The Real Purpose

The remainder of this holiday week Herescope will post devotionals which effectively refute modern-day heresies. May these devotionals be a blessing to you.

Pertaining to yesterday’s blog post, which described Peter Drucker and Rick Warren’s new “works” theology, below is an apt quote from A.W. Tozer:

“The work of Christ in redemption, for all its mystery, has a simple and understandable end: it is to restore men to the position from which they fell and bring them around again to be admirers and lovers of the Triune God. God saves men to make them worshipers.

“This one central fact has been largely forgotten today, not by the liberals and the cults only, but by evangelical Christians as well. By direct teaching, by story, by example, by psychological pressure we force our new converts to ‘go to work for the Lord.’ Ignoring the fact that God has redeemed them to make worshipers out of them, we thrust them out into ‘service,’ quite as if the Lord were recruiting laborers for a project instead of seeking to restore moral beings to a condition where they can glorify God and enjoy Him forever. . . .

“Our Lord commands us to pray the Lord of the harvest that He will send forth laborers into His harvest field. What we are overlooking is that no none can be a worker who is not first a worshiper. Labor that does not spring out of worship is futile and can only be wood, hay and stubble in the day that shall try every man’s work.” (Tozer on the Almighty God)