Herescope Blog

Mars Hill in Transformation

A Satire: How Acts 17:16-33 might be re-written today 16 Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry. 17 Therefore he strove to reach consensus with other religions, and found common ground with the devout…

Ron Roth and Inclusive Spirituality

In a recent investigation of the ministry of Ron Roth, I was asked to identify whether this man and his ministry would or could be considered Christian. While researching this man and his ministry it became apparent that he is an unabashed New Ager in its truest sense. He does…

A “clear-eyed, Christ-centered worldview”?

James Rutz wants to “restore the original, clear-eyed, Christ Centered worldview.” What is this? Rutz enjoys the endorsement of Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily. Farah has given him a platform upon which to write about his radical biblical worldview. WorldNetDaily appeals to the more conservative patriotic Americans. Rutz’s presence at this…

Announcing — Philanthropic Apostles!

C. Peter Wagner, leader of the New Apostolic Reformation and Rick Warren’s advisor, has done it again. He’s concocted another new kind of apostle — the philanthropic apostle. This new creature is obviously not a Scriptural term. But this role is an essential feature of the new kingdom dominionism/transformation agenda.…

The Emergent Organic Worldview

Brian McLaren of Emergent Church notoriety uses the terms “Jesus worldview” and “organic worldview” interchangeably. Both phrases carry dominionism connotations because, as Herescope explained in previous posts, they also mean “kingdom worldview.” There is a deconstruction of Christian orthodoxy going on, some of which is quite disingenuous. In his discussion…

Emergent Words

In order to create an Emergent “Jesus Worldview” (see previous Herescope post), or any other new worldview for that matter, new words must be created or old words are given new connotations or meanings. Dr. Francis Schaeffer in his classic work Escape From Reason, which we quoted from the other…

The Emergent “Jesus Worldview”

Herescope has warned about a “biblical worldview” and a “Christian worldview” in previous posts because these terms are loaded with extra-biblical agendas and meanings, particularly dominionism. The other day we encountered the phrase “Jesus worldview” from none other than Brian McLaren of Emergent Church fame. McLaren has recently written a…

“Fiery agents of transformation”

The marketplace transformation movement is about to explode upon the face of the earth. Leading the way are the marketplace “apostles” who are talking about a NEW BREED — a “new breed of marketplace prophetic evangelists.” From the Elijah List, 06/01/06 comes the latest missive: “”JOIN this LAST DAY’S ARMY…

The Global Day of Prayer 2006 – Part 2

In just two days (June 4, 2006) millions will gather at selected locations throughout villages, towns and cities in countries worldwide for the Global Day of Prayer (GDOP). The stated mission of the organizers seems simple enough: To call Christians from all nations to unite in repentance and prayer, and…

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