Bob Buford Invests in Ken Blanchard

In August 2000, “From Success to Significance: Faithworks,” Barbara Elliott wrote about Bob Buford’s investments — time and talent, as well as monetary — in the nonprofit sector. []

“Since 1987, Bob Buford has poured most of his time, talent and financial resources into a series of overlapping and complementary nonprofit ventures.”

Another official history of Bob Buford on-line at records more information about his investments. Mentioned below is Ken Blanchard, a controversial consultant popular in neo-evangelical circles who has close connections with the higher echelons of New Age leadership:

“After Selling Buford Television, Inc. in 1999, Bob officially entered into his halftime on a full-time basis. The mission of The Buford Foundation is to identify and resource people, ideas and organizations that have the potential to produce 100X results for the Kingdom. Buford Foundation is the “incubator” – the place where good ideas get tested to see of they are 100X ideas. Some of the ideas in which Buford Foundation has invested itself are:

“. . . The Center for FaithWalk Leadership – an initiative started by Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges to encourage business leaders to use Jesus as their coach for developing leadership skills. You can find more information at”

The previously cited Barbara Elliott article, takes note of Peter Drucker’s involvement in all of this activity by Bob Buford.

“One of Bob Buford’s mentors and best friends is Peter Drucker, the renowned business management guru. Drucker has devoted a great deal of time and energy to nonprofit management as well and is committed to revitalizing what he calls the ‘social sector.’ Drucker’s wisdom in management has been directed to training the leaders of nonprofits to bring forth a renaissance in the private, social sector. . . .

“The result of that brainstorming between Peter Drucker and Bob Buford was the birth of FaithWorks in 1998. FaithWorks set out to build a bridge linking business leaders in ‘halftime’ to leaders of faith-based organizations in the social sector. FaithWorks seminars and workshops, which have been held in eleven cities throughout the U.S., were launched to inspire business leaders and help them identify their abilities using sophisticated tools. They also make use of inspiring messages from “half-timers” like Ken Blanchard, author of the One Minute Manager.”

The Truth:

For more information about Ken Blanchard see Christian Research Service’s reports at

“Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death.” (Prov. 11:4)