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Inclusive Spirituality – New Age Transformation – Part 3

As we look at Wisdom University, we can see a culmination of New Age spirituality and ancient philosophies being brought together into a unique forum to train other students in the process of transforming something common into something special, or what is known as “alchemy.” This is clearly revealed as you enter the world of the New Chartes School, a new course described as “A Seven Stage Initiatory Journey into the Mysteries of the Seven Liberal Arts of Antiquity as Gateways of Transformation.”

New Chartres School is designed as an initiation into the wellspring of wisdom developed by the wise ones of civilizations long past…”

“[O]ffering an intitiatory exploration of the Seven Liberal Arts of Grammatica, Dialectica, Rhetorica, Musica, Arithmetica, Geometrica and Astronomica, as refracted through the portals of alchemy, astrology and sacred art. Each intensive will also include an immersion into one of the world’s wisdom traditions.”

According to the New Chartres School description of the Seven Intensives, the world’s wisdom traditions are comprised of seven different mystical traditions, each a gateway to further enlightenment finally birthing the “Divine Human”:

Sufism, Kabbalah, Medieval Christian mysticism (Contemplative Spirituality), Hindu mysticism, Shammanic mysticism, Tibetan Buddhist mysticism, and Integral mysticism or a “coming together of all of the world’s wisdom traditions, the whole of which is far greater than the sum of the parts.”

In the Seventh Intensive, we see the realized goal of the fusion of spirituality and social action – “Sacred Activism: The Birthing of a New World.”

“In the final Intensive, we bring to an integrated conclusion the demands for deeper spiritual commitment and the imperative for more effective social action. In a time such as ours, spirituality without activism is arid intellectualism. Activism without spirituality has effect but little depth. What is needed is a radical fusion of the two, in which we experience both a deepening of our mystical self through an immersion into sacred practices as well as a strong commitment to social activism, leading to an integration of the two that enriches our interior journey. Integrated as a single movement of soul and service, sacred activism can transform lives and change the world.”

The Truth:

To put all of the above in simple terms, the role of this “university” is to bring students into a level of communication with the cosmic consciousness through meditative practices to encounter the ancient ones or spirit guides. Through this process, those trained in this New Spirituality are to intitiate global transformation reaching out to every area of society. This is at the core of all New Age teaching.

We are seeing this very same philosophy and teaching infiltrating the body of Christ in every denomination. Even the terminology being used is the same in many instances. “Sacred Activism – The Birthing of a New World” is eerily similar to the kingdom-building transformation espoused by the New Apostolic Reformation leaders.

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; (1 Timothy 4:1)