Herescope Blog

Dancing With the Stars

“The Vibrant Dance of Faith and Science,” A Cosmic Two-Step By Pastor Larry DeBruyn and Sarah Leslie “Many of us who have a foot both in the world of media art and technology and in the world of inner contemplation are awed by the potential of advanced immersive technologies to…

Emergent Metaphysics

Part 6: FROM COSMOS, TO CHAOS, TO CONSCIOUSNESS By Pastor Larry DeBruyn [Ed. Note: Part 6 concludes this important series by Pastor Larry DeBruyn. In the past 6 months Herescope has been documenting the rapid “confluence” of the mystical New Apostolic Reformation with the Emergent Church movement in doctrine, personnel,…

Quantum Consciousness

Part 5: FROM COSMOS, TO CHAOS, TO CONSCIOUSNESS By Pastor Larry DeBruyn Neale Donald Walsch peddles New Age spirituality in books, recording, dialogs or “conversations” he had with “God.” The books are formatted so that his conversations and musings are typeset in normal characters while God’s statements appear in bold…

“The Force Be With You”

Part 4: FROM COSMOS, TO CHAOS, TO CONSCIOUSNESS By Pastor Larry DeBruyn “They have discovered a subatomic particle called a lepton. And the general consensus is that leptons do exist as individual subatomic particles. The only hitch is they’ve only been able to observe leptons in communities of two and…

Fractal Emergence

Part 3: FROM COSMOS, TO CHAOS, TO CONSCIOUSNESS By Pastor Larry DeBruyn Linear Versus Non-linear Time Quantum theory also influences one’s view of time. Previously understood as linear by the old view, time is now viewed as nonlinear. As Emerging Church leader Leonard Sweet states: “We do not live in…

The “Uncertainty Principle”

Part 2: FROM COSMOS, TO CHAOS, TO CONSCIOUSNESS By Pastor Larry DeBruyn Whereas—viewing the universe according to largest scales of measurement (i.e., from the top down)—the old Newtonian physics saw “the system” as ordered and determined, quantum mechanics—looking at the universe from the perspective of the smallest scales of mathematical…

Quantum Physics and the New Spirituality

FROM COSMOS, TO CHAOS, TO CONSCIOUSNESS: Part 1 By Pastor Larry DeBruyn   Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. (Emphasis Mine, Colossians 2:8, KJV) [When Pastor Larry DeBruyn released his new…

“Half-Baked” Christianity

A Meditation Upon Hosea 7:8 By Pastor Larry DeBruyn “Ephraim, he hath mixed himself among the people; Ephraim is a cake not turned. Strangers have devoured his strength, and he knoweth it not: yea, gray hairs are here and there upon him, yet he knoweth not. And the pride of…

“The Emerging Order”

Part 6: The Next Great Awakening. . .Or Great Deadening? “Dominion, suggests David Coe, Doug’s son, is ‘an invisible Kingdom,’ won not by conquest but through substitution, the replacement of democratic vistas with ‘His vision.’ Not through revival but through relationships, man by man.” –Jeff Sharlet, C Street[1] “The first…

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