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Seven Mountains


“In the mid 90s the idea of societal transformation and social entrepreneurship began to emerge when Bob Buford, author of Halftime began to voice the need for social impact through one’s workplace call. Other groups like Pinnacle Forum, a ministry to key influencers and our own ministry, Marketplace Leaders and International Coalition of Workplace Ministries (ICWM) was birthed.

“As we entered the new millennium Christian
leaders like Billy Graham, Ed Silvoso, Henry Blackaby, and Peter Wagner became powerful voices to validate God’s move in the workplace….

“Today, a new trend is emerging in the
faith at work movement…. the idea that the culture is shaped by seven mind-molders, or mountains, in society. They include business, government, media, arts and entertainment, family, religion and education. If we, as workplace believers, can influence each of these areas for Christ, we will win the culture of our nation.

“Reclaiming the 7 Mountains of Culture,” Os Hillman[1]

This blog has recently been the focus of controversy[2] for publishing a series of articles about a May Day event at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. in which prayers invoking the Seven Mountains were recited.[3] Our articles expressed concern that this radical mandate for Dominionism, and the leaders of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) which birthed it, were becoming part of the political Right and evangelical mainstream.

We are now convinced that the 7 Mountains theme is about to go viral. The 7 mountains mandate is already becoming a unifying rally point among evangelicals from many diverse theological camps and from some very unexpected quarters. The May Day event served as a launching platform to give credibility to this agenda and to exalt key New Apostolic Reformation leaders promoting Dominionism. In the crisis to “restore America,” Christian Right leaders have already shown that they aren’t too finicky about theology, nor picky about their political bedfellows.

How far can this go? Is the 7 Mountains strategy about to become a political slogan for the Christian Right? The list of partners who have already aligned themselves with this agenda is far-reaching. Below is but a brief list, just barely scratching the surface, of who’s who associated with the 7 mountains theology and its mandate to take dominion over the “spheres” (“mountains”) of the culture, the country, and the world. Follow the footnotes to see the extensive lists of bedfellows:

  • C. Peter Wagner, Let’s Take Dominion Now!”[4]
  • Restore America Conference 2008[5]
  • Os Hillman, Reclaim 7 Mountains Conferences 2008 and 2009[6]
  • Dr. Bruce Cook: The Kingdom Keys[7]
  • Pinnacle Forum[8]
  • Lance Wallnau[9]

On June 16, 2010 Cindy Jacobs, head prophetess of the New Apostolic Reformation, issued a political statement, an “Urgent Call to Prayer Concerning California’s Proposition 8 and Defense Of Marriage Act.” Written on the letterhead of her “United States Reformation Prayer Network” it has all of the hallmarks of a political action alert. This is a major first for the woman who has been associated with all sorts of strange doctrines and wacky practices.[10] By taking a political position on these high-profile issues Jacobs is obviously attempting to enter the Christian Right mainstream as an ally. Just this week she and fellow “apostle” Chuck Pierce have actually spoken out about the Gulf Oil Spill.[11]

This is an increasingly common tactic of the NAR – taking a politically popular Christian Right position and then using it as a basis upon which to gain greater credibility and garner access to the evangelical mainstream. It also gives them a chance to broaden their base of operations, spreading the word about the 7 mountains of culture and the agenda to mold minds, shape institutions, and take over governments.

Latter Rain “Kansas City Prophet” Rick Joyner set up his Oak Initiative, which this Spring was issuing political alerts and taking actions on a prolife bill in the Georgia legislature. An April 20, 2010 alert from the Oak Initiative titled “IMPORTANT GEORGIA PRO-LIFE BILL STUCK IN COMMITTEE” began in classic alert fashion:

As members and friends of The Oak Initiative, we want to make you aware of an urgent call to action in the U.S. State of Georgia as well as interventional prayer for the Body of Christ world-wide. This standard could be raised in every state and country and have great impact on Roe-v-Wade.

Please read the following letter from Dean Nelson, Executive Director, Network of Politically Active Christians. We ask that you respond in any manner you are able – be it prayer, phone calls, and forwarding to your friends for the same.[12]

Justice at the Gate, a lesser known group, opposes abortion and human trafficking – wonderful ideals. But it is also headed by Alice Patterson, an “apostle” listed under C. Peter Wagner’s International Coalition of Apostles which supports the 7 mountain agenda. Just today this group issued an alert calling for its “praying friends” to support Texas Governor Perry’s “Proclamation” for a “Day of Prayer” for the Gulf Coast oil spill. Note: Prayer is the foot in the door, a strategic maneuver to rally everyone around a cause (who can be against prayer?). This formula inevitably leads to indoctrination in the Seven Mountain mandate.

