“Overthrowing a Government”[1]
Part 2
Read Part 1: 7 Mountain Politics and Theology
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“C. Peter Wagner: ‘Dominion Means Ruling As Kings”[2] |
Anointing Kings and Priests
Did you know that there is a next step – beyond the “apostles” and “prophets” – of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)? And that the next stage is to anoint ruling “priests” and reigning “kings”? And that they mean to do this literally all across the earth?! They’ve already begun here in America.
NAR leaders have been laying hands on people who happen to be running for public office. This is being called an “anointing” which at first glance doesn’t seem too alarming. However, the NAR has concocted a doctrine about “kings,” based on their claims of receiving new revelation, to justify this practice of anointing candidates. Historically kings are anointed in a ceremony before crowning them.[3] Given that most nations on earth are no longer governed by a monarch, the practice of “anointing” candidates, especially presidential candidates, establishes a precedent that not only raises constitutional issues but gives evidence of a radicalized evangelical theology.
Below are a few examples of “anointings” related to American presidential politics.
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HILLARY CLINTON even got anointed![7] |
The extent to which these anointed “kings” political candidates understand what is happening when they permit these apostolic “priests” to lay hands on them and “anoint” them is a huge question. Chances are they are merely looking for endorsements and votes. But do they agree with the doctrines of those laying hands on them? Do they realize the agenda of the ones doing the anointing? Have any of them publicly disavowed the New Apostolic Reformation and its Dominionist doctrines?
The issue of “kings and priests” appeared on our radar screen while writing our previous post 7 Mountain Politics and Theology. This is due to a controversial sermon on this topic delivered by Sen. Ted Cruz’s father, “apostle” Rafael Cruz in 2012. Rafael Cruz’s message was taken straight out of the NAR’s playbook. He taught about the 7 mountains of Dominionism and predicted a “great outpouring of wealth.” The senior Cruz’s sermon was bookended by comments made by NAR Pastor Larry Huch, first “prophesying” that 2012 would begin the “endtime transfer of wealth,” and that Senator Cruz won his seat in Congress to “rule and reign.” At the end of Rafael’s sermon, Huch delivered an NAR-style “prophesy” about Ted Cruz: “If the son is like the dad we can trust him to be our senator. But here’s what came to me, Ted will be our next senator. And I gave Rafael a word the other day, ‘This is just the beginning. Its going to be much, much, much higher.’ But here’s the deal. Ted Cruz is the real thing…. He’s going to become Senator and I believe someday either Supreme Court Justice or Vice President….”
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Larry Huch with Rafael Cruz [10] |
Kings and Priests Ruling and Reigning
The New Apostolic Reformation and its related cohorts have been concocting new doctrines for many years. They believe that God is “downloading” new “revelations” from the heavenlies to earth that supersede the Word of God in Scripture. They teach that their self-anointed, self-appointed apostles and prophets are in charge of the CHURCH on earth, positioned on top of 7 mountains of “influence” to shape culture. These also believe they are charged with overseeing the “transformation” of nations, meaning changing governments, i.e., the STATE. To accomplish this part of their “kingdom” agenda C. Peter Wagner, head of the NAR, invented “marketplace apostles,” elite secular-ish business and/or CORPORATE leaders (also called “kings”) who would become wealthy enough to control both the church and the state through their financial support.
The NAR looks forward to this as “the great outpouring of wealth.” The extent to which this wealth power grabbing mimics a gigantic “get rich quick” pyramid scheme should be the topic of a serious investigation. Compare this pyramid scheme diagram to the apostolic cellular network diagrams used by the NAR:
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Pyramid Scheme |
In their elite capacities as self-proclaimed “priests,” the NAR “apostles” and “prophets” are running around recruiting and anointing their chosen “kings.” The anointing of these “kings” is steeped in the aberrant NAR eschatology. These “kings” are believed to be destined to rule and reign in a newly emerging “kingdom” they are building here on earth. They think their new kingdom will usher in a Christ-figure “king” to rule over the earth, and to whom “every knee shall bow.” But they are also transforming themselves into perfected christ–kings to rule and reign and wield power over the earth. This empowerment is being taught as a “Second Pentecost” in which the “presence” of God will anoint them for this task.[11]
The NAR heresy about anointed “kings” and “priests” has been around for awhile, especially since 2002 when “Bishop” Bill Hamon, an old Latter Rain cult devotee, published this teaching in his book The Day of the Saints: Equipping Believers For Their Revolutionary Role In Ministry (Destiny Image). Since then his “new revelation” has been continually upgraded and expanded, and widely marketed to charismatic evangelicals.
