on earth. No wonder Schuller invited such a big line-up of major movers and shakers. Using prestigious “speakers at the top of their spheres of influence” is a psycho-social marketing strategy that is supposed to influence you to change how you think about the world, your faith, and the future. As you can see from the quotation at the top of the page, viral marketing (Pyro-Marketing?) is supposed to kindle the flames for this global movement.

This quotation originated from an interview done by marketplace transformationapostleOs Hillman with Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With a Mission (YWAM), who claims to have had a vision of 7 “spheres” of society conjointly with Bill Bright of Campus Crusade. In a previous post we challenged the credibility of this story, believing it to be revisionist history. One area of marketing emphasis is clearly youth. Another focus is the workplace.

Make no mistake about it. The agenda described here is to transform nations, however that comes to be defined. In this interview with Os Hillman, Loren Cunningham described this process in “rethinking” terms, saying that people need to “shift” their “world-view.” Note the Dominionist theology inherent in this new worldview:

“Nations” is not individual, that’s corporate. And that’s where we have to see the seven spheres or the seven mountains, and see them as a corporate change of even the worldview that they are presently having to shift them into a world-view that will allow the nations to receive all that God has for them in salvation and in all the other blessings beyond salvation, and especially in discipling them to disciple the nations. And He said, “baptizing them, in the name of the son, of the father, and the Holy Ghost.” How do you baptise a whole nation? They have to die to the world-view they’re in. If it’s a Buddhist world-view, or a Hindu world-view, and be resurrected to the world-view of the Biblical, and that which is of Jesus’ world-view. . . . so that we can multiply the kingdom of God in every sphere of life. [emphases added]

How does one baptize a whole nation? And how can an entire nation can have their worldview shifted? Can it be by the simple powers of persuasion? As we’ve already seen in America, the psycho-social tools of manipulation are indeed effective at shifting people’s theologies. But what other “tools” will be used to “shift them into a worldview. . . to “receive all that God has for them. . . .”? And how has “discipling” come to be re-defined?

Answers to these questions may be found at the Transform World website, which published a 2-part article entitled “What Is A Transformed Nation?” in October and November of 2007, in which it is stated at the outset that “God’s agenda is to restore every nation to Himself through Christ.” Transform World is a premier “catalyst” for Dominionism by networking mission agencies and groups for the purposes of “transformation” that becomes “a unifying vision for the church’s mission in the twenty-first century.” As you read the excerpts below, ask yourself HOW these goals could possibly be achieved. (Warning: your answers could be quite unsettling.)

  • a nation transformed is seen when a nation is built on the principles of God’s Word and infused by God’s presence. For a nation to be great it needs the Spirit of God and the law of God.
  • a nation transformed is visible when, “a nation where both the people and institutions have been overrun by the Kingdom of God,” George Otis, Jr., Sentinel Group.
  • The Kingdom to which the Bible testifies involves a proclamation and a realization of a total salvation, on which covers the whole range of human needs and destroys every pocket of evil and grief affecting humankind. . . . The Kingdom of God is that new order of affairs begun in Christ which, when finally completed by Him, will involve a proper restoration not only of human’s relationship to God but also of those between sexes, generations, races, and even between [humans] and nature….
  • a nation transformed is revealed through behavioral changes, as a result of understanding and committing to a biblical worldview.
  • a nation transformed comes to the forefront when the people of a nation apply the principles of the Bible in all spheres of society. [emphases added]

In Part 2 of the same article, you will read a series of utopian statements about what a “Transformed Nation” will look like once it has been “transformed and always transforming,” which is defined as a “process.” In our previous blog post, we noted where Dominionism has now been defined as an evolutionary “process.” The utopian nature of this “transformation” includes reversing the effects of the Fall, a doctrinal theme that is prevalent throughout Dominionism. “A transformed nation” is described, in part, as:

  • Where Satan and his angels have been bound and disempowered.
  • Where the Lord Jesus is exalted, and lifted up, and where every knee bows and every tongue confesses his Lordship.
  • Where the curse upon the land issued at the fall of man has been lifted.
  • Where the land has been healed and plants and the trees yield their fruit in season (Ps. 104).[emphasis added]

But, there is far more to this “transformation” than deviant theology. This plan is also Orwellian. Imagine how the following indicators of a “transformed nation” in this utopian list below could be fulfilled. How would you measure these? How would they be assessed? By what criteria? By whose standards? What happens to those nations that do not perform up to par? Who will enforce the “laws” of this “kingdom”?

  • Where children are healthy and free from dangerous illness.
  • Where every child born lives expecting to die only at the end of a long, fruitful and useful life.
  • Where mothers live through safe pregnancies and deliver their babies without complications.
  • Where children are brought up in loving caring families and nurtured and taught the ‘way they must go’ as they grow.
  • Where wages are fair and just.
  • Where the council of elders in each village and community is able to resolve all disputes justly at their own level.
  • Where those in authority are concerned and care for the welfare of those in their charge and are continuously planning for their betterment. [link added]

These indicators of transformation resemble the “Mental Health, Education and Social Control” ideas of the international globalists, as referenced by Dr. Dennis Cuddy in his NewsWithViews article series (and books) on this topic — a fact which raises many more questions about the nature of this global transformation/Reformation/new order.

The Truth:

It isn’t time to RE-think! It is time to think — with sanity, with wisdom!

One might pause for a quiet reflection on the nonsensical nature of all of this. Consider God’s sovereignty, and Who Jesus is according to Scripture. Why would Jesus Christ, Son of God, who died on the cross and rose again that we might be saved, NEED all of these psycho-social, man-mechanized, mountain/sphere transformation contrivances?

“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him.”
(James 1:5)