A book could be written about Lou Engle of TheCall, and his extensive outreach into the politics of the Christian Right. He is directly tied to the Mountain Mandate movement in many ways. We wrote of his disturbing “God’s Dream” Nazarite-youth Washington Mall event in 2008:

God’s Dream is the theme of an upcoming pseudo-patriotic event scheduled in Washington, D.C. on the Mall sponsored by TheCall, an organization linked to Mike Bickle, Lou Engle and many other New Apostolic Reformation leaders, including many of the old “Kansas City Prophets.” But this is no fringe operation. TheCall… is interconnected with many mainstream evangelical organizations, including Campus Crusade for Christ.[14]

More recently Lou Engle has been the subject of a controversy concerning the Ugandan death penalty for homosexuals issue – a disconcerting fact which sheds light on the international goals and radical theonomic nature of Seven Mountain Mandate.[15]

Is the Seven Mountains Mandate currently being rehearsed for political prime time? The wheels have been greased and the list of interconnections of organizations and personnel could go on and on. There appears to be no stopping it. The New Apostolic Reformation leaders are now being welcomed into the mainstream evangelical world, with all of the credibility and esteem that goes with that sacred cow status. It now appears perfectly acceptable to stand on the same podium with the Todd Bentleys and share political platforms with those who openly proclaim a grandiose vision to gain control over the seven power centers of the culture.

The Truth:

“Not only does the Kingdom of God have a different King to the kingdoms of the world, but it has different citizens, has a different future and it operates by different principles. One of the principles that makes God’s Kingdom radically different to that of the world is the lust for power as opposed to the willingness to serve.

“Jesus said: ‘Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.’ (Matthew 20:25-28).”[16]