Below are some examples of this “kings and priests” doctrine and how it is being taught. The first example speaks to “kings and priests” who will rule by influencing “seven spheres” (the 7 mountains) for societal transformation. Note: whenever you see the term “society” understand that the NAR means government(s). This is best illustrated by a promo piece for NAR Pastor Sunday Adelaja’s book CHURCHSHIFT:
“The secret of Pastor Sunday’s success is to release church members from the pew and send them out of the four walls of the church to find their own Promised Land. In their correct sphere where God called them, they reign as “kings and priests,” according to Scripture. They don’t all become the most famous or noteworthy person in that sphere, but they all impose Kingdom values and principles upon their area of influence.…
“When this CHURCHSHIFT message is embraced by leaders in America, and by church members who are working in these seven spheres, it will change America. Churchshift will help American Christians not be a self-serving but to be society-serving so we can bring about change in our society.”[12][emphasis added]
A key Scripture used to justify this new doctrine is Rev. 5:9-10, taken out of its eschatological context and misapplied to the church at this moment in time:
NAR leaders, Paul Keith Davis and Wade Taylor, espousing classic Latter Rain cult teachings within the New Apostolic Reformation, wrote for TheElijahList on January 28, 2010, “We must become what we are destined to be and activate our calling as both ‘priests and kings’ to our God.”
Citing these same two verses from Revelation, the men proclaimed that God is doing “a new thing” based on a new revelation about “priests and kings” that they believe supersedes Scriptural authority:
“…it should be no surprise to anyone that much of this truth extends beyond traditional belief structures and into the realm of revelation.”
“…expect considerable revelation to be granted involving God’s plans, purposes, and the unveiling of His Word in greater measures as the mysteries of those things previously concealed are now revealed.
“Once this revelation has been consumed by this company they will then appropriate their calling as priests and kings and facilitate the harvest.”[13] [emphasis added]
Some NAR leaders “prophesy” a violent endtime “harvest.” Wade Taylor wrote about “The Keys of the Kingdom” on TheElijahList, once again quoting Rev. 5:10. Here he creates an allegory about how Israel entered the Promised Land and slayed its carnal inhabitants, saying,
“Thus, they must be utterly slain in order for us to become the ‘habitation of God’ (priestly role), and begin to ‘rule all nations’ (kingly role)…. But we have been given dominion, and there should be a present expression of the higher realm of authority that we will be given in “that day” to rule on the earth in order to establish the Millennial Kingdom of God.”[14][emphasis added]
Similarly, Paul Keith Davis, in his TheElijahList article “A New Season – The Church is Entering an Age of Militancy and Spiritual Confrontation” (see graphic above), predicted these “priests and kings” would have a bloody reign of “fiery conflicts”:
“The victory has already been won; it is now our place to appropriate it. This process is necessary for our spiritual development and maturation to rule and reign with Him as priests and kings. It would be quite simple for the Lord to eradicate every evil influence standing in our way. However, it is His desire to achieve it through us in a series of victorious battles that bring us to spiritual maturity.
“These will be days of “blood and fire.” Greater appreciation of the redemptive virtue of God’s Blood and fiery conflicts between good and evil will prevail in coming days. Something truly noteworthy has been imparted into the spiritual DNA of this generation who qualify as overcomers – they are jealous for God in a militant way.
