Herescope Blog

A Military New Breed

The military rhetoric of the New Apostolic Reformation continues to increase in disturbing new ways. An Elijah List post issued this week announced the “birthing” of a militaristic “New Breed.” These so-called prophetic statements actually announce the next phase of the plans of the false apostles and prophets. Of interest…

Creating a “Community of Purpose” — circa 1933

Yesterday’s Herescope post concluded with an astounding quote from Henry A. Wallace, a high-level U.S. government official holding various offices during the decades of the 1930s-40s. In his statement to the Federal Council of Churches “emergency” meeting in December 1933, he called for the creation of a “community of purpose”…

Global Dominionism: Past and Present

Rick Warren and his Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan are getting a free ride from the “liberal” media establishment. Surprisingly, this is happening despite the increasingly dominionist rhetoric calling for a “Second Reformation” and “advancing” the kingdom. By merging his global agenda with the likes of rock star Bono, and popular social…

WCC, NAE, Buddhists, Muslims and Hindus

It isn’t just the neo-evangelical leaders who are finding common ground with other world religions (see this week’s Herescope posts). The 9th Assembly of the World Council of Churches, held February 14-23 in Porto Alegre, Brazil is leading the charge. And the NAE isn’t far behind! This event was reported…

The emergent nebulous Jesus & his kingdom

“I was there to meet Jesus, and I was: the new ruling Jesus, whose ways are secret.” –Jeffrey Sharlet, Harpers. What is this Washington, D.C.-based “Fellowship” group that found common ground with the Dalai Lama? (See this week’s Herescope posts for details.) No one knows for sure because its past,…

Building a Kingdom for a Nebulous Jesus

Must reading for anyone seeking to understand the rise of Christian dominionism is the article cited in yesterday’s Herescope post: “Jesus Plus Nothing” by Jeffrey Sharlet, originally published in Harper’s Magazine, March 2003. In this article, Sharlet chronicled his journey into the Christian dominionism underground, a shadowy Washington, D.C.-based “Fellowship”…

The Nebulous Jesus

Nebulous: 1. of or like a nebula or nebulae 2. cloudy; misty 2. unclear; vague; indefinite. (Webster’s Dictionary) The name “Jesus” can mean many things to many people. It is easy to bandy about the name of Jesus. But what does it mean? To some evangelicals Jesus is a slogan,…

Inclusive Spirituality Part VI – The Dalai Lama and the “United Nations of Religion”

Christian leaders are now finding common ground with the Dalai Lama! An article was posted recently at the Assist News Service website reporting the Dalai Lama participating in an interfaith forum in San Francisco, CA. Tibet’s spiritual leader came in response to a prominent California iman’s invitation to help form…

Experiencing God – Part IV

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit” (1Cor 2:9,10). The things of God cannot be seen with natural eyes, heard through…

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