Herescope Blog

Nation or Nations?

“[M]any of today’s Christian businessmen continue to say that the Word of God does not speak on how to explicitly run a business. They say, ‘The Word of God calls us to preach the gospel, not to take dominion. Don’t you know that the world is going to get worse…

The Return of the “Kings”!

“Releasing Kings!” is a recurrent theme of marketplace ministries, and it is blatantly proclaimed at Releasing Kings for Ministry in the Marketplace by John Garfield and Harold Eberle is a popular new book telling men “how you can be part of the next global revival that is beginning in…

“Co-Managing the Earth” Worldview

From Dennis Peacocke’s promotional material on his “Discipling the Nations: A practical path to obedience” seminars can be found the following blurb: “If Martin Luther and the fellow leaders of the Reformation birthed for us ‘the Priesthood of all believers,’ the Holy Spirit’s global focus on the centrality of life…

Transforming Churches

Part of the whole transformation process that is going on today has to do with the transformation of churches. Already in the ’70s the environment was being created to prepare churches and leaders for radical change. One of the war cries of the early charismatic movement was “new wine in…

Transforming Society

Even during Jesus’ ministry the question of the role of the Kingdom in society was a hot issue. Both Jesus’ disciples and the Jews wanted Him to transform their society to one that was just, liberated from Roman oppression and free of poverty. Satan tried to convince Him to build…

Joel’s Army is Recruiting!

From a March 30th, Elijah List post comes yet another indication that the spiritual warfare rhetoric is heating up. In this instance, there is a ominous connection to actual war. In a posting entitled, “JOEL’S ARMY” we learn of a May 4-7th conference at the Albany Vineyard Church in Albany,…

Christian Imperialism Update #10: “Taking the Land”

Who Said This? “For the manifestation of the Spirit among men will lessen the egotism of nationalism, will weaken the hold of despotic political creeds and pagan philosophies, and will substitute brotherly love and trust for envy, hatred, greed, and suspicion in international relations, both political and economic. It will…

Transformation: A Phony Sanctification

Transformation has become one of the most popular buzzwords of modern religious movements. The problem is that the way this word is used these days has nothing to do with the way the Bible uses it, even though the impression is created that it is the same. “This word now…

Indications of Transition

Herescope was requested to do a series of posts explaining the process of Transition leading to Transformation. The past several days we have covered this topic. Today is the last post in this series. On March 9, Herescope listed 6 potential indications of the Transformation process. Below are just a…

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