Countering Drucker’s Works Theology: Part 1

Rick Warren’s Second Reformation is all about “works.” In yesterday’s post Kay Warren was quoted from an interview she gave at In the same article at she called for Christians everywhere to get “seriously disturbed” about AIDS and to act on this crisis.

There is much need in the world. And after 2-3 decades of the “me” generation and neo-evangelical existentialism — where “belief” was disconnected from “action” — there may indeed be a void of Christian compassion and individual acts of charity. But the new teachings about “works,” particularly under the influence of Peter Drucker’s false gospel that integrates management philosophies and practices, swings the pendulum back too far in the other direction.

The Truth:

For balance, Herescope presents the old doctrines. If believers are relying upon modern evangelicalism’s 10-minute sermons to get the truth, they may easily fall prey to the new Druckerisms and revisionist “works” theologies.

Today’s sermon excerpt is from J.C. Philpot, who preached during a time of apostasy in the 1840s and 1850s. His timeless sermons present the Old Gospel. Many of his sermons are posted on-line. From


Preached at Zoar Chapel, Great Alie Street, London, on Lord’s Day morning, July 27. 1845.

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”- Mt 11:28

“. . . The Lord sees that many of His dear children are toiling and struggling to do something pleasing in His sight. And, whatever disappointments they continually meet — whatever rents are made in the web which they are weaving to clothe themselves with; however short they find the bed, and however narrow the garment — yet many go on foolishly endeavouring to please God by the works of the law, instead of trampling under foot their own righteousness, and looking wholly and solely to the obedience and sufferings of Jesus. To such He says, ‘Come unto me.’ Your labour is in vain; you can never work out a righteousness pleasing to God; for to be a righteousness acceptable to Him, it must be perfect: there must be no flaw in it; it must be completely without a spot, a speck, or a stain. Can you produce this? Have you ever produced one thought perfectly pure? — one action thoroughly holy? — one desire with which sin and self have not in some way intermingled? Were you ever fully conformed to God’s holy will and word for one minute in your life? Then how can you produce a righteousness which God can be pleased with?

“Now, we must learn for ourselves, by painful experience, that all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and thus cast them away with self-loathing and abhorrence from us; yea, feel as Job did, ‘Though I wash myself with snow water, and make my hands never so clean, yet shalt thou plunge me in the ditch, and mine own clothes shall abhor me’ Job 9:30,31. Yes, we must know and feel the word of God, manifesting His holiness and our unholiness, till we are glad to cast off our own righteousness just as we should be glad to cast off our besmeared clothes if we fell into a dirty ditch.”

And from Part 2, “The Labourer’s Rest” – Mt 11:28

“3. But there is another idea still connected with ‘rest,’ relief. When we rest, we find relief to our weary limbs. So spiritually. When the soul comes to Jesus, He gives it rest and relief from its burdens; as well as deliverance from anxiety, and cessation from the labour that distresses and distracts it. He promises to give this — “Come unto me, and I”– Who else can do it? None, either in heaven or earth — “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” How? By communicating to the soul out of His infinite fullness, by sprinkling upon the conscience His atoning blood, by shedding abroad in the heart His dying love, and enabling the soul to believe on His name, and cling to His Person.

“In this there is rest — nothing else will do it — nothing else will give it. Other remedies will leave us at last under the wrath of God. But he that comes to and leans upon Jesus, His finished work, His dying love, will have rest here and heaven hereafter. Are not our poor minds often restless, often anxious, and pensive, because of a thousand doubts, perplexities, painful trials, and grievous afflictions-do they not all make your spirit weary and restless within you? There never can be anything but restlessness while we move round this circle of sin and self. But when by precious faith we come out of our own righteousness, our own strength, our own wisdom, our own worthiness; come to, believe in, hang upon, and cleave unto the Person, blood, and work of the only-begotten Son of God, so as to feel a measure of His preciousness in our hearts — then there is rest. This is solid, this is abiding, this is not delusive; this will never leave the soul deceived with false hopes. No, it will end in eternal bliss and glory — in the open vision of eternal love — in seeing Him face to face whom the soul has known, looked to, believed in, and loved upon earth.”

More excerpts from pertinent J.C. Philpot sermons on this topic tomorrow!