Herescope Blog

Are you in the throes of TRANSITION?

“And Samuel came to Saul: and Saul said unto him, Blessed be thou of the LORD: I have performed the commandment of the LORD. And Samuel said, What meaneth then this bleating of the sheep in mine ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I hear?” (1 Samuel 15:13-14)…

The Transitional Worldview

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20) Herescope has been asked to write further about the process of Transition that leads to Transformation, a topic which we…

The Dominionism Worldview: Prophets Declare War

Several recent posts from New Apostolic Reformation leaders have come through “The Elijah List” in the past several days. These posts represent the extreme form of hyper-spiritual dominionism that is rising. This Dominionism Worldview is a total doctrinal upheaval. The new doctrines taught by the new global “apostles” and “prophets”…

The Business Worldview: Who Said This?

Today’s post is a quiz. Which business guru wrote this? [Answer posted below. No peeking or Internet searches. . . . Just read and guess!] “Productivity is vital to your success and that of your organization. The minute your organization ceases to progress, it will start to fall back. .…

Worldview & Vision: Part 4: A Global Worldview

“. . .[P]astors who regard their churches as expressions of the Kingdom of God, and their members as citizens therein, will prepare them to rule, both now and forever (Rev. 5:10). The saints in Heaven rejoiced to think of the saints on earth ruling in the name of King Jesus…

Worldview & Vision: Part 3: Congregational Development

“An equipper is a leader who actively sets goals for a congregation according to the will of God, obtains goal ownership from the people, and sees that each member is properly motivated and equipped to do his or her part in accomplishing the goals.”[C. Peter Wagner, Leading Your Church to…

Worldview & Vision: Part 2: A Volatile Combination

The popular “visioning” process that churches are going through these days is actually a way to transform the “worldview” of the people in the pews. Herescope noted in yesterday’s post that “Worldview” is a tool by which the Church can be put through a Transition process — with the ultimate…

Worldview & Vision: Part 1

Herescope has been looking into the topic of Worldview. We have previously noted Chuck Colson’s recent partnership with Rick Warren to package and market their particular “brand” of Worldview education to the rest of the world. This new partnership is illustrative the convergence of the three main branches of evangelicaldom…

The Apostolic Transformation Worldview

On the topic of Worldview, and how this term is being used as a lever to orchestrate Transformation, take a look at one of the newest models — Ed Silvoso’s Apostolic Transformation Network (ATN). The text below is a good example of the full extent to which this Transformation Worldview…

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