Herescope Blog

Bob Buford and the Leadership Network

The Leadership Network has been a key organization that has now trained an entire generation of Christian pastors — particularly the megachurch pastors — to be “leaders” in the Peter Drucker corporate model. Buford was the chief mechanism by which Peter Drucker was able to gain access to the evangelical…

Marketplace Evisceration

Business Reform did an interview with Ed Silvoso (01/07/05) in which Silvoso outlined the new marketplace “kingdom” transformation theology that is being disseminated by the apostolic networks and mission groups. This new theology guts traditional soteriology (the doctrine of salvation), making mincemeat of the Word of God in the process.…

The Gnostic Army

The following explains many of the new doctrines that are being promulgated by the false apostles and prophets of the charismatic movement. This quotation comes from Strange Fire: The Rise of Gnosticism in the Church by Travers and Jewel van der Merwe (Conscience Press, 1995). This book is posted at…

Why Prayer Warfare is heresy

From a recent prayer warfare group on a college campus comes this post: “Our calling is to be worshippers, warriors, and workers. We must first offer our lives as a living sacrifice in worship to God. From our worship will flow our intercession and warfare as we fight with weapons…

Bill Hamon and the Manifested Sons of God

If you want to understand more of the heresy of the dominionism that comes from what is now called “The New Apostolic Reformation,” be sure to read the entire Joel’s Army booklet by Jewel Grewe of Discernment Ministries, posted in three sections at Below is a key quote from Bill…

Spiritual WAR – fare

There has been a noticeable increase in warfare talk coming out of the New Apostolic Reformation camp in neoevangelicaldom. For decades leaders of the Latter Rain cult (which gave rise to the New Apostolic Reformation) has spoken in aggressive military terminology about taking dominion of the Earth for “kingdom” purposes.…

“Transformation” is Dominionism!

“Transformation” in the new evangelical rhetoric is a code word for dominionism. This can have disastrous implications for the true Gospel. Below is an example of the switch in focus from evangelism to dominion kingdom-building. This key quote is taken from a speech given by Dale Neill, president of the…

Constantine’s Second Reformation

Bob Buford of Leadership Network sent an e-mail newsletter to his list dated today, Tuesday, December 06, 2005. In the subject line it said, “My Dinner with Jim Collins…” What he says is absolutely astounding, especially when the reader recognizes that Buford is connected intricately with, and even somewhat…

Dominionist Rhetoric

Rick Joyner of Morningstar Ministries, a well-known Latter Rain “prophet,” recently wrote: “As we have addressed before, the Lord could have bound the devil and established His kingdom immediately after His resurrection, as He already purchased the world and all that is in it. This entire age, the Church age,…

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