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Queen of HEAVEN ~ EARTH Goddess

Part 2: Gaia & the Catholic Mary

Read Part 1: Gaia Goes to Church

“Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling,
and to present you
faultless before the presence of His glory
with exceeding joy,
To the
only wise God our Saviour
be glory and majesty, dominion and power,

both now and ever. Amen.”

~ Jude 1:24-25

 By Gaylene Goodroad 

Exhibit: The Roman Catholic ‘Queen of Heaven[1]

The title Queen was first used for Mary by Pope Martin in the seventh century. Boniface IX (1389-1404) called her Perfect Queen, royal Virgin, Queen of the heavens. Sixtus IV in the following century acknowledged her as Queen of heaven. It was only a matter of time before Mary would be supplicated by Catholics around the world as queen of heaven, queen of the angels, queen of demons, queen of patriarchs, queen of prophets, queen of apostles, queen of martyrs, queen of virgins, queen of confessors, and queen of saints….
Another factor that contributed to the exaltation of Mary was that there existed in the Greco-Roman culture, as a result of their age-long obsession with mythological gods and goddesses, a predisposed yearning for a mother-queen goddess figure.[2]

Mary, the Mother who cared for Jesus, now cares with maternal affection and pain for this wounded world. Just as her pierced heart mourned the death of Jesus, so now she grieves for the sufferings of the crucified poor and for the creatures of this world laid waste by human power. Completely transfigured, she now lives with Jesus, and all creatures sing of her fairness.

She is the Woman, “clothed in the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars” (Rev 12:1). Carried up into heaven, she is the Mother and Queen of all creation. In her glorified body, together with the Risen Christ, part of creation has reached the fullness of its beauty. She treasures the entire life of Jesus in her heart (cf. Lk 2:19,51), and now understands the meaning of all things. Hence, we can ask her to enable us to look at this world with eyes of wisdom.

~ Pope Francis, Laudato Si [3]

Exhibit: 2019 World Map of Marian apparition sightings[4]

Goddess Gaia is viewed as the earth as our living, breathing ‘Mother’. Think
about this. The earth itself is a home we all share. It is what we all
have in common, regardless of personal, religious, political, and
cultural differences. This fact, coupled with the Queen of Heaven’s
universal popularity, stimulates a serious question: What if ‘Mother
Gaia’ becomes ‘Mother Mary’—like the goddess Diana of antiquity? (Read
on to fully appreciate this question).


She appears as a living, breathing, three-dimensional lady enveloped in exquisite light.

Visionaries and seers describe a beautiful, young woman glowing in
radiant splendor. Seers… admit that the “Queen of Heaven” transcends
human description. Visionaries also report seeing strange lights and
glorious visions that often accompany an apparition.

Visions of angels, glowing orbs, tongues of fire, mysterious solar phenomena, and peculiar luminous clouds have been sighted.

Because of the tremendous pleasure and joy experienced by seers
during an apparition, the term ecstasy is the word most often used to
describe this event. Those who have witnessed her, admit that they are
paralyzed and enraptured by her beauty and charm. Numerous healings and
miracles have been reported at apparition sites around the globe….

She predicts heavenly signs and events that the whole world will witness
in the very near future.
~ Jim Tetlow, Roger Oakland, & Brad Meyers, Queen of Rome, Queen of Islam, Queen of All[5] 

In 2006, Jim Tetlow, Roger Oakland, and Brad Myers collaborated on a sagacious little book entitled, Queen of Rome, Queen of Islam, Queen of All. Tetlow established a website devoted to exposing the false teachings of the Marian apparitions, compiled them in separate book, Messages from Heaven, and created a film by the same title. Anyone paying attention to this phenomenon should be alarmed by the burgeoning frequency of these otherworldly manifestations taking place around the world—as well as the swelling numbers of devoted seekers, pilgrims, and advocates from every race, creed, religion, and locality who venerate her images:

