Herescope Blog
2012 & Fantasy-Driven Faith

2012 & Fantasy-Driven Faith

FANTASY or REALITY? Where is your faith? And what concord hath Christ with Belial?or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?(2 Cor. 6:15) “Spiritual transformation…is mediated through a person’s religious imagination.”[1] “The invasion of monsters began decades ago, and it quickly transformed the world of entertainment. With little…



Evangelical Christians Believing Mayan Prophecies Maya 2012 promotional advertisement People trying to make money are ginning up the hoax, he said. “The worst thing is they really do frighten children, and it’s evil to make up lies to scare children,” he said. “I have at least one e-mail a day…

“My Proof of Heaven”

“My Proof of Heaven”

A Review and Theological Commentary   By Pastor Larry DeBruyn The “Conversion” of a Skeptic? “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare…



NAR DATE SETTING Exhibit A* GodDay 12.12.12Restoring Honor to God and Fathering the Fatherless  “A Day like no other, GodDay, will begin on 12-12-12. A sound will be released that will awaken a city to awaken nations. This sound of awakening shall go forth and an army of awakening shall…

Can the Bible Ever Mean What it Never Meant?

Raping Old Testament Narratives To Promote False Teaching  GodDay 12.12.12 is a day of Divine Order and Apostolic Government. On GodDay 12.12.12 Apostolic decrees & Prophetic Proclamations will be made that Shift the atmosphere and release Awakening to America and the nations.GodDay 12.12.12 is a strategic model of Awakening that…

The Gospel Doctrine

“For if, when we were enemies,we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son,much more, being reconciled,we shall be saved by his life.”(Romans 5:10) By J.C. Philpot* There are two points of Divine Truth on which the Scriptures are very express and plain, and yet both of them…

Scurrilous Shepherds & Their Starving Sheep

Scurrilous Shepherds & Their Starving Sheep

The Cult of Evangelical Leadership, Part 4  It has become obvious that Shepherding-Discipleship is not merely an aberration that affects individual personal lives, but is a broad-based ecumenical outreach designed to conform the entire Church to an authoritarian structure with the purpose of achieving dominion over the temporal world system.…

Stuffed Shirts & Their Sycophants

Stuffed Shirts & Their Sycophants

The Cult of Evangelical Leadership, Part 3  Stuffed Shirt: Someone viewed as exceedingly competent, a notch above others, extraordinary, superior, elite, a surpassing expert, a change agent, above average, higher up, unrivaled, first-class, a higher degree, hardly ever wrong, and wealthier than average. Stuffed Shirts are perceived as formal, pompous,…



The Cult of Evangelical Leadership, Part 2   Fat Cat[1]  Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD unto them; Behold, I, even I, will judge between the fat cattleand between the lean cattle.(Ezekiel 34:20)  Cash Cow: “A cash cow is a product or a business unit that generates unusually high profit margins….…

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