The Lord is a Warrior and those joined to Him share in His warlike attributes.”[15] [emphasis added]
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This “kings and priests” doctrine is connected to the old Latter Rain cult Man-Child eschatology. This is evidenced by the publication of an article on TheElijahList by Wade Taylor. After the word next to the graphic (see above) Taylor quotes Rev. 5:9-10 on “kings and priests,” and then Rev. 12:5. Taylor states:
“This “man-child” is a fully matured and qualified body (overcomers), of whom Jesus has become the active head. This “catching up” can be thought of as being a “rapture,” not away from the earth in escape, but our being “lifted” to rule nations in power and authority with consequence.”[16] [emphasis added]
This Man-Child heresy is the grand scheme of all the eschatology of the NAR, and can best be summed up as:
[17] [emphasis in original]
“The Third and Final Apostolic Reformation”
As mentioned earlier, Bill Hamon is the architect of the “kings and priests” doctrine, which he calls the “Saints Movement.” In a TheElijahList article in 2008 titled “2008 IS THE Beginning of the Third and Final Apostolic Reformation,” he wrote, “Those whom Jesus has made kings and priests unto God shall be the overcomers who reign with Christ on the earth.” Hamon thinks he is receiving new revelation, “revolutionary, reformed thinking from the heart and mind of God” for “fulfillment of Revelation 11:15.”[18] Hamon “prophesies” that after the (Second) NEW Apostolic Reformation there is is going to be a THIRD Apostolic Reformation:
Christ’s Third Apostolic Reformation and purpose is to use His restored Church to fulfill God’s original mandate to mankind–subdue all things, take dominion and fill the earth with a mankind race in God’s own image and likeness, bring more and more of God’s Kingdom and will to earth, and transform nations into sheep nations (those who do the works of Christ. See Matthew 25:31-46). This is the end result of the saints taking the Gospel of the Kingdom into every aspect of society.[19][emphasis added]
In his 2002 book The Day of the Saints, Hamon refers to these “Saints” as the “Omega Generation,” which “will be activated around 2008.” (p. 134) This “Omega Generation” will become “immortal Saints” (p. 382) and an endtime “Joel’s Army.” (p. 143) Immortalization, perfection and Joel’s Army are concepts derived from the Latter Rain cult where Hamon received his training.[20] Throughout the book Hamon asserts claims that God is bringing “a new restoration of truth into the Church.” (p. 137) He admits that the “kings and priests” idea is not grounded in Scripture, i.e. Absolute Truth, but rather a new revelation he received. Accepting this revelation as a new doctrine in the church is a recipe for lawlessness.
Who are the kings and who are the priests? “Priests” are ministers in churches. But Hamon asserts that “kings” are “Saints in the marketplace and public square” (p. 205) – both! This means that the “kings” are either secular business people and/or government officials. This is the 3-legged stool – Church, State, Corporate (business, marketplace) – for dominion. Hamon teaches that his Saints will be “appointed to rulership in God’s Kingdom” in a “kingly ministry.” (pp. 228-229) Below are a few examples of Hamon’s heresies:
“We should be preaching more about the Day of the Saints than about the imminent return of Christ… Today a transition generation of people are preparing… so that they can make the transition from the old Earth to the new Earth.” (pp. 72-73)[emphasis added]
“God is calling His people to superimpose His Kingdom in the business world, politics, the arts and media, athletics, entertainment, medicine, science, and every other area of life.” (p. 91) [Ed. Note: these areas indicate the 7 mountains]
“Today, as the Saints reap the great harvest… the great army of God… will bring about the restoration of all things in obedience to Christ.” (p. 113)[emphasis added]
“One of the main contributions to the Saints Movement is the revelation of God’s plan to use Christians in the marketplace (business and ‘secular’ professions) and public square (government).” (p. 247)[emphasis added]
“Many Saints will become key political figures whom God will use to influence nations.” (p. 248) [emphasis added]
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Exhibit B: A 2009 photo of the NAR’s elite Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, which includes Bill Hamon, Cindy Jacobs and C. Peter Wagner, when they issued their prophecies for 2010 that included predicting a “Third Great Awakening” and “supernatural ability to get out of debt.” Published on TheElijahList, 1/21/10 HERE. |