the Queen of Heaven is truly gathering a massive, global following from every religion and race. The many books on Marian apparitions express that there is a growing consensus that the world is looking for a heavenly Mother—one who is tender, merciful, and non-judgmental, with the power and influence to solve our problems. Global peace, unity, and tolerance are repeatedly heralded by the Queen of Peace—as she is often called. This is a common reason for the Marian apparition’s universal appeal. The Lady and Mother of All Nations—a title she ascribed to herself at a popular apparition site—presents herself as kind and approachable, while at the same time claiming heavenly access and authority…This combination of qualities that the apparitions put forth—a caring Mother, a powerful intercessor, a bridge-builder, and a miracle worker—has proved successful in bringing together multitudes who would not normally associate…a growing number are turning to the Queen of All as perhaps the world’s best advocate.[6]

Exhibit: 2006 Book exposing the Marian apparitions’
plans to unite the world
under the Roman Catholic Church[7]

Many Catholic devotees of the Queen of Heaven are unaware that she is mentioned in the Scriptures, but always with the Lord God’s condemnation and judgment. Those who serve her provoke His wrath: “The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger” (Jer. 7:18). Note the Prophet Jeremiah’s warning to those who serve this ‘Queen’:

“As for the word that thou hast spoken unto us in the name of the LORD, we will not hearken unto thee. But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: for then had we plenty of victuals, and were well, and saw no evil. 
But since we left off to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, we have wanted all things, and have been consumed by the sword and by the famine. And when we burned incense to the queen of heaven, and poured out drink offerings unto her, did we make her cakes to worship her, and pour out drink offerings unto her, without our men?

~ Jeremiah 44:16-19 
“Moreover Jeremiah said unto all the people, and to all the women, Hear the word of the LORD, all Judah that are in the land of Egypt: Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, saying; Ye and your wives have both spoken with your mouths, and fulfilled with your hand, saying, We will surely perform our vows that we have vowed, to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her: ye will surely accomplish your vows, and surely perform your vows. 
Therefore hear ye the word of the LORD, all Judah that dwell in the land of Egypt; Behold, I have sworn by My great name, saith the LORD, that My name shall no more be named in the mouth of any man of Judah in all the land of Egypt, saying, The Lord GOD liveth. Behold, I will watch over them for evil, and not for good: and all the men of Judah that are in the land of Egypt shall be consumed by the sword and by the famine, until there be an end of them.”

~ Jeremiah 44:24-27

Elsewhere, Tetlow comments on this female object of worship in Jeremiah and reveals the identity of the “Queen of Heaven”—“an impostor,” “a false goddess,” and “a demonic entity”:

The Queen’s Agenda – Who then is this impostor? Certainly she is not the humble and blessed Virgin Mary of the Bible. Ironically, the apparition herself reveals her origin: “I am Mary, the Queen of Heaven and the Queen of Angels.” Those who are familiar with the Old Testament Scriptures will immediately recognize this Queen as the false goddess of Jeremiah’s day. In Jeremiah chapters 7 and 44, the prophet Jeremiah commands the children of Judah to repent of their idolatrous worship of the Queen of Heaven. As we search the Scriptures, we find that this demonic entity has sought to deceive God’s people for millennia. And as Solomon reminds us, if it has happened in the past, it will happen again.[8] 

This false goddess has been around for millennia disguised as the Lord’s mother and even as other pagan deities, as we shall see. She has a wicked plan to unite the world on the Broad Road leading to destruction (Matt. 6:13). Her devious agenda conforms to the sinister platform of the Antichrist (Dan. 7:23; Rev. 13:7-8).

But according to Tetlow, who has examined her prolific messages in detail, “when the apparition of Mary speaks of unity, she means unity under the Roman Catholic Church. It is under the Church of Rome that ‘Mary’ wishes to establish world unity.”[9] All of these proposals line up with Revelation 17 & 18.

