Herescope Blog

Experiencing God – Part III

One of the most important statements Jesus made was: “the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:23,24) If we are to meet…

Experiencing God – Part II

One of the many problems with the notion of “experiencing God” is that it is man-centered. In other words, God is there for our pleasure, so we can have goose-bumps and liver-shivers. This presupposes that the purpose for a relationship with God is that He may bless us by, amongst…

Experiencing God – Part I

I just did a search on the internet for the phrase “experience God” and came up with over 51 million references![1] Wow, that must be an important idea! “Well of course it is”, I hear you say. “We must experience God” has become such a common idea amongst Christians today…

Inclusive Spirituality – New Age Transformation – Part 5

The following quote reflects the heart and soul of Matthew Fox, and one is able to see the plan unfolding that he had envisioned with the founding of Wisdom University: “In Christianity, the archetype for mysticism is the ‘Cosmic Christ.’ While the quest for the historical Jesus has preoccupied modern…

Inclusive Spirituality – New Age Transformation – Part 4

In the last three postings of Herescope we have witnessed the rise of a growing darkness that is quickly overshadowing the world through various organizations and institutions such as Wisdom University. For many years these undertakings have remained hidden to the mainstream public but the work continued unabated creeping slowly…

Inclusive Spirituality – New Age Transformation – Part 3

As we look at Wisdom University, we can see a culmination of New Age spirituality and ancient philosophies being brought together into a unique forum to train other students in the process of transforming something common into something special, or what is known as “alchemy.” This is clearly revealed as…

Inclusive Spirituality – New Age Transformation — Part 2

In the previous Herescope the readers were given a glimpse of New Age activism with the introduction to the Sacred Activism Conference being presented by Wisdom University at the Lynnwood Convention Center in Seattle, Washington. We are going to dig a little deeper and expand our view, to look at…

Inclusive Spirituality – New Age Transformation

While the New Age is commonly thought by many to be a loosely knit network of spiritual activists working toward a common goal, it is really a very well oiled machine with definite goals to bring about a global spirituality, enveloping every part of humanity. One such event that came…

Don’t Correct the Fool

“He who corrects a scoffer gets shame for himself, and he who rebukes a wicked man only harms himself. Do not correct a scoffer, lest he hate you; Rebuke a wise man, and he will love you. Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; Teach…

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