The Great Outpouring of Wealth
Get rich quick! The NAR recipe for dominion is a volatile mixture of spiritual elitism plus governmental power plus wealth. Any army needs financing, and the NAR has a grandiose plan to finance their planned Joel’s Army – a much-prophesied “great outpouring of wealth.” However, as is sadly apparent in the Seed-Faith message delivered by Rafael Cruz in 2012, this outpouring of wealth starts with lowly church members turning their hard-earned money over to the church “priests.” So the little people are being told that they are “kings,” too, with a promise of a future cash supply. Rafael Cruz explained:
“God wants to anoint you. With this anointing to be able to establish the kingdom. Do you want to be one of those instruments that God uses to accomplish that transfer of wealth?… God wants to anoint you as kings, as queens, to be used as that instrument of God to establish the kingdom. God wants to make a channel through which His blessings can flow to touch those around.”[21]
But make no mistake about it. There are also superior “kings” who are commissioned (anointed) for this giving task. In his book Bill Hamon asserts that “many Saints in the marketplace are… especially gifted by God to procure the wealth of the world and to bring it into the Church to take the gospel of the Kingdom to the whole world.” (p. 268)
Hamon doesn’t say how they are going to “procure” this cash to finance this kingdom, but it does make sense that if the government, church and business of any given region are in cahoots, and profiting from one another, it sounds like a kingdom mafia. But Hamon handles this issue by claiming these elites will be so perfected that they will not succumb to covetousness: “Saints who have been purified of God so that they are not given to the love of money will invade the financial realm and take it back from the devil.” (p. 278) Quite a handy doctrine! Watch your pocketbook!
Precisely how this procurement or invasion will take place is spelled out in an ad on a TheElijahList ad for a 2009 KINGDOM STRATEGIES MARKETPLACE CONFERENCE. Below the ad is the following text:
Now, more than any time in history, God is calling His army to advance into the marketplace. God is anointing His people to take His presence with them into their work places to be ambassadors of Heaven in every area of society. Our desire is that you will be transformed into His image and begin to walk in your true identity as a King and a Priest, becoming a powerful influence for HIM everywhere you go. It’s time we take back all that the enemy has stolen! It’s time we enter into the fullness of our inheritance and possess the gates of our enemies in every sphere of influence….[22][bold added]
How “Kings” Take Dominion
Rafael Cruz, in his 2012 sermon in Pastor Larry Huch’s church clearly explained the new doctrine regarding the “kings and priests”and how it ties to the “great outpouring of wealth” and
“dominion.” He preached a prosperity gospel message mixed with the NAR’s dominionism – a potent combination:
“The pastor [Huch] referred to Proverbs 13:22, a little while ago, which says that the wealth of the wicked is stored for the righteous. And it is through the kings, anointed to take dominion, that that transfer of wealth is going to occur.”
“But there is a second anointing. And it is the anointing of… kings. Kings who are anointed for a totally different reason than priests. Kings who are anointed to take dominion. Kings who are anointed to go to war, win the war and bring the spoils of war to the priests. So the work of the kingdom of God could be accomplished. … [T]he king needed the blessing of the priests to be successful in battle…. The priests needed the spoils of war…”
“…it is an anointing as king. And God has given you an anointing to go to the battlefield. And what’s the battlefield? The battlefield is the marketplace…. To go to the marketplace and occupy the land… to take dominion…. And … that dominion is not just in the church. That dominion is over every area, society, education, government, economics.” [23] [emphasis added. Note that the last phrase is about the 7 mountains]
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Rafael Cruz speaking on taking dominion |
“How many of you live with not enough?… When you have a grasshopper mentality everything is like a giant to you…. We need to change our perspective…. They [the Hebrews] spent 40 years in the land of ‘just enough’ – just enough to cover their basic needs…. How many of you are… living paycheck to paycheck?… God is saying it is time to get out of walking in circles in the middle of that desert….”