In tandem with the ‘Queen of Heaven’, recent popes have also endeavored to achieve global unity—ecumenism—under the headship of Rome. In so doing, they have also consecrated the world to the Catholic Mary and have sanctioned her worldwide appearances, unifying messages, and “veneration”, which is nothing less than idolatry despite vehement protests to the contrary. We documented this troubling trend in a 2016 article series entitled, “Resetting the Reformation.” In Part 3 of that series, “Unholy Alliances to the Apostate Bridge,” we warned:

What many zealous proponents of ecumenical unity—like the Together 2016 organizers and participants—neglect to realize, is that this unholy alliance is a necessary step in completing Rome’s ungodly interreligious bridge to one world unification—under the authority of the Pope himself. Without question, the Evangelical change agents involved in this ungodly endeavor, who are leading their own enormous flocks and Internet audience into apostasy, all look to the Roman Pontiff for direction, approval, and affirmation.[10]

Not only are Evangelicals caving in on the Gospel to join forces with the Vatican, so are Muslims, who revere the Catholic Mary.[11] But ‘Mother Mary’ also appears to be a uniting factor across the globe—among all religious cultures:

It is one thing to see how Muslims and Catholics could find common ecumenical ground based on signs, wonders, and miracles associated with Marian apparitions. No doubt this would be one of the greatest religious miracles in history, encompassing over a third of the world’s population. But there is another large group that would need to be tied into the one world religion. There are hundreds of millions of people in the world today who believe in the gods of Eastern religion. 

These would include the millions who have converted to Eastern religion through what is commonly called the New Age Movement. It is interesting that Hindus, Buddhists, Native American Indian religions, New Agers and other similar groups already emphasize goddess worship and the earth as our living, breathing “Mother.” These groups teach that all religions are similar and that we must unite to solve the myriad of problems facing mankind.[12] 

Exhibit: 2009 Book/Film
examining the false teachings of the Marian apparitions[13]

Mary, the Mother and Queen of all Creation

“I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written,

~ Revelation 17:3-15

In 2015 Pope Francis penned an encyclical called Laudato Si sounding the alarm on the impending doom of the planet due to climate change and other egregious ecological “sins” committed by the thoughtless human beings of planet earth. In it, the Pope also petitioned the aid of “the Mother and Queen of all creation” for help in combatting this global crisis (his quote is also at the top of this post):

Mary, the Mother who cared for Jesus, now cares with maternal affection and pain for this wounded world. Just as her pierced heart mourned the death of Jesus, so now she grieves for the sufferings of the crucified poor and for the creatures of this world laid waste by human power. Completely transfigured, she now lives with Jesus, and all creatures sing of her fairness. She is the Woman, “clothed in the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars” (Rev 12:1). Carried up into heaven, she is the Mother and Queen of all creation. In her glorified body, together with the Risen Christ, part of creation has reached the fullness of its beauty. She treasures the entire life of Jesus in her heart (cf. Lk 2:19,51), and now understands the meaning of all things. Hence, we can ask her to enable us to look at this world with eyes of wisdom. [pp. 175-176][15]

Is it possible that at some point the Vatican will directly associate ‘Earth Mother Gaia’ with ‘Mother Mary’? All the evidence points in that direction. One blog writer has pointed out that one of the Pope’s scientific advisors is, what he has termed, a “scientific pantheist” who believes in ‘Mother Gaia’. His pagan views are definitely represented in the Pope’s encyclical:

St. Francis of Assisi’s hymn Laudato Si’ spoke of “Brothers” Sun and Fire and “Sisters” Moon and Water, using these colorful phrases figuratively, as a way of praising God’s creation. These sentimental words so touched Pope Francis that he named his encyclical after this canticle (repeated in paragraph 87 of the Holy Father’s letter). 

