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Spiritual Warfarers Battle Real Mountain

“Ana Mendez battles the ‘Queen of heaven’ on the World’s Tallest Mountain”

Mike Oppenheimer of Let Us Reason Ministries has just posted a most amazing expose of some key leaders of the International Spiritual Warfare Network of the New Apostolic Reformation (coordinated by C. Peter Wagner) claiming that they actually scaled Mt. Everest in an attempt to battle the Queen of Heaven.

According to Oppenheimer’s 3-part report subtitled “Or, the Greatest Fish Story Ever Told,” Ana Mendez Ferrell led a team to Mt. Everest in 1997:

Peter Wagner: “Operation Ice Castle, 1997. An experienced prayer team scaled Mt. Everest in the highest level (both topographically and spiritually) prophetic prayer initiative to date. (“THE AD2000 UNITED PRAYER TRACK” C. Peter Wagner) Google’s cache of http://www.ad2000.org/re00623.htm (Accessed Nov.2, 2010)

In a key memorandum about this “Operation Ice Castle,” Wagner reported that:

“…the Holy Spirit clearly showed [Mendez] that a principal stronghold over the 10/40 Window was located on Mt. Everest in Nepal, and that she was to lead a team of intercessors in a frontal attack on this power of darkness, who was none other than the Queen of Heaven. Before finally deciding to go, she sought the agreement of Rony Chavez, Harold Caballeros, Cindy Jacobs, George Otis, Jr., Fred Markert, Chuck Pierce, Doris Wagner, me, and others….

“For three weeks at the end of September 1997, what we called ‘Operation Ice Castle’ was underway. Ana, her husband, and Rony Chavez led a team of 11 who operated out of the base camp at the foot of Mt. Everest at 18,000 feet. Doris Wagner led a team of 8 English speakers operating out of the Everest View Hotel at 13,000 feet, and a third team of 5 Spanish speakers from Mexico and Colombia, led by Silvia Valenzuela, were there also. Doris provided the necessary bilingual bridge.”

While on this Mt. Everest expedition, this group of climbers reportedly went through bizarre spiritual warfare techniques and antics to supposedly defeat the “beast of the dragon with 7 heads that sits on the mountains and influences the nations of the earth. It is the hour for the fall of Babylon the great.” [links added]

While climbing, they issued their warfare “decrees” — “We have raised a flag on a high mountain, we have come from distant lands (shows it placed at the queen rock formation) as instruments of your wrath to bring down the power of the Queen of heaven.”

In order to achieve this spiritual warfare victory, this group claims to have actually climbed Mt. Everest. But did they really do so? Read the entire fascinating account for yourself:

Ana Mendez battles the ‘Queen of heaven’ on the World’s Tallest Mountain
Or, the greatest fish story ever told!
Part 1: http://www.letusreason.org/Latrain64.htm

Part 2: The Climb to Base camp and beyond

Part 3: The results- VICTORY, Babylon is fallen

The spiritual warfare crowd has made many bizarre claims in years past, but this one takes their zany antics to new heights. Literally. Not only do they want to conquer the mountains of culture (“cultural renewal” and “missional” mandates for Dominion), but they want you to believe they actually tried to climb the world’s tallest mountain!?

And these are the same folks that are now comfortably in bed with the Tea Party and evangelical Right leaders in America??? Hmmmmm…….

This Truth:

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” (2 Timothy 3:1)