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By Gaylene Goodroad*


Are we in possession of messages of extraterrestrial origin?
If so, what do they mean?
What do these messages from the edge of eternity portend for the future?
What has the science of cryptology revealed about these ancient texts? Is our universe itself a “digital message”?
Do these messages explain the interval between the miracle of our origin and the mystery of our destiny?

Read the implications of our finite universe and the shocking discoveries of quantum physics at the very boundaries of reality and learn their significance to our origin and personal destinies! 

(Koinonia House advertisement for Cosmic Codes) 

Chuck Missler’s Cosmic
Codes: Hidden Messages from the Edge of Eternity
is a 535-page textbook for the Koinonia Institute
Bible Course, BTE 620: Introduction to Biblical Cryptology.
[i] Here is a description from the KI [Koinonia Institute] Handbook
This course includes an introduction to
cryptography (the study of secret writing), with a survey of codes and ciphers:
transpositions and monoalphabetic, polyalphabetic, and polygraphic
It explores the surprising use of encryptions in the Biblical
text, including—but not limited to—the controversial
equidistant-letter-sequences which have been so fancifully promoted. 
(“jots and tittles”), Macrocodes (strategic anticipatory structures)
and Metacodes (beyond the boundaries of physical reality) are explored. 

Paracryptology and extraterrestrial communication investigations are also

Did you understand this quote? In order to interpret it one must use interchangeable language pulled from
New Age physics** where “microcosm” becomes “microcode,”
“macrocosm” becomes “macrocode,” and
“metacosm” becomes “metacode.” These, and other terms linked to mystical, occultic, and arcane ideas, are vigorously used and taught in Cosmic Codes. This includes numerous highly unusual and extra biblical words that read like codes themselves
—terms such as cryptography, cryptanalysis, cryptology,
encipher, encode, ciphertext, cryptogram, decipher, decode, acrostic, and

Chuck Missler
defines these secret code practices:

Some [codes],
we discover are hidden behind, or underneath, our day-to-day
traffic of ideas. The ones which are hidden usually reveal an ulterior
intent or purpose…. From the ancient palaces of our earliest cultures to the super-secret
“black chambers”
of our most modern command posts, the art of secret
writing—and the science of their decipherment
—have determined the course of
history. Cryptology—the study of
secret codes and ciphers
—has also been stimulated by its use in literature.
[iii] [bold added,
italics in original]

De-Coding the Bible

It is significant that the
word “occult” means “hidden” or
[iv] The idea that the LORD God
would imbed secret knowledge in His Word—requiring believers to “decrypt” it
by using worldly techniques—soars to the heights of blasphemy. “Cryptological Bible study” is totally
foreign to the Bible’s plain teachings and precepts. 

In fact, in both the Old and
New Testaments, the Lord God Himself teaches the exact opposite (Isa. 45:16, 19; Jn.
Contradicting the idea of God
communicating in “cosmic codes” is the fact that Lord Jesus Christ, The Word, (though on occasion He spoke
in parables), spoke openly and not in
hidden, encrypted language (Jn. 1:1; 18:20). 

Note that the LORD is
speaking here:

  •  Isa 45:19 “I have not
    spoken in
    secret, In some dark land; I did not say to the
    offspring of Jacob, ‘Seek Me in a waste place’; I, the LORD, speak
    righteousness, Declaring things that are upright.”
  • Isa 48:16 “Come near to
    Me, listen to this: From the first I have not spoken in
    secret, From the time it
    took place, I was there. And now the Lord GOD 
    has sent Me, and His Spirit.”
Plainly, the Lord declared twice that He has NOT spoken “in secret.” He is the One who spoke creation into existence; He is the Word (Gen. 1:3-31; John 1:1).

Here is how Gesenius’ Hebrew Lexicon defines
the word “secret” (Heb. cether) in
the verses above from Isaiah: “a hiding;
hence something secret, clandestine, hidden,
Jud. 3:10… ‘some secret
thing;’ 1 Sam. 25:20… ‘the covert of the mountain….’”

According to the text’s plain meaning, God declares
that He does not speak in secret,
clandestine, or hidden language. Jesus Christ reiterates this declaration
in John 18:20:
  • Jn 18:20 Jesus answered him,
    “I have spoken openly to the
    world; I always taught in synagogues and in the temple, where all the Jews come
    together; and I spoke nothing in
According to Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, the word “secret” in
John 18 comes from the Greek word, kryptos
(from which we derive the English word cryptic,
[viii] Thayer’s further defines:

...hidden, concealed, secret: Mt. x. 26;
Mk. iv. 22; Lk. viii. 17; xii. 2 . . . in secret, Mt. vi. 4, 6, 18 Rec.;…
privately, in secret, Jn. vii. 4, 10; xviii. 20… [the hidden things of darkness i.e.] things covered by darkness, 1
Co. iv. 5;… the things which men conceal, Ro. ii. 16;… his secret
thoughts, feelings, desires, 1 Co. iv. 2;…. into a secret place…

In direct contradiction to Missler’s thesis about hidden
“cosmic codes,” the Lord Jesus Christ proclaims that He not only spoke openly (publicly), but never in secret, hidden, or encrypted language.

