“Cindy Jacobs: Pray Against WWIII”

NAR Prophetess’s Inflammatory Comments on the Egypt Crisis

“Also, in looking back at the prophetic word for 2011 issued by the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders…, I read the warning we issued which said that satan would try and start another third world war.” — Cindy Jacobs[1]
“Satan is going to try and start wars such as he did when the first student volunteer movement started around the turn of the 20th century…. We must pray against the starting of a third world war, as satan wants to escalate world events for His purposes.” — Cindy Jacobs[2]

On February 1, The Elijah List, chief media outlet for the New Apostolic Reformation, issued an e-mail with the heading “Cindy Jacobs: Pray Against WWIII” which featured an “Urgent Prayer Alert from Cindy Jacobs: An Open Letter to the Arabic-Speaking Christians as well as the Church Worldwide.” Steve Shultz, publisher of The Elijah List introduced this alert by touting Jacobs as “one of those who is a hard core prophet and she is accurate in regards to the nations and world leaders!”

In this alert, which concerns the volatile situation in Egypt, Jacobs refers back to a “prophetic word for 2011” issued by the NAR’s core elite known as the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders in which they predicted that “satan would try and start another [sic] third world war.” Jacobs’ alert states:

I believe we are at that tipping point, at this moment, where the situation in Egypt could destabilize the region to such a degree that just such a scenario would take place. [emphasis in original]

Jacobs calls for an “Esther Fast” and then suggests that the Egypt crisis would be a fine time for Christians to “put aside their doctrinal and denominational differences and come together in unity to pray.” [emphasis in original] Observe how this crisis is being seized upon as a way to promote more ecumenical unity.

Jacobs who sees herself as not only the lead U.S. national apostle[3] but also a prophetess to the Nations,[4] is increasingly issuing political “prophetic” statements about American and world events, which we documented in our September 8, 2010 Herescope post.[5] At that time we observed that she was inserting herself into the political realm by making inflammatory statements like: “If the Church doesn’t fast and pray for a faster acceleration of revival and awakening, the iniquitous sin structures in the nation will tip the scale that is teetering and there will be another great depression.”[6] Also, seizing on the Gulf Oil crisis last summer, Jacobs in her prophetess role called for national prayer. This sort of ambulance chasing after every crisis is a particular strategy that she and fellow NAR false prophets and apostles are employing to gain a foothold into the Christian Right. They are tirelessly working to gain name recognition and dominance, and prayer is a useful tactic to make them seem respectable.[7]

It is against this backdrop of the characteristic hype and incendiary rhetoric of the NAR, that we offer a more scholarly observation on the biblical context of the current Egyptian crisis by Pastor Larry DeBruyn.

The Coming Middle Eastern Trifecta
Egypt in Crisis: A Prophetic Perspective

“In that day there will be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the Lord near its border. And it will become a sign and a witness to the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt; for they will cry to the Lord because of oppressors, and He will send them a Savior and a Champion, and He will deliver them. Thus the Lord will make Himself known to Egypt, and the Egyptians will know the Lord in that day.” (Isaiah 19:19-21a, NASB)

Egypt in the Present

Egypt is in the news. Mass public demonstrations against Hosni Mubarak’s régime have turned violent as demonstrators, the majority of whom are against the current government, a minority of whom are for it, throw rocks and Molotov cocktails at each other. Mubarak has offered to step down in September after an orderly transition, but the demonstrating mobs want him out now. Sniper fire has also been heard from rooftops over Liberation Square (Tahrir) in Cairo, Egypt’s capitol city. A few persons may have been killed; all of which is to say, the political situation in Egypt, a country formerly aligned with the United States and tolerant of Israel’s existence, has turned dicey. Nobody, not even the expert talking heads on network newscasts, dare to forecast where this anarchical mess might lead. So far, the Egyptian military, having been trained in the West and carrying some western values, has remained neutral. How long it will remain so is unknown. But why, it might be asked, is all this happening?

