Herescope Blog


A Book Review By Sarah H. Leslie “In a nutshell, Harold Lindsell found himself walking on eggs. The seminary was growing. Daniel Fuller, the only heir to the founder, was on the faculty. Young Fuller was on leave and abroad studying corrupted theology that denigrated the view of biblical inerrancy.…

Salvation Through Technology

Creating A Posthuman New Breed By Dr. Martin Erdmann In The Metaphysics of Virtual Reality Michael Heim has observed, “Behind the development of every major technology lies a vision”.[1] It will be no different with the technologies used by postmoderns to transform themselves into posthumans. Critically examining these mythical and…

Impressions Ineffable . . .

The Mysticism “Lite” of Rick Warren[1] Ineffable: incapable of being expressed or described in words; inexpressible; unutterable. “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things freely given to us by God, which things we also…

Battle of the Mind

Part 2: Separation By Pastor Anton Bosch “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against…

Hitting the Political Big-Time

Can the New Apostles and Prophets Seize Dominion by Political Intermarriage? Can God’s Supposed Lost Dominion Be Regained By Mere Political Means? By Dr. Orrel Steinkamp “How far into compromise will pastors go to “re-establish” America as a Christian nation? Has that become more important to them than serving the…

Battle of the Mind

Part 1: Strongholds Today we begin an important series by Pastor Anton Bosch which refutes many of the humanistic and esoteric heresies running rampant in evangelicaldom about the “mind” and the “self.” It is important to address what Scripture actually says, especially in the context of the faulty emphases of…

The Aquarian Conspiracy in Medicine

The New Age Roots of Healthcare Reform “Today, thirty years after The Aquarian Conspiracy was published, many of Marilyn Ferguson’s forecasts for change have become social realities. Spurred by the student movement of the sixties, the New Age movement that followed, the educational transformation, and a controlled liberal media, America…


Changing Science, Changing Mind “A new world, as the mystics have always said, is a new mind.”–Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy[1] “…The core of the current challenge to the scientific worldview can be taken to be ‘consciousness,’ which has come to be a code word for a wide range of…

The “WOO” Factor

Rick Warren’s Healthcare Reform Model “Dr. Mark Hyman is famous as the “founder” of a form of woo known as ‘functional medicine.’ …it appears to be a serious grab bag of various forms of woo that, according to Dr. Hyman’s website itself, involve environmental inputs, inflammation, hormones, gut & digestive…

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