Scripture, whenever a “mystery” (secret) was presented, it was the Lord God who “revealed” it. The word “mystery”
(“secret,” Aramaic raz)
[x] occurs 6 times in the Old Testament (all in the Book
of Daniel)
[xi]; and 19 times in the New Testament (“secret,” Gr. musterion).[xii] Note Daniel the prophet’s declaration:

  •  Dan 2:27 Daniel answered
    before the king and said, ‘As for the mystery
    about which the king has inquired, neither wise men, conjurers, magicians
    nor diviners are able
    to declare
    it to the king’.”
  • Dan 2:28 “However, there
    is a God in heaven who reveals
    mysteries, and He has made known to King
    Nebuchadnezzar what will take place in the latter days. This was your dream and
    the visions in your mind
    while on your bed.”
    [xiii] [Emphasis added]
“wise men,” “conjurers,” “magicians,” and “diviners” could not reveal the
mystery, because only the “God in heaven” reveals them.

the beginning words of the last book of the Bible:
  • Rev 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ,
    which God gave Him to show to His bond-servants, the things which must soon
    take place; and He sent and communicated it by His angel to His bond-servant
“Revelation” “lays bare” the mystery. It is a
, or an unveiling of the
Lord Jesus Christ (Gr. apokalypsis).
[xv] The “revelation” was initiated by God the Father, then given to Christ—the one and only
mediator between God and man (1 Tim. 2:5).

that the Lord God wanted us to know, He recorded plainly in His book—which is
to be read and pondered, not manipulated by those claiming to possess secret
knowledge. Lest we become like the wise
men, conjurers, magicians or diviners
, we should leave alone any hidden
mysteries until the God who knows them reveals them (Dan. 2:27-28; Rev. 1:1).

From Secret Codes to Extraterrestrial Communications

the Preface to Cosmic Codes one can find occult methodologies—and the tenets of New
Age physics. Chuck Missler writes:

The interception and breaking of secret codes have tumbled proud
thrones and determined the outcome of major wars since the dawn of history. The
decipherment of hidden messages has turned the tide of history on more
occasions that one can enumerate…. 

Dedicated scientists continue to scan the heavens in their
search for signals from distant galaxies. Committed teams of microbiologists
and computer specialists continue their efforts to further decipher the genetic
in our DNA. And now we discover
that all this time there apparently have been hidden codes in the most widely
distributed document on the Planet Earth—the Bible.

Is there a connection between all of these? Is there a
relationship between the “Bible Codes” and the digital error-correcting codes
hidden in our DNA
? Is there a
relationship between these digital codes and the discoveries of quantum physics
at the very boundaries of reality itself?

We will begin our review by exploring some background in the art of cryptology, the study of secret writing and some of the efforts which have been devoted to the pursuit of extraterrestrial communicationthe attempts to discern signals from outside of our space-time….

What characteristics would an extraterrestrial communication require? How would we recognize an extraterrestrial message if we encountered one?…

We will also explore some of the deeply disturbing insights of quantum physics which are confronting our very concepts of reality

It will however, be of paramount importance to first ‘blindfold your prejudices’ and presuppositions.[xvi] [Bold emphases added]

Beginning with a study of cryptology next opens the door to the “pursuit of extraterrestrial communication” and “attempts to discern signals from outside of our space-time”? How does a respected evangelical leader move so far away from the plain truth of Scripture? By blindfolding “prejudices” and biblical “presuppositions”?

The classical approach to studying the Bible emphasizes the Holy Spirit’s
role in biblical illumination and requires the use of proper biblical hermeneutics and
. However, to
bolster his quantum spirituality teachings, Missler de-emphasizes
the “classic approach,” calling it “myopic”. He writes:

(Many commentators tend to be like Humpty Dumpty in Lewis
Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass,
who maintained that, “When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to
mean—neither more nor less.”644)  The classical approach to conservative
Biblical hermeneutics usually emphasizes the following…. These emphases yield
good intellectual hygiene. They are the pillars upon which traditional
doctrines are rigorously anchored. It is
the unwavering enslavement to the grip of context,
however, that can seem myopic at times
[xvii] [italics in original, bold added]

Important questions must be asked—not only about the promotion of quantum spirituality, but also regarding the methodologies being used to justify it. Can these so-called hidden “cosmic codes” only be discovered and decrypted when
the Scripture is released from the “myopic” and “unwavering enslavement to the
grip of context

Is this the ultimate purpose of quantum spiritualitywhich is the mixture of quantum physics with New Age spiritualityto
go beyond what is written in Scripture and “to boldly go where no man
has gone before”?