[Prov. 13:22] “The wealth of the wicked is stored for the righteous. And it is through the kings anointed to take dominion that that transfer of wealth is going to occur. God… is going to use people to do it…. God is going to open up that multi-million dollar contract that you’ve been hoping for…. He is going to establish his kingdom through you. So what God is saying is that I am going to give you the power to get wealth so that you can become my instrument says the Lord to establish His kingdom on this earth.”[24][emphasis added]
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At the end of his sermon, Rafael Cruz and Larry Huch begin to pray over people to receive a prosperous anointing as kings and priests. |
BUY Me A Nation!
At its extreme, this teaching about “kings and priests” has to do with overthrowing governments – a literal dominion over nations. C. Peter Wagner in his book Dominion! described his NAR agenda to take over the governments of cities and nations via gaining great wealth.[25]
“I am convinced that a significant reason why we have not yet taken any of our cities for God is that we have not had enough money at our disposal…. [A]n essential part of the process should be to transfer the control of wealth.” (p. 181-182)
Wagner then describes how he tried to buy a country in Africa. No kidding!
Not long ago, I was ministering to some apostles in South Africa. One of them, a black South African probably in his forties, asked me a shocking question. He said, “Peter, would you like to buy a nation?”
Since I had never heard such a question and I was curious to see where it would lead, I quickly replied, “Yes! What country? What would it take?”
He explained that he had been building relationships with apostles in the Democratic Republic of the Congo…. A democratic election had been scheduled….
The need at the moment was for money to place Christian candidates on the electoral ballots. I asked how much. My friend told me that it would cost US$50,000 for each provincial governorship and US$1 million for the presidency. I told him that I agreed it would be a good investment of US $2.5 million or so, which could turn out to be a small price for buying a country!….(p. 182-183)
Besides the obvious western imperialism (not to mention colonialism and racism), note that Wagner was tempted to buy a democratic election! What about this country’s constitution? What happens to the local grassroots voters? Wagner then asserted that “the more serious we get about social transformation, the more serious we need to get about the realistic price tags.” (p. 183) Is this man serious!?!
Yes! He quotes one of his apostles saying that “If you want to take a city, you need to buy it! Own businesses, property, and whatever other opportunities you can find to build wealth.” (p. 184)[emphasis added]
Why is this radical idea acceptable? Because, Wagner says, his “prophets” have been “hearing from God concerning wealth” and believing that “a huge transfer of wealth is about to begin.” (p. 184) He then claims that poverty is “an evil spirit” and a curse, based on his fixation with demonology. Thus Christians need to shift “their paradigm from poverty to prosperity.” Furthermore, Wagner spiritualizes this by asserting there is an elite “supernatural” and “divine power to get new wealth” that must be used “for taking dominion.” Wagner makes the following astonishing statement:
~C. Peter Wagner, Dominion! p. 149 [emphasis added]
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Exhibit C: C. Peter Wagner’s graphic depiction of how dominion is accomplished by the great transfer of wealth, from page 202 of his book Dominion! |
How Wrong This All Is
There are so many things wrong with all of this. It is false teaching based on new revelation that adds to Scripture. It reverses the First Reformation and entices the church back into a dark ages of biblical illiteracy. It uproots constitutional liberties hard-won by citizens, especially by threatening to install reigning monarchs who will have elite power and wealth to govern. This creates a crisis of lawlessness in both church and state. Furthermore it teaches an eschatology that flatters with false promises of wealth and power.
But there is no Gospel of Salvation in any of this except maybe as a baseline to which all of this other spiritual junk gets added. In fact, C. Peter Wagner preaches a new gospel, a false gospel when he asserts in his book Dominion! that “Jesus came to “seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). What is it that was lost? Adam’s dominion over creation.” (p. 204)
What a tragic omission of the Gospel of salvation message. It is time to dump the new revelation of the NAR and go back to the simplicity of the Gospel. Jesus’s kingdom is within, it is not of this world. As one critic of the Dominionist worldview has stated about the true nature of the Jesus Christ’s kindgom:
“It comes as a gift to the willing heart. It does not occupy the civil institutions of this world nor derive any power from them, nor even use them to physically advance it.” (p. 122)
“The King is calling forth His willing subjects to enter into [His kingdom]. It does not possess political characteristics… It dwells in the hearts of men (within you) and is righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost (Rom. 14:17).” (p. 125)
“Without the ‘spiritual birth’ (born again) one can not ‘see’ Christ’s kingdom….” (p. 126)[26]
1. C. Peter Wagner, Dominion! How Kingdom Action Can Change the World (Chosen, 2008). On p. 149 this phrase appears as a subheading.
