Herescope Blog

Heresy Repeating Itself: Paul’s Warnings to the Church

For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I…

Marketplace Transformation – From Minnesota to Hawaii to NY City

In a followup to the March 20, 2006 Herescope, The Apostolic Transformation Worldview, ( the Apostolic Transformation Network (Ed Silvoso – Harvest Evangelism) just held a summit meeting in New York City last weekend. Some time before the event, Silvoso wrote an open memo to the members of the ATN…

Transformation in Mission: Part 3

Inclusive Evangelism – Part 3 In the Video, God’s Fingerprints in Japan, Daniel Kikawa makes use of high towers as worship places for the true God, the Japanese tea ceremony as communion and even shows a Buddha on a cross as being a worship object of Christians (really Catholics). The…

Transformation in Mission: Part 2

Inclusive Evangelism – Part 2 So how does Daniel Kikawa present God to the Japanese, Korean’s or Chinese, etc.? Speaking of the Korean culture, he says, “but when the protestant missionaries came in decades later and, and used the name of Hananim, all of a sudden there was great excitement,…

Transformation in Mission: Part 1

Quietly and stealthily over the past several decades mainstream evangelical mission groups have been altering fundamental Christian doctrines to fit a new worldview — an inclusive one that embraces, incorporates, co-mingles and and merges with other world religions. The next three days Herescope will focus on a special report by…

The “New Deal” Kingdom

“Upon the men of this time is breaking the light of a new social order. The outstanding fact of today is the rediscovery of the kingdom of God. To the world this comes almost as a new revelation from heaven. For eighteen hundred years men have believed in this kingdom…

The New Order of the Kingdom

“We believe that we see the goal and we believe that men can get hold of that power to move on to that goal. That goal is the Kingdom of God on earth. The Kingdom of God is a new order standing at the door of the lower order. The…

Ruining Your Worldview

A brochure describing Dennis Peacocke’s Strategic Life Training, a 2-year intensive course in worldview training, contains these words: “Challenging you. Envisioning you. “And in the end. . . ruining you. “It forever ruins the way you’ve acted, the way you’ve dreamt, the way you’ve thought. . . . “ruin vt…

Reconstructing the Nations

“It has become popular in Christian circles to discuss the “Christian Worldview.” However, without Biblical law all worldviews end up in some form of moral relativism. We are not called to merely ‘influence’ our world but reconstruct it with the tool of dominion — Biblical law. Come discover the work…

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