Herescope Blog
Alien Encounters

Alien Encounters

A New Cosmology for the Church  A Book Review   A Connecting Link magazine cover, Issue 23, 1994, depicting UFOs.  “As one who was very much caught up in this new wave of thought, I am in a unique position to evaluate this unusual book. I believe this book by Chuck…

Nephilim are from Mars

Nephilim are from Mars

Fallen Angels are from Krypton The Rise of End-Time Occultism, Part 5  READ Part 1: Homo Nephilus  READ Part 2: The “Return” of the Alien Super Soldier”  READ Part 3: Techno-Dimensional Prayer Combat  READ Part 4: The Second Coming of Apollo  1. “An 1893 soap ad playing on the popular…

The Second Coming of Apollo

The Second Coming of Apollo

Awaiting the Return of the pagan god Apollo(Nimrod/Apollyon/Antichrist)  The Rise of End-time Occultism, Part 4 READ Part 1: Homo Nephilus  READ Part 2: The “Return” of the Alien Super Soldier”  READ Part 3: Techno-Dimensional Prayer Combat  By Gaylene Goodroad “And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one…

Techno-Dimensional Prayer Combat

Techno-Dimensional Prayer Combat

Promoting new methods of hyper-spiritual warfare devised to combat the Nephilim, pagan gods, dark angels, extra-terrestrials, and transhumanist monsters  The Rise of End-time Occultism, Part 3 READ Part 1: Homo Nephilus   READ Part 2: The “Return” of the Alien Super Soldier”  By Gaylene Goodroad  TheElijahList, June 3, 2013 ….it’s the…

The “Return” of the Alien Super Soldier

The “Return” of the Alien Super Soldier

Awaiting the 2nd Coming of the Nephilim:  Transhumanist Alien Super Soldiers  —“as in the days of Noah”  The Rise of End-time Occultism, Part 2 Read Part 1: HOMO NEPHILUS Exhibit 1 By Gaylene Goodroad …“alien” and/or animal characteristics will be introduced to the human gene pool and spread through intermarriage,…

Prophecy Mongering

Prophecy Mongering

Profiting from the Promulgation  of End-Time CRI$I$ Scenarios  Thus saith the LORD,  Learn not the way of the heathen,  and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.  (Jeremiah 10:2)  The evangelical world has been feasting on a constant diet of crisis for…

Shhh… It’s a Secret God Told Me to Tell You!

By Pastor Danny Isom The secret things belong to the Lord our God,  but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever,  that we may observe all the words of this law. (Deut. 29:29) As the Preacher has already told us, “There is nothing new under the…

In Him All Things Hold Together

A Look at Colossians 1:16-17 Dr. Bruce K. Alcorn God began His written message, the Bible, by stating an extremely profound and essential truth. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.(Genesis 1:1) That fact and its importance are eloquently stated by Larry DeBruyn. At a point before…

Review of “The Harbinger”

Another Perspective By Pastor Danny Isom Jonathan Cahn’s The Harbinger is marketed as “Christian fiction”, but proceeds to present an immediate conflict in that while the format may adhere to a literary style proposed to be “fiction”, in the end the story is nonetheless supposed to be taken as not…

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