Breaking News! Mr Jabez’s Dream Turns to Nightmare

The front page of the Wall Street Journal today carried a story about Bruce Wilkinson’s failed venture into Swaziland on the continent of Africa. This is a very significant story.

“In Swaziland, U.S. Preacher Sees His Dream Vanish: Mr. Wilkinson Hits Wall Trying To Push ‘Orphan Village’; Rodeo Stars, Safari Guides: Feeling Snubbed by the King,” by Michael M. Phillips, staff reporter for the WSJ details the failure of Wilkinson’s operations. [ ] This article is a “must read.”

Bruce Wilkinson, author of The Prayer of Jabez and The Dream Giver, was building a kingdom in South Africa, then moved to Swaziland. His template for nation-building was based on the Peter Drucker model of the 3-legged stool. Wilkinson was working in tandem with Rick Warren, who has relied heavily on Wilkinson’s 5 Global Giants to build his own Rwandan kingdom. Both men had grandiose projects to “save” Africa.

Worse, Wilkinson built his empire based on “envisioning” the future, which is an esoteric practice derived from the occult (see earlier Herescope posts). His vision failed! According to the WSJ article, his mantra-like chant of the prayer of Jabez didn’t work!

“Mr. Wilkinson says that he blames neither God nor man. He says he weeps when he thinks of his disappointed acolyes, and is trying to come to grips with a miracle that didn’t materialize despite his unceasing recitation of the Jabez prayer.”

“”I asked hard enough,” he added, his gaze drifting upward. ‘All we can do is ask God what to do, ask him to help us in the doing of it, and work as hard and wisely as we can. Somewhere in this it’s got to be all right to attempt a vision that didn’t work and not to make it an overwhelming failure.”

Peter Drucker’s model of conducting corporate business, which was apparently utilized very aggressively by Wilkinson, offended the African people. His arrogant attitude apparently did not go over very well either. But what really seemed to bother the Swazis was Wilkinson’s Christian (western) Imperialism.. For more information on this topic, see the latest article by Sarah Leslie posted at on “DOMINIONISM AND THE RISE OF CHRISTIAN IMPERIALISM.”

Wilkinson had played the 3-legged stool for all it was worth in his effort to tackle the Global Giants. The WSJ article provides an overview of how he networked with governments and private corporations to further his charitable work. A news release from General Motors fills in some of the details about the corporate relationships Wilkinson was building. Wilkinson’s non-profit organization received a donation of 10 SUVs from GM:

“General Motors South Africa Makes a Fleet Donation to Dream for Africa”

“PORT ELIZABETH, SOUTH AFRICA (June 27, 2005) – GM South Africa recently made a fleet donation of 10 vehicles – six Isuzu KBs, three Chevrolet Vivants and a Corsa Utitlity Bakkie – to Dream for Africa. . . .”

“Gareth Paul, COO of Dream for Africa, said that aside from the transport benefits the fleet will bring, important partnerships are being built between the private and non-profit sectors. ‘It is only through a collective investment from government, business and humanitarian organizations that we will be able to work toward sustainable social development in Africa.'” [ ]

The Truth:

We should not rejoice in the sad ending to Bruce Wilkinson’s story, other than to praise God for intervening in Bruce Wilkinson’s grandiose plans to “help” Africa. But the truth is that Wilkinson is a man who needs prayer that he would understand the sovereignty of God. No prayer chanting, or mantras repeated over and over again — no visions or envisioning — will serve Jesus Christ. It is by our humble submission to His will, and to His plans, that we become true servants.

For I know that the LORD is great, and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatsoever the LORD pleased, that did he in heaven, and in earth, in the seas, and all deep places” (Psalm 135:5-6)