Herescope Blog
Selfie Scriptura

Selfie Scriptura

Neologisms for Neoevangelicals Selfie Scriptura [sel’ fee  skrɪpt ər’ uh]  [(Selfie: high tech, publicly-displayed self portrait, Oxford Dictionary word of the year 2013). (Scriptura: Middle English and Latin scrīptūra, writing. See script, -ure). Literally: self scripture.]    “…the selfie is either a pure expression of selfor the surrender to conformity.”[1]…

“Another Jesus” Calling

“Another Jesus” Calling

Which Jesus is Calling on You? A book review of “Another Jesus” Calling, Warren B. Smith (Lighthouse Trails, 2013) By Sarah H. Leslie During the hippie era there was a rising interest in spirituality, especially influenced by the Beatles and their adventures in India with mind-altering meditation and drugs. It…

Sola Camouflaga

Sola Camouflaga

Neologisms for Neoevangelicals  SOLA CAMOUFLAGA [(soh’-luh) (kam-uh-flahzh’-uh)] [(1685–95; < Italian, Latin sōlus alone) (Camouflage: from French, from camoufler, from Italian camuffare to disguise, deceive, of uncertain origin)][1] 1. The multifarious recitation of the phrase Sola Scriptura (Latin: “only scripture”) by religious leaders, priests, pastors, ministers, speakers, teachers or professors as…

Sola Camouflage

Sola Camouflage

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing,but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” (Matthew 7:15)  A stick insect of the order Phasmatodea, camouflaged by its appearance* By Pastor Anton Bosch The use of camouflage in the military is a fascinating study. But long before armies, navies and…

The Resurrection of Pagan Gods

The Resurrection of Pagan Gods

Mingling Pagan Mythology with God’s Truth The Rise of End-Time Occultism, Part 7   Part 1: Homo Nephilus  Part 2: The “Return” of the Alien Super Soldier”  Part 3: Techno-Dimensional Prayer Combat  Part 4: The Second Coming of Apollo  Part 5: Nephilim are from Mars, Fallen Angels are from Krypton …

The Accuser of the Brethren

The Accuser of the Brethren

Overcome and Cast Down   A selected excerpt from J.C. Philpot’s sermon “THE ACCUSER OF THE BRETHREN OVERCOME AND CAST DOWN,” preached on Lord’s Day morning, August 15, 1852, at Eden Street Chapel, Hamstead Road, England.  “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven. Now is come salvation, and…

Walking with God

Walking with God

“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” Amos 3:3 Selected excerpts from a message by J.C. Philpot* Preached at North Street Chapel, Stanford, on Lord’s Day Morning, Jan. 23, 1859 The Lord here, under the form of a question, enunciates a very important and pregnant truth. “Can two walk…

Metaphysical Mysticism Masquerading as Science

Metaphysical Mysticism Masquerading as Science

The Rise of End-Time Occultism Part 6  This report continues our previous series reviewing the new doctrinal tenets being taught by postmodern prophecy teachers who are importing mystical ideas from the occult into the church in order to launch a new endtime eschatology that no longer focuses on the imminent Second…

“In the Days of Noah”

What Scripture teaches about Noah & Enoch But as the days of Noe were,so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.For as in the days that were before the Floodthey were eating and drinking,marrying and giving in marriage,until the day that Noe entered into the ark,And knew…

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