Herescope Blog
The 2nd Coming of the “Presence”

The 2nd Coming of the “Presence”

Part 5  The PASSION of the PRESENCE & the Purpose of the Passion  Read Part 1  Read Part 2  Read Part 3  Read Part 4  We’ll have the power to raise people from the dead, that even death won’t stand before the power of the Church. —Mike Bickle[1] I don’t…



The Gospel of Salvation Lost at Sea  NOAH THE MOVIE: A Review By Gaylene Goodroad  “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season;…

The Perfectly Obedient Bride

The Perfectly Obedient Bride

Part 4:  The PASSION of the PRESENCE & the Purpose of the Passion  Read Part 1  Read Part 2 Read Part 3 Jesus promises to manifest His presence to those who obey His commandments. -Mike Bickle [1]  Jesus promises to manifest God’s presence to those who obey His commandments… the…

Bridal Eschatology

Bridal Eschatology

Part 3  The PASSION of the PRESENCE & the Purpose of the Passion  Read Part 1 Read Part 2 Joel’s Army IHOP-KC sets an emotionally charged grand vision before their students that they are unique from every other generation and that God will use them for great end-time exploits…. The…

“Presence” Eschatology

“Presence” Eschatology

Part 2 The PASSION of the PRESENCE & the Purpose of the Passion  Read Part 1 Rick Joyner’s Morningstar conference advertisement     …[W]hat if we changed our focus all together and our only focus was just to be in His presence?… This is what’s burning in the heart of…

God and Greed

God and Greed

A Contemporary Case Study By Pastor Larry DeBruyn   Pastor Steven Furtick’s “House from Heaven” “If anyone advocates a different doctrine and does not agree with sound words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ… he is conceited and understands nothing… [and] has a morbid interest in controversial questions… out of…



& the Purpose of the Passion  Exhibit 1: IHOP’s One Thing Conference 2013*  I went to a John Wimber workshop…. He said he sees the next 20 to 30 years as the time when more signs and wonders will be done than ever in history and when the secular media…

Sensa Scriptura

Sensa Scriptura

Neologisms for Neoevangelicals  Sensa Scriptura [(sens’ uh] [skrɪpt ər’ uh])]  [Sensa (n.) Middle English < Latin sēnsus. sensation, feeling, understanding, equivalent to sent (īre) to feel +-tus,. Scriptura (n.) Latin scrīptūra: writing. See script, -ure)]  Example: “A New Bible: The Passion Translation”[1] 1. Interpreting the Scriptures with a view to…

The Present of “His Presence”

The Present of “His Presence”

“Emmanuel” — God is with us!  By Pastor Larry DeBruyn The mystery which has been hidden from the past ages and generations… has now been manifested to His saints, to whom God willed to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which…

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