Joel’s Army is Recruiting!

From a March 30th, Elijah List post comes yet another indication that the spiritual warfare rhetoric is heating up. In this instance, there is a ominous connection to actual war.

In a posting entitled, “JOEL’S ARMY” we learn of a May 4-7th conference at the Albany Vineyard Church in Albany, Oregon. This church is a hot-bed of Latter Rain dominionism teachings.

“This is a crucial hour! The trumpet is sounding, calling on-fire, revolutionary believers to enlist in Joel’s Army. God has been raising up an army of radical warriors from the younger generation for years. These ones, referred to by many as ‘Joel’s Army,’ are tired of religious and church programs; they want to do the works of Jesus. This end-time army has one common purpose—to aggressively take ground for the Kingdom of God under the authority of Jesus Christ, the Dread Champion. The Captain of the Hosts is calling out a revival army of fierce spiritual warriors who won’t break rank and whose lifestyle is marked by obedience, holiness and God’s supernatural power. These ones have been in training for years and many are now ready to be mobilized to establish and advance God’s Kingdom on earth.

“Just for Youth? No Way! Joel’s Army is a trumpet call to a generation of young and old who would wholeheartedly want to pursue the Lord! Are you one of those? Then you can enlist in this Army.” [] [all emphases above added]

This same Elijah List post indicates that several weeks prior to this “Joel’s Army” conference, Bobby Conner will be “ministering” at this same church. Interestingly, Bobby Conner has been engaged in actual high levels of geo-political activities along with other key Kansas City “prophets” Rick Joyner (see yesterday’s post) and Paul Cain (currently out of the picture for his homosexual activities).

According to a 1999 report by Dr. Joseph Chambers, “The New World Order: How Close?” posted at [] , these prophetic Joel’s Army leaders have previously been hobnobbing with the likes of Saddam Hussein, Kurt Waldheim, and the Knights of Malta.

This fact, in combination with Rick Joyner’s statements quoted yesterday in Herescope, raised some disturbing questions about the nature of this “kingdom building.” So which is this? A kingdom of peace, or a kingdom of war? More on this topic tomorrow. . . .

For more understanding on the nature of this “Joel’s Army” concept, be sure to read the recently re-issued booklet by Discernment Ministries entitled Joel’s Army at or

The Truth:

“And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.” (Col. 1:20)