Herescope Blog

It’s That Simple!

By Pastor Anton Bosch We often get questions relating to some new teaching that a pastor or some book is promoting. Sometimes the subject is a really complex one which flows from different interpretations of various Scriptures. But many times the answer is very easy and very simple. One recent…

Reprobation vs. Revival

Part 3: Dialog With Deception By Pastor Larry DeBruyn A critical review of Lloyd Gardner’s book, Face to Face: A Dialogue with Jesus (Tollhouse, CA: Eliezer Call Ministries, 2009) 174 pages. [To recap: Lloyd Gardner’s book claims to recount multiple in-the-body visitations the author had as a time traveler with…

“Creative License”

Part 2: Dialog With Deception By Pastor Larry DeBruyn A critical review of Lloyd Gardner’s book, Face to Face: A Dialogue with Jesus (Tollhouse, CA: Eliezer Call Ministries, 2009) 174 pages. [To recap: Lloyd Gardner’s book claims to recount multiple in-the-body visitations the author had as a time traveler with…

Dialog With Deception

Part 1: Face to Face With Error By Pastor Larry DeBruyn A critical review of Lloyd Gardner’s book, Face to Face: A Dialogue with Jesus (Tollhouse, CA: Eliezer Call Ministries, 2009) 174 pages. “Let no one keep defrauding you of your prize by . . . taking his stand on…

Our Lady of Perpetual Secrets

A tragic, real-life example of the hazards of a Dominionist elite By Pastor Jeffrey Whittaker When embarking on any meaningful study of the perils of Dominionism creeping into and polluting the true Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ, one must give sufficient attention and energy to the Mother of all Church/State…

Reason Submitted Unto God

Matthew Poole’s Commentary on 2 Corinthians 10:5: “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”(2 Corinthians 10:5) Casting down imaginations; logismos, reasonings; and every high thing, every height of reasoning, that exalteth…

Not Prana

The Holy Spirit as Personal Comforter The idea of “practicing the presence of God” is meaningless. Do we also practice the omniscience of God; or perhaps, we need to practice His omnipotence? – Pastor Ken Silva [1] The point in this quote above is well said. As various forms of…

Not an Emanation

True Communion with the Holy Spirit Part 2 in a selected excerpt from “Meditations on the Person, Work, and Covenant Offices of God the Holy Ghost,” by J.C. Philpot (1802-1869), On Matters of Christian Faith and Experience, Vol. 1 (Old Paths Gospel Press) (406-466-2311), pp. 184-187. This lengthy Meditation by…

“Peace On Earth”

“Regretfully, this scenario is being played out by certain members of the church. Peace on Earth is being sought by political means believed to be both scriptural and spiritual. ‘God’s bid for peace in the world will be won through political conquests by the church.’ For this belief to exist…

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