“Peace On Earth”

“Regretfully, this scenario is being played out by certain members of the church. Peace on Earth is being sought by political means believed to be both scriptural and spiritual. ‘God’s bid for peace in the world will be won through political conquests by the church.’ For this belief to exist within the church means something is very wrong – someone is prophesying or teaching falsehood. Any prophet or teacher that either prophecies or uses Scripture to point others to a peaceful reign on earth without the physical presence of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, is false and needs to be corrected, rebuked and if need be – exposed!”

Travers van der Merwe

[Ed. Note: Traverse van der Merwe was the founder of Discernment Ministries over two decades ago. His story can be found HERE. Recently, while cleaning out some old boxes, Jewel Grewe discovered this notation on a scrap of paper in Travers’s handwriting. It seemed a fitting quote to run at the close of the year.]