As one critic of the Bible code idea has insightfully observed:

Christians, quite frankly, have trouble enough obeying the plain and obvious things that we do understand from Scripture without making up other things…. Looking for secret codes is one big detour and diversion…. Ignoring the clear and plain message of the Bible takes us down a detour of speculation and away from the practical pursuit of obedience and growth. The speculative chasing of “Bible codes” is not something found in historic orthodox Christianity…. 

The pursuit of a Bible code is not about gain in any sense but about incredible loss. There is the loss of the Bible, the loss of the true knowledge of God and the Savior of mankind. It is about the loss of Bible doctrines regarding salvation and sanctification. Losing these we fail to search the Scriptures as we should (Psalm 1) and lose the information on how to find Christ and mature in Him (2 Timothy 3:14-17).[xvix] 

The Truth:
The secret things belong unto the LORD our God:
but those things which are revealed
belong unto us and to our children for ever,
that we may do all the words of this law.

(Deuteronomy 29:29)

Stay tuned for Part 3 in this multi-part series . . . .

 [i] Dr. Chuck Missler, Cosmic Codes: Hidden Messages from the Edge
of Eternity
, Koinonia House, Coeur d’Alene, ID, 1999, Revised 2004. Note:
Missler received his Ph.D. in 1999 from the online Louisiana Baptist University
(LBU); Koinonia Institute Handbook, pg. 68; 
http://www.studycenter.com/downloads/KI_Handbook.pdf; KI and LBU are partnership
http://www.khouse.org/articles/2004/534/; See also:
http://www.studycenter.com/downloads/ki_info_kit.pdf. Also see:

http://cosmiccodes.com/definitions.html, http://cosmiccodes.com/toc.html and


Koinonia Institute Handbook, pp.
Ibid, Cosmic Codes, pg. 5. Also see http://cosmiccodes.com/chapter1-pt1.html
The Free Dictionary online; http://www.thefreedictionary.com/occult.
Blue Letter Bible. “Dictionary and Word Search
for ‘”secret”‘ in
the NASB”. Blue Letter Bible. 1996-2012. 14 Feb 2012.
< http://
Blue Letter Bible. “Dictionary and Word Search
for cether (Strong’s 5643)“. Blue Letter Bible. 1996-2012. 14 Feb
< http://
Blue Letter Bible. “Dictionary and Word Search
for ‘”secret”‘ in
the NASB”. Blue Letter Bible. 1996-2012. 14 Feb 2012.
< http://
Ibid, The Free Dictionary online.
Blue Letter Bible. “Dictionary and Word Search
for kryptos (Strong’s 2927)“. Blue Letter Bible. 1996-2012. 14 Feb
< http:// www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?
NOTE: It is both ironic and unfortunate that Chuck Missler is a contributing
partner to the online Blue Letter Bible;
Blue Letter Bible. “Dictionary and Word Search
for raz (Aramaic) (Strong’s 7328)“. Blue Letter Bible. 1996-2012.
15 Feb 2012.
< http://
Blue Letter Bible. “Dictionary and Word Search
for ‘”mystery”‘ in
the NASB”. Blue Letter Bible. 1996-2012. 15 Feb 2012.
< http://
Blue Letter Bible. “Dictionary and Word Search
for mystērion (Strong’s 3466)“. Blue Letter Bible. 1996-2012. 15
Feb 2012.
< http://
Blue Letter Bible. “The Major Prophet Daniel 2 –
(NASB – New American Standard Bible).” Blue Letter Bible. 1996-2012. 15
Feb 2012.
< http://www.blueletterbible.org/Bible.cfm?b=Dan&c=2&t=NASB
Blue Letter Bible. “Dictionary and Word Search
for ‘”revelation”‘
in the NASB”. Blue Letter Bible. 1996-2012. 15 Feb 2012.
< http://
Blue Letter Bible. “Dictionary and Word Search
for apokalypsis (Strong’s 602)“. Blue Letter Bible. 1996-2012. 15
Feb 2012.
< http://
Missler, Preface to Cosmic Codes, pg.
ix. See: http://cosmiccodes.com/preface.html.
Ibid, Cosmic Codes, pg. 351.
[xviii] Phrase taken from Star Trek’s motto in the 1960s science fiction television program http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series 
[xvix] G. Richard Fisher, “The Bible Code: Prophetic Insight or Fertile Imagination?” Personal Freedom Outreach, http://www.pfo.org/biblcode.htm
*With special thanks to Pastor Larry DeBruyn’s special insights and assistance with biblical commentary. 
**For further reading on Quantum Spirituality, see Pastor Larry DeBruyn’s 6 Part series “Quantum Physics and the New Spirituality,” published on Herescope in the Fall of 2010.
Related Reading: See “Quantum Alchemy,” by Jackie Alnor, Apostasy Alert, June 19, 2007, http://www.apostasyalert.org/REFLECTIONS/quantum.htm