2. Kyle Mantyla, “C. Peter Wagner: ‘Dominion Means Ruling As Kings,” 8/30/11, RightWingWatch http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/c-peter-wagner-dominion-means-ruling-kings This is cited because there is a video embedded here where one can witness C. Peter Wagner speaking at Chuck Pierce’s “Starting The Year Off Right” conference. This is one of many sources for this blog post that comes from critics of Dominionism outside the church who hold to more liberal political perspectives, but who have voiced serious concerns about the radical theology and politics of the NAR.
3. See, for example, the Wikipedia entry https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronation_of_the_British_monarch subsection “Anointing and crowning.”
4. “*The Response* Starring Rick Perry the ANOINTED ONE – Theocracy on Earth people,” Aug. 6, 2011, http://salon.glenrose.net/default.asp?view=plink&id=14056 See Part 1 for a listing of articles on Herescope that dealt with this event: https://herescope.net/2016/02/7-mountain-politics-and-theology.html
5. Bruce Wilson, “Sarah Palin’s Churches and The Third Wave: New Video,” 9/7/08 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bruce-wilson/sarah-palins-churches-and_b_124611.html “Thomas Muthee visited Wasilla Assembly of God and gave 10 consecutive sermons at the church, from October 11-16 2005. As both Palin and Wasilla AoG Head Pastor Ed Kalnins have attested, Thomas Muthee ‘prayed over’ Sarah Palin and entreated God to “make a way” prior to Palin’s successful bid for the Alaska governorship. Muthee made a return visit to the Wasilla Assembly of God in late 2008.” The graphic is from: http://www.talk2action.org/story/2011/8/11/1448/56498/Front_Page/Why_Have_the_Apostles_Behind_Rick_Perry_s_Prayer_Rally_Been_Invisible_to_Most_Americans_ and also see: http://www.alternet.org/module/printversion/145796
6. Kyle Mantyla “Trump Meets With Prosperity Gospel Preachers Who Can Cure Ebola And Bring Chickens Back From The Dead,” 10/1/2015 http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/trump-meets-prosperity-gospel-preachers-who-can-cure-ebola-and-bring-chickens-back-dead. See also Lance Wallnau saying “God has given this man an anointing for the mantle of government in the United States and he will prosper!” at “Seven Mountains Advocate Declares That God Has Given Donald Trump ‘An Anointing For The Mantle Of Government’,” by Kyle Mantyla, 11/5/2015, http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/seven-mountains-advocate-declares-god-has-given-donald-trump-anointing-mantle-government
7. Heather Clark, “‘Pastors’ Lay Hands on ‘President-to-Be Clinton’ to ‘Decree and Declare Favor of the Lord,” 2/4/16, http://christiannews.net/2016/02/04/pastors-lay-hands-on-president-to-be-clinton-to-decree-and-declare-favor-of-the-lord/
8. Bruce Wilson, “Video: Ted Cruz Anointed By Pro-Religious War, Antigay Pastors,” 10/11/13, http://www.talk2action.org/story/2013/10/11/173533/73/Front_Page/Video_Ted_Cruz_Anointed_By_Pro_Religious_War_Antigay_Pastors
9. Kyle Mantyla, “Kenneth Copeland Declares That Ted Cruz Has Been ‘Called And Anointed’ By God To Be The Next President,” 2/5/16, http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/kenneth-copeland-declares-ted-cruz-has-been-called-and-anointed-god-be-next-president
10. Watch the YouTube video about the one hour mark: Sunday Service August 26, 2012 – Rafael Cruz Preaches, Published on Aug 26, 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy074QLV2D8 See also: Who is Larry Huch and What Does He Have to Do With Ted Cruz? Feb 6. 2016 by John Fea, http://thewayofimprovement.com/2016/02/06/who-is-larry-huch-and-what-does-he-have-to-do-with-ted-cruz/ Also see: Bruce Wilson, 10/17/13: Ted Cruz’s Father Suggested His Son Is ‘Anointed’ to Bring About ‘End Time Transfer of Wealth’ http://www.alternet.org/speakeasy/brucewilson/ted-cruzs-father-suggested-his-son-anointed-bring-about-end-time-transfer
