Herescope Blog


From the True Jesus   By Prof. Johan Malan The world is under strong pressure to turn their backs on the true Christ of the Bible in order to advance a multireligious receptiveness to the appearance of the false Christ of all faiths. The coming Messiah-King of the deceived world…

Imagine That!

Imagine That!

The Problem with “Sanctified Imaginations” The Third Eye There has to be a MANIFESTATION of your IMAGE – your prophetic word. What has God shown you about yourself that is NOT manifesting yet? Write it down.(Kim Clement, The Elijah List, 10/12/12) God created us in His divine image, so we…

The Rise of Apocalyptic Paganism in the Church

The Rise of Apocalyptic Paganism in the Church

Bible Prophecy in Crisis In the context of the Jasher account, that story makes a whole lot more now sense [sic] doesn’t it? I mean think about it. Without Jasher, the story in Genesis 25 makes no sense at all.… After reading Jasher, you now completely understand what is going…

The Emerging Galactic Religion

The Emerging Galactic Religion

Science Fiction and the Rise of Technocratic Posthumanism  By Dr. Martin Erdmann  Medicine is no longer restricted to healing. Biotechnology’s popular uses constitute a long list, among them weight loss, hair growth, birth control, teeth straightening, and sex selection of children.[1] Transhumanism takes human enhancement further, in morphing the vision…

The Gap Theory

The Gap Theory

A Review and Grammatical Critique From Cosmos to Chaos, and Cosmos Again Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof…


Augmenting Scripture With Diverse and Strange Doctrines Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines.For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats,which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.We have an altar,whereof they have no right to eat which…

Midwinter Sunshine

Midwinter Sunshine

A Book Review Watering the Greyhound Garden:  Stories from the Streets of San Francisco  by Warren B. Smith By Sarah Leslie This post isn’t really about heresy, per se. It is a review of a new paperback, Watering the Greyhound Garden: Stories from the Streets of San Francisco, written by…

Incarnating Christ

An Excerpt from Tamara Hartzell’s new online book:“Reimagining” God: Turning the Light off to Look for “Truth” in the Corner of a Dark Round Room Below is a relevant discussion of increasingly popular emerging doctrine, “incarnating Christ,” taught by Leonard Sweet and other leaders. Today’s excerpt is from Chapter 4,…

“Babylon Rising” and Canon in Crisis

“Babylon Rising” and Canon in Crisis

Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha,Fresh Revelations,and an “Open” Canon By Pastor Larry DeBruyn  “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine;but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers,having itching ears;And they shall turn away their ears from the truth,and shall be turned unto fables.” Paul, 2…

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