Herescope Blog

Marshalling Christians for the Coming “Conflict”

Rick Joyner, whom we have quoted often on the Herescope blog because of his malignant and extreme dominionism, just issued an announcement that “THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS RIGHT NOW INVADING THE EARTH” (7/26/06) where he said that: “The kingdoms of this world, the kingdoms of men, and the Kingdom…

“The Peaceful Conquest of the World”* Circa 1929

“The business of philanthropy is thinking through the way to change something. It’s just this simple: You have some money, and you have some things you’d like to see different.”(Bill Gates, Sr., at a reception at the recent Aspen Institute gatherings,quoted in Bob Buford’s recent newsletter) To understand the significance…

Willis Harman’s “Global Mind Change” Worldview

Willis Harman, a leading Theosophist futurist who impacted a group of evangelical leaders back in the late 1970s, has been a frequent topic on this blog. If one wishes to search out the other posts on this New Age leader, simply type in his name in the search box on…

Aspen Revisited — Philanthropy & Ideas

Neoevangelical leaders are fraternizing in the highest echelons of intellectual and global political societies these days. Last year this Aspen Ideas Festival became known among evangelicals because Saddleback pastor Rick Warren was invited to attend. Bob Buford of the Leadership Network, who has been closely connected with both Peter Drucker…

The Futurist Worldview

The most recent Discernment Ministries newsletter contains an article entitled “The Manipulations of Dominionism,” which explains the paradigm shift to a “futuristic” worldview that has taken place in the neoevangelical church.* The newsletter begins: “Dominionism is a form of futurism. Futurism is the belief that man can create his own…

More Militant Rhetoric

In a recent article in Christianity Today (7/10/06) entitled “The Lure of Theocracy,” Philip Yancey discussed a few fundamental differences between Christianity and Islam, and noted Islam’s theocratic culture. At the conclusion of his brief article he posed an interesting warning: “Hearing firsthand about Islamic culture increased my understanding, but…

More Than Reformation: Purification of the Planet

The previous Herescope post cited Ron McGatlin of, another apostolic leader who has been working on a more openly virulent form of dominionism. Ron McGatlin links to C. Peter Wagner and other New Apostolic Reformation leaders on his website, although there are some differences of opinion about how to…

What is Structural Revival?

Rick Warren began his famous book The Purpose-Driven Life (Zondervan, 2002) by stating his philosophy that “The Bible is clear that God considers 40 days a spiritually significant time period. Whenever God wanted to prepare someone for his purposes, he took 40 days:… “(p. 9) It is therefore significant that…

A Must Read!

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. Don’t miss this insightful analysis of Rick Warren’s upcoming trip to North Korea. Who’s Using Whom For What In North Korea? by Paul Proctor

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