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Inclusive Spirituality – New Age Transformation – Part 5

The following quote reflects the heart and soul of Matthew Fox, and one is able to see the plan unfolding that he had envisioned with the founding of Wisdom University:

“In Christianity, the archetype for mysticism is the ‘Cosmic Christ.’ While the quest for the historical Jesus has preoccupied modern scholarship for two hundred years and has reached a fruitful climax in our time, where, oh where, is the research on the Cosmic Christ? Is the Cosmic Christ studied in our seminaries and theological literature? One cannot study it if one is working exclusively from a left-brain perspective, for the Cosmic Christ, like its Eastern counterpart, the Buddha Nature, is the Divine Image ( Imago Dei ) found in all beings. It is the image and likeness of the Divine in all things. It requires heart work to encounter it.” (“The Environment’s Role in Deconstructing and Reconstructing Theology and Religion,” by Matthew Fox)

Fox wrote in his article, “One Truth, Many Paths,” for Yoga Journal, “there is a panentheistic—that is, mystical—dimension to Christianity that embraces the wisdom tradition that the historical Jesus knew and practiced. (This is the Cosmic Christ tradition.)”

The unbiblical and erroneous beliefs of Matthew Fox have taken him on a mission to bring all of humanity into a mystical union with his Cosmic Christ, to be enlightened, fully realizing and embracing our own divinity. He would have us believe that each of us was born with a spark or blessing of divinity within, similar to the Gnostics that the Apostle Paul dealt with in Colossae with his letter to the Colossians.

The second edition of A Time of Departing by Ray Yungen was recently published. In his book Yungen reveals how ancient mystical practices are uniting Christians with the world’s religions.

Here is an excerpt from Chapter three of Ray’s book concerning Matthew Fox:

“The individual most often spoken of as being the proponent of New Age mysticism within Christianity is writer and Episcopalian priest Matthew Fox. His popular books, Original Blessing and The Coming of the Cosmic Christ, are primers for what he calls creation-centered spirituality, which is nothing more than simple panentheism with a glorified title.

“Fox has a sizable following in both Catholic and mainline Protestant circles, although he has not generated near the enthusiasm or respect of Thomas Merton or Henri Nouwen. Yet Fox manifests the same God-in-everything view and aligns with Eastern religion as did Merton and Nouwen:

“Divinity is found in all creatures. . . The Cosmic Christ is the “I am” in every creature. (Matthew Fox, The Coming of the Cosmic Christ (60)

“Fox believes that mysticism is essential to humanity in saying:

“Without mysticism there will be no ‘deep ecumenism,’ no unleashing of the power of wisdom from all the world’s religious traditions. Without this [mysticism] I am convinced there will never be a global peace or justice since the human race needs spiritual depths and disciplines, celebrations and rituals to awaken its better selves. ( 61)

“Fox coined the term ‘deep ecumenism,’ which is a synonym for interspirituality. As the name implies, this would be a unity that goes well beyond the surface level to the mystical core of all religions.

“Fox founded a school to teach these principles to a wide number of students. It was called the University of Creation Spirituality but is now known as the more exotic sounding Wisdom University.”


60 Matthew Fox, The Coming of the Cosmic Christ (New York, NY, HarperCollins Publishers, 1980), p. 154

61 Ibid, p. 65

[Excerpt reprinted with permission]

The Truth:

The University of Creation Spirituality (now Wisdom University) has become Fox’s medium, his stage, to begin the “heart work” in those seeking his vision for transformation. By using the ancient mystical wisdoms of the various religions he hopes to bring a “new reformation” of Inclusive Spirituality to the world, uniting humanity under one flag of “deeper ecumenism”.

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. (Col. 2:8)