Why was a Theosophist teaching Christians about the future?
Why did evangelical leaders bring in a Luciferian Theosophist, Willis Harman, to address a 1979 Consultation on the topic of the future – when Scripture plainly teaches that our future blessed hope rests in Jesus Christ and His imminent return? Perhaps more than anything else, the presence of Willis Harman…
Willis Harman proposed Gnostic “science” for the evangelical future
In his 1979 consultation with leading evangelicals (see previous post), Willis Harman advocated for the validity of “subjective experience” in the psychic world, which could become subject to “the same sort of open, free, publicly validated search for empirical truth.” Harman “was invited to come up to the Institute for…
Willis Harman consults with evangelical leaders: circa 1979
Evangelical leaders were meeting together with New Age leaders openly by the late 1970s. Meeting transcripts were published in a book entitled An Evangelical Agenda: 1984 and beyond, copyright 1979 by the Billy Graham Center and published by the William Carey Library (Fuller Theological Seminary). The book contains “Addresses, Responses,…
COR and compulsory salvation: are you guilty of treason?
In a letter dated May 1993, addressed to “Dear friends of C.O.R. [Coalition On Revival] and Crosswinds,” Dr. Jay Grimstead wrote to a newly formed “Church Council Steering Committee. This Steering Committee” was made up of forty well-known Charismatic leaders and Reconstructionists, united upon a common doctrine of “dominionism” pertaining…
Mixing markets with missions
“To achieve its purpose, the business mission company must develop and invest in Great Commission efforts that are synergistic with and leveraged by the company’s presence in strategically selected markets. It must set standards for evangelism and discipleship, measure results, and evaluate results per dollar invested for every sphere of…
A new definition of “church” by C. Peter Wagner
“We need to understand that there’s a church in the workplace. I want you to write that down. a church in the workplace. Now I’m going to give you two Greek words in this teaching. I’m not great for quoting a lot of Greek, mainly because I don’t know very…
“Cultivating” what?
“Cultivating the Great Commission Ecosphere” is a paragraph heading introducing EFMA, which then goes on to read:“EFMA exists to cultivate the Great Commission Ecosphere so that it bears good and abundant fruit and God is glorified among all people. To this end the Fellowship works in depth with members to…