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Mixing markets with missions

“To achieve its purpose, the business mission company must develop and invest in Great Commission efforts that are synergistic with and leveraged by the company’s presence in strategically selected markets. It must set standards for evangelism and discipleship, measure results, and evaluate results per dollar invested for every sphere of influence identified in the market analysis. Company spheres of influence and the spheres of influence of each team member are specific market segments targeted for impact…. Any parts of the company that do not produce to standards are pruned. An axe is laid to the root of those that do not produce at all.”

[John Cragin, Chapter 15, “The Business of Missions — The Missions of Business,” in On Kingdom Business: Transforming Missions Through Entrepreneurial Strategies (Crossway, 2003).]

The Truth: “Buy the truth, and sell it not:” (Prov. 23: 23a)