Some point to the thirty years that the eighty-two-year-old Mubarak has been in power, an authoritative reign characterized by political corruption, ironhanded oppression and economic depression, a combination of factors that does not make for a contented citizenry, especially amongst the younger generation. And not wanting to let a good crisis to go to waste, sinister forces, like a pack of wolves sensing a kill, are lurking in the background measuring the moment when they might seize their political prey. As Hitchens observes: “Egypt does not have a western-type civil society waiting to step into the gap left when the Mubarak state falls.”[1]

A worldwide and complex financial network funded mostly by petrodollars, the Muslim Brotherhood lies camouflaged and skulking in the shadows behind the current Egyptian crisis, awaiting its moment to seize its victim. Founded in 1928 by then elementary school teacher Hasan al-Banna (1906-1949), the Muslim Brotherhood is a network of ideological/religious Muslim groups dedicated to spreading Islam and implementing Sharia law, the sacred law of Allah that, without exception, demands the submission of all citizens, especially in the Middle East. The Brotherhood also possesses messianic aspirations of spreading Sharia law worldwide. With its no-holds-barred-totalitarian bent, the Brotherhood is the enemy of democracy and the western way of life. To that end, the Brotherhood nurtures, releases and finances terrorists as they prey upon the “Christian” West. Their motto runs:

Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”[2]

Given these goals, the Brotherhood has become fertile soil for growing terrorists and launching terrorist attacks. Though outlawed by Mubarak’s administration, the Muslim Brotherhood is established in Egypt through government representatives registered as “independents.” Few however, question where their ultimate loyalty lies, and it’s not with Mubarak, nor for that matter, with other western democracies, including Israel. As Peter Hitchens notes: “The most potent opposition movement [against the current Egyptian régime] is the Muslim Brotherhood, and the most popular cause is enraged hatred of the neighbouring State of Israel.”[3] So what would a Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Egypt mean for Israel?

Ethan Bronner, a New York Times writer, poses that a Brotherhood run at Egypt will not only result in a stronger show of Islamic force in Gaza and the West Bank, areas currently under Palestinian control, but also threaten Jordan as well; all of which would mean that, “Israel would feel surrounded in a way it has not in decades.”[4] A Brotherhood takeover of Egypt will complement the recent Hamas takeover of Lebanon and the residual hatred of Syria toward Israel. Increasingly, the prediction of Zechariah is playing out on the world’s stage. Twenty-five hundred years ago the Lord stated through the prophet:

Behold, I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that causes reeling to all the peoples around; and when the siege is against Jerusalem, it will also be against Judah. And it will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it. (Zechariah 12:2-3, NASB)

Egypt in the Past

Egypt, the land of the Nile, played a prominent role in Israel’s history. At the time of a famine, Abram, father of the Israelites, sought refuge there (Genesis 12:10). Feeling endangered, Abram lied to Pharaoh to hide Sarai’s identity as his wife (Genesis 12:11-20). From Egypt Abraham took Hagar the slave who later on became a surrogate mother to his son Ismael (Genesis 16:1-6) who became the progenitor of the Arabian tribes who caused and continue to cause so much trouble for Israel today. After his brothers sold him into slavery to a passing caravan, Joseph, Jacob’s eleventh son, ended up in Egypt where he rose to prominence in Pharaoh’s government. When famine struck Canaan, Jacob’s family migrated to Egypt, first some of his brothers and then the entire family (Genesis 37-50). During the next four-hundred and thirty years in Egypt, the Lord God incubated Israel to become a great nation which Moses led out of Egypt at the Exodus (Exodus 1-19). To the Israelites, Egypt represented a place where they could seek refuge when famine or invading armies (i.e., the Lord’s judgment upon them) threatened them in the Promised Land (Isaiah 30:1-3).

