Herescope Blog

Pan-Evangelicalism Driven “Off-Message”. . .

. . . by diverting attention from the Gospel to ineffective political attempts to legislate morality An Editorial by Rev. Dr. Orrel Steinkamp We oldies lament how American culture has changed especially in the last 50 years. The Christian influence that shaped Western culture worldwide through the 19th century has…


Neologisms for Evangelicals IMPRESSIA SCRIPTURA [Impressia: 1325–75; Middle English impressio (u) n and Latin impressiōn- (stem of impressiō), equivalent to impress (us) (see impress1) + -iōn- -ion; Impressionism: A style of painting associated mainly with French artists of the late-nineteenth century which sought to re-create the general impression of…

“Deliteralizing” the Bible: from Plato to Peterson

Scripture amidst the Shadows By Pastor Larry DeBruyn “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” The Apostle Paul to the Colossians (2:8, KJV) “Truth did not come into the world naked,…


Neologisms for Evangelicals SOLA MYSTICA [(soh’-luh) (mis’-tik-uh)] [Sola 1685–95; and Italian, Latin sōlus alone] [Mystica:1275–1325; Middle English mystic; Latin mysticus; Greek mystikós, equivalent to mýst (ēs) an initiate into the mysteries + -ikos -ic; akin to myeîn to initiate, teach] Mystical experience alone—in contrast to the Reformation which set forth…


Neologisms for Evangelicals MANTRA SCRIPTURA [(man’-truh) (skriptər’ uh) [C19: from Sanskrit, literally: speech, instrument of thought, from man to think. 1808, “that part of the Vedas which contains hymns,” from Skt. mantra-s “sacred message or text, charm, spell, counsel,” lit. “instrument of thought,” related to manyate “thinks.” Sense of “special…


Neologisms for Evangelicals MYSTICA SCRIPTURA [(mis’-tik-uh) (skriptər’ uh)] [Mystica:1275–1325; Middle English mystic; Latin mysticus; Greek mystikós, equivalent to mýst (ēs) an initiate into the mysteries + -ikos -ic; akin to myeîn to initiate, teach] [Scriptura: 1250–1300; Middle English and Latin scrīptūra writing. See script, -ure] The teaching that in Scripture…


Neologisms for Neoevangelicals METAPHORA SCRIPTURA ([met-uh-fawr’ uh] [skriptər’ uh]) [metaphor:1530s, from M.Fr. metaphore, from L. metaphora, from Gk. metaphora “a transfer,” especially of the sense of one word to a different word, lit. “a carrying over,” from metapherein “transfer, carry over,” from meta- “over, across” (see meta-) + pherein “to…


Neologisms for Neoevangelicals INCLUSIVA SCRIPTURA [in-kloo’-siv-uh] [skriptər’ uh] [inclusiva: c.1600, from M.L. inclusivus, from L. inclus-, pp. stem of includere (see include); equivalent to Latin inclūs (us) (see incluse) + -īvus -ive] [Scriptura: 1250–1300; Middle English and Latin scrīptūra writing. See script, -ure] Belief in an open canon, as opposed…


Neologisms for Neoevangelicals NEBULA SCRIPTURA ([neb’ yuh luh] [skript ər’ uh]) [(Nebula: 1375–1425; late Middle English < Latin nebulōsus full of mist, foggy, cloudy; related to Greek nephétē cloud, Old High German nebul cloud, Old Norse njól night). (Scriptura: 1250–1300; Middle English and Latin scrīptūra writing. See script, -ure)] Hazy,…

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