Herescope Blog

His Star in the East

From astrology to nativity: the role of the star in the Magi’s journey to find the Messiah By Pastor Larry DeBruyn “Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is He who…

Christian Nation?

By Pastor Anton Bosch Over the past two millennia many nations have claimed to be a “Christian nation.” The whole Roman empire became “Christian” in 312 AD, France became a “Christian nation” in 466 AD and technically England remains one to this day, since the monarch is both head of…

Changing the World

By Pastor Anton Bosch We all long for a righteous and just society where God’s laws are respected and where people all do the right thing. There is nothing wrong with that desire as I believe that is in line with God’s plan also. But the question is how do…

Spiritual Warfarers Battle Real Mountain

“Ana Mendez battles the ‘Queen of heaven’ on the World’s Tallest Mountain” Mike Oppenheimer of Let Us Reason Ministries has just posted a most amazing expose of some key leaders of the International Spiritual Warfare Network of the New Apostolic Reformation (coordinated by C. Peter Wagner) claiming that they actually…

The Spirit of Truth

“In these days of error, it is most necessary that the children of God, who would not be entangled in the snares of the enemy, should be well grounded and established in the Truth*; and this by the teaching and testimony, work and witness of the blessed Spirit. For want…

Resurrecting Pagan Rites

An old article has just been re-published in its entirety on the Discernment Ministries website, complete with the original graphics and sidebars. This 3-part series from the mid-1990’s, during the heyday of Promise Keepers, is now more relevant than ever in view of the Emergent Church Movement and the New…

Battle Hymn of the Republic

By Pastor Anton Bosch Introduction In order to understand the meaning of any hymn, poem or piece of prose, one needs to look at the circumstances surrounding the writing of that work and the mindset of the author. One of the most famous hymns is Amazing Grace. The words of…

Pragmatic Peter

This is Where Pure Pragmatism Will Take You By Dr. Orrel Steinkamp* “So the goal that God has now placed on the agenda of the Body of Christ in the last few years, much more than we can find in the past, is, the goal is transforming our society. Seeing…

Doing the Templeton Twist

Part 2: Dancing With the Stars By Sarah Leslie and Pastor Larry DeBruyn Maybe one of the attributes of God is change. Did He decree the survival of the fittest? Maybe God intends us in some way to use the new power He has put into our hands in relation…

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