Egypt in the Future

Yet the prophet Isaiah envisioned a day when “there will be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the Lord near its border,” a day when Egypt “will cry to the Lord because of oppressors, and He will send them a Savior and a Champion, and He will deliver them” (Isaiah 19:19-20).

In that day . . . the Lord will make Himself known to Egypt, and the Egyptians will know the Lord . . . They will even worship with sacrifice and offering, and will make a vow to the Lord and perform it. And the Lord will strike Egypt, striking but healing; so they will return to the Lord, and He will respond to them and will heal them. (Isaiah 19:21-22)

Then the nations of Egypt and Assyria will travel on an open highway between them and join together to worship the Lord (Isaiah 19:23). Of this spiritual alliance, the Lord through the prophet announces:

In that day Israel will be the third party with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth, whom the Lord of hosts has blessed, saying, “Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance”. (Isaiah 19:24-25)

When will this spiritual alliance between Egypt, Assyria and Israel be fulfilled? “In that day. . . during that future time when Israel’s Messiah, Egypt’s Savior and Champion, shall institute His kingdom on Earth and bring Egypt, His people, Assyria, the work of His hands, and Israel, His inheritance, into spiritual oneness to worship and praise the Lord’s great Name! Wolff comments: “The peace between Israel, Assyria, and Egypt will correspond to the peace between the natural enemies in the animal world ([Isaiah] 11:6-9).”[5]

A day is coming, that day, when according to the predeterminate plan of the solitary and sovereign God (Daniel 2:37; 4:17; 5:18-19, 21), Egypt will be delivered by her Savior and Champion from all oppressors, domestic and religious. That day, we conclude, may be closer than any of us might think . . . Maranatha! O Lord Come.

Introductory Endnotes:
1. http://www.elijahlist.com/words/html/textonly-020111-Jacobs.html, emphasis added.
2. “Cindy Jacobs: 2011 ACPE Word of the Lord” http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word_pf.html?ID=9526, emphasis added. Note that this was “Compiled by Cindy Jacobs, ACPE Convening Apostle, Generals International.”
3. For a full discussion, read https://herescope.net/2010/09/next-great-awakening.html
4. See: http://slaughteringthesheep.wordpress.com/2010/07/11/cindy-jacobs-self-proclaimed-prophetess-to-the-nations/
5. https://herescope.net/2010/09/next-great-awakening.html
6. https://herescope.net/2010/09/next-great-awakening.html
7. In this regard Jacobs issued a lengthy “Prayer Guide for Egypt and the Middle East,” http://www.generals.org/prayer/prayer-guide-for-egypt-and-the-middle-east-february-2011/ Of course, the NAR Dominionists have a plan for world conquest that looks just as dreadful as the Islamic: https://herescope.net/2007/06/dominion-at-first-it-may-seem-like.html and http://www.discernment-ministries.org/ChristianImperialism.htm

Larry DeBruyn’s ENDNOTES:
[1] Peter Hitchens, “Delusions amid the Pyramids,” Mail Online: Peter Hitchens’s Blog, January 27, 2011. Online: http://hitchensblog.mailonsunday.co.uk/2011/01/egypt-protests-delusions-amid-the-pyramids/comments/page/2/.
[2] “Muslim Brothers,” FAS: Intelligence Resource Program. Online: http://www.fas.org/irp/world/para/mb.htm.
[3] Hitchens, “Delusions amid the Pyramids.”
[4] Bronner quoted by Caitlin Dickson, “The Muslim Brotherhood: The Future of Egypt?” The Atlantic Wire, January 31, 2011. Online: http://news.yahoo.com/s/atlantic/20110131/cm_atlantic/themuslimbrotherhoodthefutureofegypt6780.
[5] Herbert M. Wolf, Interpreting Isaiah: The Suffering and Glory of the Messiah (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1985): 125.

Pastor Larry DeBruyn’s article is republished with permission. The original article can be accessed HERE.