Herescope Blog

How Leadership Network created the “Emerging Church”

There are many interconnections between Bob Buford of the Leadership Network, Rick Warren of “purpose-driven” fame, and Brian McLaren of the “Emerging Church.” On the website, “The website for A New Kind of Christian, Brian McLaren answers the question, “How did Emergent start?” “1. Emergent grew out of the…

Emergent Blather vs. Rejected, Slain, Raised

The Emergent Church and all of the modern manifestations of neo-evangelicaldom preach a new gospel which is not The Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is a new generation that is intentionally being lured into emerging theologies which blend mysticism into Christianity to create an entirely new “orthodoxy” of Brian McLaren…

The Contrast between the Old Doctrine and the New Doctrine

Every once in awhile, Herescope will post a good devotional from the archives of Christendom that demonstrates the sharp contrast between the neo-evangelical doctrines that are prevalent in churches today and what used to be taught as solid, orthodox Christian New Testament doctrine. This classic quotation below from A. W.…

C. Peter Wagner On Taking Dominion

If you still think fulfilling the Great Commission is all about spreading the Gospel to individuals in nations all over the world, you haven’t been studying the rhetoric of the neo-evangelicals lately. C. Peter Wagner, in his 11/01/05 Global Link letter Global Harvest Ministries (referred to in yesterday’s Herescope), described…

C. Peter Wagner Concocts Another New Doctrine

In a letter from Global Harvest Ministries (Global Link, 11/1/05), C. Peter Wagner, chief architect of the “Second Apostolic Age” and inventor of many new doctrines spreading like leaven throughout evangelicaldom, wrote about his latest book Freedom from the Religious Spirit. In this book he invents yet another doctrine about…

Robert Muller’s “Vision” for Global PEACE by 2010 A.D.

Robert Muller outlined his global PEACE Plan in his novel First Lady of the World. Significant portions of this book are excerpted in the Framework for Preparation for the year 2000 monograph that was published in 1994 by the Albert Schweitzer Institute/Quinnipiac College Press. Under a section entitled “A World…

Robert Muller’s Totalitarian Utopia: Part 2

In his monograph “Framework for Preparation for the Year 2000,” former UN Assistant Secretary-General Robert Muller outlined his “vision” for the “State of the World on Earth Day 2013.” In addition to the points that were made in the three previous Herescope postings on this topic, Muller added: *“Political office…

Robert Muller’s Totalitarian Utopia: Part 1

Continuing the examination of Robert Muller’s “vision” of spirituality in the future (see previous two posts), a global plan for spiritual control begins to emerge. One can easily imagine Christian believers embracing such a plan if it were couched in Christian terminology. How easy it is to switch the wording…

Muller’s Plan for a World Spiritual Renaissance & Education

Robert Muller envisioned a “new spiritual world order” when he made his presentation to the 1993 Parliament of World Religions (see previous post for citation). He hoped to “create a world spiritual civilization and synergy” by the year 2013. A few key predictions from his monograph are quoted below: “*All…

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