11. Note that Larry Huch is part of Empowered 21, which is set up for this Second Pentecost eschatology: http://empowered21.com/2015/02/empowered21-announces-more-than-100-spirit-empowered-leaders-to-speak-at-jerusalem-2015-global-congress/
IHOP’s “Presence” Apocalyptic Eschatology is discussed in a six-part series on Herescope:
Part 1: The PASSION of the PRESENCE & the Purpose of the Passion:
Part 2: “Presence” Eschatology
Part 3: Bridal Eschatology
Part 4: The Perfectly Obedient Bride
Part 5: The 2nd Coming of the “Presence”
Part 6: The Battled Bride
12. Promo piece for Pastor Sunday Adelaja’s new book CHURCHSHIFT. Read more at “God is Downloading New Strategies?” 2/5/08, https://herescope.net/2008/02/god-is-downloading-new-strategies.html See also “The ‘Dread Champion Army’,” 2/22/08, https://herescope.net/2008/02/dread-champion-army.html
13. http://www.elijahlist.com/words/html/textonly-012810-Davis.html Paul Keith Davis with Wade Taylor: Exponential Increase in 2010 Plus Having a “Hearing Ear” for the “Present Word”by Paul Keith Davis with Wade Taylor Jan 28, 2010
14. 10/29/11, http://www.elijahlist.com/words/html/textonly-102911-Taylor.html
15. April 4, 2014, http://elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=13291
16. Wade Taylor, “The Importance of Private, Personal Intercession,” June 1, 2014 http://www.elijahlist.com/words/html/textonly-060114-Taylor.html To read more about this doctrine, see: http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/May-June2007.htm
17. This summary quote comes from page 40 of the book Strange Fire: the Rise of Gnosticism in the Church by Travers and Jewel van der Merwe (Conscience Press, 1995), http://www.discernment-ministries.org/StrangeFire.pdf
18. BILL HAMON, “2008 IS THE Beginning of the Third and Final Apostolic Reformation” 2/25/08, http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word/6195
19. Ibid.
20. See page 138 of his book, for example. For more understanding of this important point, read the booklet Joel’s Army – 2nd Edition http://www.discernment-ministries.org/JoelsArmy.pdf
21. Remarks transcribed by author. Pastor Cruz discusses “the law of the harvest” – “if you want to reap money what do you have to sow? Money! …The size of the harvest depends on how much seed you are planting.” Money is so “you can establish the kingdom.” This is the old Seed-Faith heresy which is now upgraded to the false prosperity gospel. Listen to Rafael Cruz’s message here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy074QLV2D8
23. Listen to Rafael Cruz’s message here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy074QLV2D8 Transcribed by this author but also quoted in Bruce Wilson, 10/17/13: Ted Cruz’s Father Suggested His Son Is ‘Anointed’ to Bring About ‘End Time Transfer of Wealth’ http://www.alternet.org/speakeasy/brucewilson/ted-cruzs-father-suggested-his-son-anointed-bring-about-end-time-transfer Also quoted in “The Theology of Government Shutdown: Christian Dominionism,” 10/01/13 and 1/23/14, Huffington Post, Morgan Guyton, http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/4020537
24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy074QLV2D8
25. C. Peter Wagner, Dominion! How Kingdom Action Can Change the World (Chosen Books, 2008).
26. Paul Shirk, Come Out of Her My People (2002), book available from Discernment Ministries.