Neither Pope Francis nor St. Francis took the words literally, of course. Neither believed that fire was alive and could be talked to or reasoned with or, worse, worshiped. Strange, then, that a self-professed atheist and scientific advisor to the Vatican named Hans Schellnhuber appears to believe in a Mother Earth


The Gaia Principle, first advanced by chemist James Lovelock (who has lately had second thoughts) and microbiologist Lynn Margulis in the 1970s, says that all life interacts with the Earth, and the Earth with all life, to form a giant self-regulating, living system. 

This goes far beyond the fact that the Earth’s climate system has feedbacks, which are at the very center of the debate over climate change. In the Gaia Principle, Mother Earth is alive, and even, some think, aware in some ill-defined, mystical way. The Earth knows man and his activities and, frankly, isn’t too happy with him. 

This is what we might call “scientific pantheism,” a kind that appeals to atheistic scientists. It is an updated version of the pagan belief that the universe itself is God, that the Earth is at least semi-divine — a real Brother Sun and Sister Water! Mother Earth is immanent in creation and not transcendent, like the Christian God.[15] 

Exhibit: Pope Francis advocates for “Mother Earth” in the Amazon[16]

“Mary, Mother of the Amazon
It becomes obvious that perhaps more than one advising “scientific pantheist” had primary input in the guiding document for the October 2019 Pan-Amazonian Synod, “Instrumentum Laboris,” that was published by the Vatican in June 2019. Strangely, English versions have been difficult to find, perhaps a planned maneuver by Rome due to anticipated and widespread criticism of the document by alert and influential Christian Americans. The 62-page document is shocking and radical in its neo-pagan, pantheistic, spirituality driven by Liberation Theology and Marxist/Communist tenets perfectly simpatico with the United Nations global agenda. It a Christ-free manifesto that simultaneously elevates ‘Mother Earth’ and ‘Mother Mary’ above the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Below are selected excerpts from the document highlighting the alarmist language used to justify and impose immediate social justice action as well spotlighting the pagan spirituality threading the entire monstrosity together:

  • 12. (pg. 13) “The quest of the indigenous Amazon peoples for life in abundance finds expression in what they call ‘good living” (buen vivir). It is about living in ‘harmony with oneself,’ with nature, with human beings and with the supreme being, since there is an intercommunication between the whole cosmos…. [Ed., this is called monism, i.e., “all is One”. It is a New Age teaching] 
  •  17. (pg. 14) “…In the words of the indigenous people themselves: ‘we, the indigenous people of Guaviare (Columbia), are part of nature because we are water, air, earth and life of the environment created by God. Therefore, we ask that the mistreatment and extermination of ‘Mother Earth’ cease. The earth has blood and is bleeding, the multinationals have cut the veins of our ‘Mother Earth’. We want our indigenous cry to be heard by the whole world.’” [Ed., ‘Mother Earth = Gaia
  •  75. (pg. 34) “A cosmic dimension of experience (cosmovivencia) palpitates within families…In short, the family is where one learns to live in harmony: between peoples, between generations, with nature, in dialogue with the spirits.” [Ed., this is occult shamanism!] 
  • 44. (pg. 23) Part II Integral Ecology: The Cry of the Earth and of the Poor. “Part II addresses the serious problems caused by the attacks against life in the Amazon territory. The aggression towards this vital zone of Mother Earth and its inhabitants threatens their subsistence, their culture and their spirituality. It also affects the life of all humanity…The present situation calls urgently for an integral ecological conversion.” [Ed., think Green New Deal
  • 87. (pg. 38) Indigenous rituals and ceremonies are essential for integral health because they integrate the different cycles of human life and nature. They create harmony and balance between human beings and the cosmos…” [Ed., this is blatant New Age paganism
  • 98. d) 1 & 2 (pg. 42) “It is desirable to deepen existing Amazonian Indian theology, which will allow for a better and greater understanding of indigenous spirituality…. It is requested, for example, to take into account the original myths, traditions, symbols, knowledge, rites and celebrations that include transcendent, community and ecological dimensions.” [Ed., i.e., embrace New Age, occult, and pagan spirituality in total contradiction to the Scriptures and the God who spoke them] 
  • 121. a) (pg. 52) “A process of discernment is needed regarding the rites, symbols and styles of celebration of indigenous cultures in contact with nature, which need to be integrated into liturgical and sacramental rituals….” [Ed., these New Age, occult, and pagan practices will be incorporated into the Roman Catholic worship][17] 