1. Os Hillman, “Reclaiming the 7 Mountains of Culture: The Next Focus of the Faith at Work Movement,” Marketplace Leaders Year In Review, December 2007, p. 3. http://60892.netministry.com/images/07YearInReviewSinglePages.pdf. Note that Bob Buford of Leadership Network is cited in this context. LN birthed the Emergent Church movement, and was interconnected with Peter Drucker the business guru, who facilitated the megachurch and purpose-driven movements.
2. An unanticipated consequence of our article series was that Janet (Folger) Porter was dismissed from her high-profile job as a radio talk show host. She lashed back in a WorldNetDaily article on June 8th http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=163597, calling us “cultural Nazis” who are “like the Christians who ‘sang a little louder’ from their hymnals so not to hear the screams from the trains headed for the concentration camps.” VCY America responded here: http://www.crosstalkblog.com/2010/06/crosstalk-the-gospel-is-more-important-than-america-a-response-to-janet-porter/ and a transcript of a radio interview is posted here: http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/?p=4590 Ironically, we were defended here: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/print/5442
3. See our three posts: https://herescope.net/2010/04/coalescing-of-christian-right-with.html, https://herescope.net/2010/04/r-revival-and-revolt.html and https://herescope.net/2010/04/may-day-prayers.html
4. C. Peter Wagner, head of the New Apostolic Reformation, helped to launch the entire Seven Mountain movement. See the report posted here: http://www.letusreason.org/Latrain33.htm and here: http://www.letusreason.org/Latrain34.htm
5. The promo stated: “The 3rd Annual Restore America Conference will address more than 2000 registrants and will focus around the Seven Spheres of Influence that shape and manage our communities and our nation’s culture.” See the Herescope post for details: https://herescope.net/2008/01/seven-spheres-of-influence.html A list of mainstream speakers who seemingly had no problem being identified with this 7 mountain agenda included: David Gibbs III, David Crowe, Marshall Foster, Jonathan & Deborah Flora, David Kupelian, Dennis Marcellino, Charlene Cothran, Kamal Saleem and Star Parker. See http://www.restoreamerica.org/pdf/cdorderform.pdf
See footnote 1. Os Hillman helped to launch the 7 mountain mandate, and he received startup funding from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. His story is told here: http://www.icwm.net/apps/articles/default.asp?articleid=301&columnid=. Be sure to check out the list of speakers at the 2008 conference: http://www.faithandworkresources.com/apps/store/default.asp?view=profile&itemid=17690. The 2009 Reclaim 7 Mountains Conference “Breakouts” speakers included Os Hillman, Doug Spada, Lance Wallnau, Bradley Stuart, Fred Hartley, Bryan Hickox, Paul Hegstrom, Johnny Enlow, Julius Oyet, Tom Stansbury, Marc Fey (Focus on the Family), Laura Kent, Paul Cuny, See Lok Ting, Debbie Farah and others: http://www.reclaim7mountains.com/pages.asp?pageid=74130 See the line-up of mainstream organizations networking together, cited in this Christianity Today article: http://www.christianitytoday.com/workplace/articles/issue9-faithatwork.html
7. Bruce Cook is a member of C. Peter Wagner’s International Coalition of Apostles, www.psa91.com/resource/ica.pdf. See http://www.thekingdomkeys.com/welcome/meet-bruce-cook/ and notice the mountain references at the bottom of the page. Then notice that the General Session speakers for 2010 included: “Os Hillman, Tamara Lowe, Michael Pink, Rick Joyner, Cindy Jacobs, Dr. Lance Wallnau, Dr. Pat Francis, Dr. Francis Myles, Dr. Peter Wagner, Dr. David MacDonald, Kenn Renner, Carolita Oliveros, Al Caperna, David van Koevering, John Muratori, Ken Beaudry, Morris Ruddick, Kyle Newton, Shawn Bolz, Robert Ricciardelli, Chuck Vollmer, Teri Werner, Paul Cuny, Peter Roselle, John L. Sorenson Jr., Mike Rovner, Greg Dalessandri, Nick Castellano, Dr. Marlene McMillan, Larry Cantrell, Jim Barthel, and Dr. Bruce Cook” http://www.24-7pressrelease.com/press-release/business-leaders-lance-wallnau-rick-joyner-kenn-renner-tamara-lowe-os-hillman-and-pat-francis-address-kingdom-economic-summit-137745.php and http://www.christianbusinessdaily.com/tag/dr-peter-wagner This organization’s logo is seven keys rather than seven mountains. See this website: http://www.kingdomeconomicsummit.com/
8. Pinnacle Forum is made up of a huge number of credible, mainstream evangelical leaders, and its logo is a mountain. See these webpages that illustrate how deeply it is into the “transformation” of the 7 “spheres” or “mountains” movement: “Pinnacle Forum’s Spiral of Influence,” http://www.pinnacleforum.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=268&Itemid=157 and Pinnacle Forum’s Four ‘E’ Strategy, http://www.pinnacleforum.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=257&Itemid=155 While this organization appears to be a promulgator of “Dominionism Lite,” you can see a “National Conference 2009 Recap” photo of Lance Wallnau, keynote speaker talking about the 7 mountains of culture here: http://www.pinnacleforum.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=201&Itemid=176. Those mainstream evangelicals who were keynote speakers at the 2008 conference included Lance Wallnau along with Anne Graham Lotz and Alan Sears, and other speakers included Mike Regan, Michael Berens, Ron Blue, Jonathan Crane, Maj Gen Bob Dees, Christian Overman, and Lloyd Reeb: http://www.pinnacleforum.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=168&Itemid=177
Lance Wallnau is scheduled to be a speaker again at this year’s Pinnacle Forum National Conference in Scottsdale, AZ:
9. See footnote 8, and see this compilation of website links on Wallnau posted here: http://www.the7mountains.com/tag/lance-wallnau/ To see how far-reaching Wallnau’s credibility extends into the broader evangelical world, see for example the lineup at the 2009 Conference Report Reclaiming 7 Mts of Culture http://www.reclaim7mountains.com/pages.asp?pageid=82164 :
10. Cindy Jacobs is the frequent subject of youtube videos, for example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAW_sl0MRDc&feature=related and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4d12HJN_m3s&feature=player_embedded. Note this article and video clip with Jim Garlow at Cindy Jacob’s Convergence 2010 conference here http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/garlow-reveals-exact-moment-god-decided-pass-prop-8 which shows the broader connection between Christian Right mainstream and these false apostles and prophets. See also: http://www.god.tv/video/play?video=1348
11. See http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/generals-international-israel-oil-spill-and-demonic-vortexes and follow the links.
12. See http://www.theoakinitiative.org. Board members are listed as: Marc Nuttle, Rick Joyner, Samuel Rodriquiz, Lt Gen Jerry Boykin, Larry Jackson, Cindy Jacobs, Nicholas Papanicolaou, Lou Sheldon, Bob Weiner, Ardell Daniels, Janet Porter, Lance Wallnau, Negiel Bigpond, and Thomas Hall – http://www.theoakinitiative.org/content/board-members See the alert posted here: http://www.theoakinitiative.org/content/georgia-sb-529. And just to put this all into perspective, Rick Joyner’s MorningStar Ministries is having “The Great Awakening Conference” next week, featuring the disgraced Lakeland Revival’s Todd Bentley http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word_pf.html?ID=8882
13. See the statement posted on the home page, http://www.justiceatthegate.org/. She is listed as an apostle here: http://www.psa91.com/resource/ica.pdf
14. See “God’s Dream? A Kingdom Building Dream,” https://herescope.net/2008/07/gods-dream.html. The Cause USA website promotes “Our Mountain Mandate” https://thecauseusa.com/mountainmandate.php. To see Lou Engle’s list of recent mainstream political right associates, see, for example, these webpages: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/frcs-lou-engle-less-call and http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/religious-right-leaders-bash-obama-abortion-rights-non-political”-event
15. See these articles: http://wthrockmorton.com/2010/06/14/david-bahati-lou-engle-expressed-support-for-ugandas-anti-homosexuality-bill-guest-post-by-jeff-sharlet/ and http://www.religiondispatches.org/dispatches/sarahposner/2836/engle_supports_”principled_stand”_of_ugandan_anti-gay_bill_promoters and http://www.religiondispatches.org/dispatches/sarahposner/2816/lou_engle_attempts_to_backpedal_on_uganda_anti-gay_bill/ Interestingly, Bishop Oyet was a speaker at the key conference launching the 7 Mountain Mandate, http://www.reclaim7mountains.com/pages.asp?pageid=74130 and http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/focus-rep-attended-2009-7-mountains-conference-ugandas-oyet
16. Quoted from “The Two Kingdoms: Part 3” by Pastor Anton Bosch.