Herescope Blog
Sacred Cows and Stars

Sacred Cows and Stars

The Cult of Evangelical Leadership  Sacred Cow[1] “Most errors in matters of faith are contagious and infectious;the reason is, because ordinarily an error is broached by some,and entertained by others, in satisfaction to some lust,as favouring some evil desire and inclination of our minds,and so naturally pleaseth those who have…

Be Still

Be Still

Contemplative or Listening Prayer & Psalm 46:10 Passion 2012 After reading Ephesians 1:15-23 (lectio divina, i.e. Latin for reading sacred things) at the Passion 2012 conference, and while standing on stage with the other keynote speakers beneath a giant screen reading Jesus, speak to me,Beth Moore tells the audience: Without…

NAR in the Political Limelight

A Theocratic Dominion Apostle  Gains Political Exposure at the RNC A Commentary by Dr. Orrel Steinkamp I have followed the rise of the Latter Rain for a number of years. The Latter Rain, an end-time fringe Pentecostal movement that arose in the 50s, has made its way through the following…

Getting “Higher” on God

Getting “Higher” on God

(A Sequel) Opiates and the “Experience” of Rave Worship[1] Part 1: Getting “High” on God By Pastor Larry DeBruyn “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your…

Getting “High” on God

Inner Opiates and the Genius of the Megachurch “Experience” By Pastor Larry DeBruyn “That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.”Jesus, John 3:6-7 Introduction When looking out…

David’s Tent DC

David’s Tent DC

Enthroning a Latter-Rain 24/7Altar Presence on the White House Lawn  During an Election Season Image from: By Dr. Orrel Steinkamp As we pray for David’s Tent now through November 6, we are actually watching with the Lord for this promised move of awakening to fully manifest. God is restoring…

Babylonianism at the Gates

Christians and the Encircling World of the Occult By Pastor Larry DeBruyn And when they say to you, “Consult the mediums and the spiritists who whisper and mutter,” should not a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living? The Prophet Isaiah, Isaiah 8:19…

Quantum Mysticism Conference

Quantum Mysticism Conference

[click to enlarge] QUANTUM MYSTICISM Conference DVDs now available! Discernment Ministries held a very special research conference in Niles, Michigan June 21-23. Niles is the new home of our ministry’s library, the Opal Reddin Library, which archives over 40 years of research material in the Latter Rain, Dominionism, Third Wave…



A New Online Booklet by Pastor Larry DeBruyn Below is an excerpt from an exciting new booklet that has just been posted at the Discernment Ministries main website book page. The topic of this booklet is especially relevant to the rapidly rising popularity and mainstreaming of T.D. Jakes* in the…

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