Herescope Blog

Peter Drucker’s Theology of Works

On November 18, 2005 in The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Leslie Lenkowsky wrote an article entitled “Drucker’s Contributions to Nonprofit Management” ( This article highlights management guru Peter Drucker’s foray, in the latter part of his life, into transforming the social sector. This “third sector” of society was fertile ground for…

Peter Drucker’s Existential Purpose

In 1949 Peter Drucker, management guru and “mentor” to Rick Warren of purpose-driven fame, wrote an essay entitled “The Unfashionable Kierkegaard.” This essay formed the foundation of the philosophy that was to guide him the rest of his life. So important was this essay to him, that it was made…

Peter Drucker’s Mega-Church Legacy

The post-mortem accolades are pouring in for the managemant giant, Peter Drucker, who passed away a week ago at age 95. His influence spanned nearly a century and reached far beyond big corporations into the private sector. Previous Herescope posts have examined some of his influence over key individuals and…

Bob Buford Invests in Ken Blanchard

In August 2000, “From Success to Significance: Faithworks,” Barbara Elliott wrote about Bob Buford’s investments — time and talent, as well as monetary — in the nonprofit sector. [] “Since 1987, Bob Buford has poured most of his time, talent and financial resources into a series of overlapping and complementary…

Bob Buford’s tributes to Peter Drucker

Peter Drucker was the “mentor” of Bob Buford of Leadership Network. Leadership Network has played a key role in building and training a generation of pastoral “leaders” immersed in the business philosophies of Drucker. Like leaven, the thoughts and ideas of Drucker have permeated throughout the evangelical world. Buford’s role…

Peter Drucker’s Influence

Peter Drucker, the management guru who had a profound effect on modern evangelicalism, passed away on Friday, November 11th. Shortly before his passing, Bob Buford of Leadership Network and HalfTime fame, wrote a special “prayer about aging” which included a tribute to Drucker: ” And thank You for Peter…

Emergent “Post-colonial” Disingenuousness

After Brian McLaren of the “Emergent” brand of neo-evangelicalism was named one of the top 25 most influential Evangelicals in America today by TIME magazine (Feb. 7, 2005), Homiletics Online published an interview with him entitled “A Generous, not Suspicious, Orthodoxy” []. In this interview McLaren discusses a new term…

Having an Emergent Beer

In an article entitled “Cool Kids Church” by Eric Landry posted at there is a quasi-critique of McLaren’s Emergent Church. The critique itself is illustrative of the neo-evangelical gospel of accommodation to culture. The Modern Reformation magazine folks (in post-modern fashion) suggest that everyone go out for a beer.…

Marketing Emergent

There is currently a rapid explosion of alliances between ministries, missions, and corporate ventures. Big business has entered the Church with partnerships for “advancing the Kindgom” and with promises of winning new souls along with profits. These marketplace “ministries” are popping up all over, particularly in Rick Warren’s activities on…

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