Herescope Blog

Happy New (Age) New Year 2012!

Normalizing Necromancy: Tempting the Church to Talk with the Dead The kings of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the world, would not have believed that the adversary and the enemy should have entered into the gates of Jerusalem. (Lamentations 4:12) Welcome to the year 2012—the much-publicized year of…

The Night of Nights

By Pastor Larry DeBruyn  As reenacted in nativity scenes and Christmas pageants down through the history of western civilization, this story, in various ways, whether in part or whole, is told: God promised Israel a coming Messiah. God chose a teenage virgin to be the mother of Israel’s promised Messiah.…



C. Peter Wagner’s “Theology” Exhibit A: “Kingdom Demonstration for Transformation”* “If… the ecumenical philosophy is correct and a believer cannot be certain of sound doctrine, the commandments and promises of God make no sense.” – Brother David Cloud, Way of Life Encyclopedia, p. 160. On December 7, 2011 C. Peter…

Spiritual Warfare Eschatology

The Destiny of Enforcing a Kingdom 2012 will be a year of the release of heavenly authority to many who have turned from religion to the reality of life in God. The enemy was in the garden with Adam and Eve but was completely powerless until he deceived Eve and…

New Age and Latter Rain

Two Complementary Eschatologies “I call upon you to activate the capacities to save the world from self-destruction. I call upon you to undertake a mission comparable to the first disciples of Jesus. They were the first to carry the message of the reality of our potentials to the nations. You…

The “Selection Process”

New Age Eschatology What is Oneness? Oneness is more than a beautiful word. Oneness is the energy of love that lies within and connects all of life, enabling us to recognize ourselves in everything. The universe is one being and we are all its cells, all essential and responsible for…

A Disturbance in the Force

A Disturbance in the Force

A SATIRE [1] __________ Heavenly Directive #1 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE From: Ouranos (Heaven) To: Ge (Earth) EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY We regret to inform the peoples of the Earth that there has been a disturbance in the Force. Events unforeseen have occurred which have caused immediate and irrevocable damage to the Almighty.…

The Vatican and the New World Order

“Europe, the Holy Father recalled, had had its eras of greatness when a common faith had animated the hearts of its peoples. Europe, he urged, could have its geopolitical greatness again, refurbished and burnished anew, if it could create a new heart. Europe, he intimated, could again forge a supernal,…

Field of Dreams

Dominion Eschatology By Dr. Orrel Steinkamp “Our field of dreams had become a field of nightmares!” — Lou Engle* Dream Time for the NAR Apostles and Prophets In the very popular movie of 1989 titled Field of Dreams, an Iowa farmer began hearing voices.  This voice turned out to be…

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