Herescope Blog

Robert Muller’s Spiritual Renaissance

Hearkening back to the Herescope posts a few weeks ago about the on-going neo-evangelical dalliance with futurists, more interesting information of relevance has come to light. Robert Muller, former Assistant Secretary-General to the United Nations, and cohort of Willis Harman (previously the subject of many Herescope posts), and well-known Luciferian…

A Mis-directed Gospel

Here is a classic example of the new horizontal, relational gospel that is replacing the true (vertical) Gospel. This type of false gospel diminishes Jesus Christ because its focus is man-centered. A Lausanne Occasional Paper (LOP) No. 38, produced by an Issue Group (Partnership and Collaboration) at the 2004 Forum…

Spiritual Direction or Seance?

The following description of the new practice of “spiritual direction” was given in a Christianity Today/Christian Woman Today article from 2004. “Her palms open heavenward, Helene sets them on the couch by her thighs and then starts with a prayer. On occasion, she rings a brass bell to separate the…

Prepare for the Future with Rick Joyner or Barbara Marx Hubbard?

The unorthodox teachings of Rick Joyner, especially in this recent writing, are more reflective of the writings of Barbara Marx Hubbard, a Luciferian, in her book The Revelation than they are of Christian doctrine. Beware! This is not orthodox Christianity! JOYNER “prophesied”: “The earth will be restored to its former…

C. Peter Wagner Redefines Genesis 1

C. Peter Wagner is always coming up with radically unorthodox new doctrines to justify “kingdom” endeavors of the Apostolic Reformation. Below is a classic example: “We need to take a new look at one of our most quoted Bible verses: ‘The Son of Man has come to seek and to…

What does the word MENTOR really mean?

In the past ten years the word “mentor” has replaced the biblical word “disciple.” The word “mentor” first became popular in the New Age business world. It was brought in via business gurus and the many leadership training workshops over the past 25 years. During the Promise Keeper era, “mentor”…

Peter Drucker & Confucianism

“The contemporary thinker [Rick] Warren cites most often in conversation is the management guru Peter Drucker, who has been a close friend of his for years.” (Malcolm Gladwell, “The Cellular Church,” The New Yorker, 9/12/2005) The October 7th Herescope reported on Peter Drucker and Buddhism. Since Peter Drucker was one…

What is labyrinth prayer walking?

Continuing the series of Herescope posts that examine the occultic roots and definitions of new-fangled words that have risen to popularity in evangelicaldom. . . . Labyrinths as a form of prayer walking are rapidly increasing in popularity as a personal way to gain more spirituality. Several examples can be…

What is a Servant-Leader?

Yesterday, Herescope readers were given definitions for some popular new terms used by neoevangelical leaders. Here are a few more. Have you ever wondered about the popular term being bandied about in neoevangelicalism today, “servant leader” or “servant leadership”? Perhaps Bible verses like these came to mind: “And whosoever will…

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