Herescope Blog

The Big Mac Church in a Box

Rick Warren just completed a conference on AIDS. According to, “The global P.E.A.C.E. plan was presented on the second day of the Disturbing Voices conference – a meeting for pastors and church leaders about the role of the church in the HIV/AIDS pandemic – held at Saddleback Church in…

Relationships vs. Authority

“Relationships must have priority in your life above everything else.” — Rick Warren, The Purpose-Driven Life, p. 124 Such is the philosophy of the peer-driven church. Given the influence of Peter Drucker over Rick Warren, this type of “relationship” emphasis can be expected. A recent tribute to “Peter Drucker, management…

Peter Drucker’s Works Theology: Part 3

What is one to do when the Word of Government or the Word of Business conflicts with the Word of God? The “partnerships” that characterize the new global P.E.A.C.E. Plan efforts of Rick Warren reflect the 3-legged stool philosophy of Peter Drucker, his mentor. This “collaboration” (another name for the…

Countering Drucker’s Works Theology: Part 2

From another great sermon by J.C. Philpot can be found the Old Doctrine about works and grace. In the coming days, as Rick Warren’s Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan gets more fully operational, believers may find more psychological, guilt-producing pressure brought to bear to “fulfill the Great Commission” or “end poverty” or…

Countering Drucker’s Works Theology: Part 1

Rick Warren’s Second Reformation is all about “works.” In yesterday’s post Kay Warren was quoted from an interview she gave at In the same article at she called for Christians everywhere to get “seriously disturbed” about AIDS and to act on this crisis. There is much need in the…

Kay Warren’s Peter Drucker Theology

In a recent interview entitled “Kay Warren ‘Seriously Disturbed’: Church Must Act on AIDS” by Janet Chismar, Senior Editor for Faith at [see], Kay Warren lists the compassionate reasons for Christian believers to become involved about the AIDS crisis. Many of these reasons to be caring and concerned…

The Heresy of Entertainment

Below is an excellent quotation from A.W. Tozer that fits modern evangelicaldom perfectly, particularly the CBN-style glitz, glitter and glamour. “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts…

The Rich, Poor Church

In these days of the widespread promotion of megachurches, Christians can easily lose sight of what Scripture says on the topic. On today’s Thanksgiving holiday, it is good to be thankful to the Lord for all things, even when we are poor and small. David wrote in the Psalms, “I…

The Real Purpose

The remainder of this holiday week Herescope will post devotionals which effectively refute modern-day heresies. May these devotionals be a blessing to you. Pertaining to yesterday’s blog post, which described Peter Drucker and Rick Warren’s new “works” theology, below is an apt quote from A.W. Tozer: “The work of Christ…

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