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Herescope Is Back!

What happened to us? The Herescope blog was set up on the Google Blogger platform in 2005 and over the years we have published over a thousand posts. Google has changed, and not for the better. In July of 2023, we discovered that an old 2010 article by the late Pastor Larry DeBruyn was “unpublished” by Google, meaning it was returned to draft form. The reason for this removal was that it “violates community standards” – a mumbo-jumbo document that was so vague that anything could be unpublished by Google for any reason whatsoever. Welcome to the era of Big Censor. What was this article? A rather benign introduction to quantum physics & spirituality by Pastor Larry DeBruyn. Quantum Physics and the New Spirituality: FROM COSMOS, TO CHAOS, TO CONSCIOUSNESS: Part 1.”

This move is a disturbing sign of the times. During the pandemic, and in the aftermath of 2020, there were massive crackdowns on First Amendment freedoms. We had begun to write about it, and published 6 parts in a series titled “Fake Prophets.” We hit a wall. There were articles in the hopper waiting to be completed, but we knew if we published on the topics we were researching, we were likely to experience the heavy hand of censorship. As we prayed about these things, we could feel the restraining Hand of the Lord. Time went by and we took a badly needed sabbatical from writing.

God’s timing was perfect. Within hours of discovering that Pastor Larry’s article had been unpublished we were made aware of a website developer who could extract the blog off of the Google blogger platform and relocate it to a safer location. As we discussed this opportunity, we realized that we have a much larger archive of our writings and published works, including the magazine we published in the 1990s, The Christian Conscience. When we asked for a quote for building out a larger site it was at first cost prohibitive. But again within hours the Lord provided the funds. When the Lord moves, sometimes He does so quickly! So we began to work with the developer to plan out this website. It is an exciting venture!

Over the years we have been blessed to work with many excellent researchers and writers. Quite a few of them gave us permission to publish their works before they passed on to glory. We are looking forward to publishing their research reports, some of which has not been publicly available since the 1990s. Others have published works already archived online and we will be providing links to their books and reports. A special thanks to Sandy Simpson at Deception in the Church who has graciously hosted some of these writings at his website the past few years when we were unable to do so.

In addition to the Herescope blog, on this new website we have begun putting up BOOKS that we have published, or that we have permission to post. We will also be linking to important books and research materials on a RESEARCH RESOURCES page. We plan to start scanning in The Christian Conscience magazine issues. And we hope to publish a great deal of writings and research that has historical significance. In a day when truth is being repressed, these old materials and research resources gain new significance as a reliable record of authentic events.