It is not the purpose of this writing to ferret out every ungodly facet of this ominous document. The point is that Rome has taken the reins, i.e., dominion, of a South American ecological justice project—with the entire globe fixed in its sights. With all Christian pretense cast aside, the Vatican has led the charge stoking the global ecological hysteria, human “ecocide,” which (they say) necessitates swift and sweeping action to save ‘Mother Earth’ (Gaia) from extermination by “sinful” capitalists and climate change violators. New Age, pagan, and occult spiritualty is the engine that fuels this globalist machine into action. Note the blasphemous statement made in the closing paragraph of “Instrumentum Laboris”: “… We conclude under the protection of Mary who is venerated with various titles throughout the Amazon….” [bold added].

“Then Samuel spoke to all the house of Israel, saying, ‘If you return to the LORD with all your hearts, then put away the foreign gods and the Ashtoreths from among you, and prepare your hearts for the LORD, and serve Him only…’”
~ 1 Samuel 7:3 

The Vatican published a final document on the Amazon Synod on Oct. 26, 2019, entitled, “The Amazon: New Paths for the Church and for and Integral Ecology.” Note its conclusion and an additional “venerated title” for the Catholic Mary:

“We conclude under the protection of Mary, Mother of the Amazon, venerated with various titles throughout the region. Through her intercession, we ask that this Synod be a concrete expression of synodality, so that the abundant life that Jesus came to bring into the world (cf. Jn 10:10) may reach everyone, especially the poor, and contribute to the care of our common home. May Mary, Mother of the Amazon, accompany our journey….”[18] 

Exhibit: Pope Francis blesses a Pachamama pagan fertility idol[19]

While researching this subject I was surprised to find that many conservative, hardline Catholics currently oppose this new trajectory of the Roman Catholic Church. During the Pan-Amazonian Synod in October, Pope Francis drew friendly ire from many Catholic voices over a pagan ceremony held in the Vatican gardens, led by a female shaman. Carved, unclad fertility idols fashioned in the image of a pregnant lady were warmly welcomed by the Pope—in keeping with the Pan-Amazonian documents. He even “blessed” one of the statues. One Catholic writer sums up the scene:

On October 4, 2019, Pope Francis hosted a pagan ceremony with Pachamama statues in the Vatican Gardens and even blessed one of the statues. At the ceremony, people were bowing down to the ground worshiping the statue. Additionally, the Pope prayed in front of the Pachamama statue at St. Peter’s Cathedral on October 7 and then accompanied it in procession into the synod hall. The Pope confirmed that the statue was “Pachamama” and apologized for other Pachamama statues being thrown into the Tiber river.[20]

Exhibit: Pachamama – “Mother Earth” idols at the Vatican[21]

Another Catholic news story explains that two Catholic men, incensed by the pagan display, snatched the pagan idols from a nearby church and cast them into the Tiber River, only to have them dredged up shortly after the incident by Roman police. Pope Francis apologized—not for the blatant idolatry—but for the injustice suffered by the idols after they were cast over a bridge and submerged in the water. Interestingly, the Pope called these carved Andean statues “Pachamama” which has been translated: “Mother Earth.” Not surprisingly, “they had been described as representing “Our Lady of the Amazon,” which some reporters initially thought represented the Catholic Mary.[22] This is simply deductive reasoning on their part. These developments fit snugly with the ‘Queen of Heaven’ who is “venerated with various titles,” according to the Vatican and the Pan-Amazonian documents, as well as ancient historians. Can “Mother Mary Gaia” be far from fruition? Will another Marian apparition soon appear to make it happen? Time will tell.

Exhibit: The Lady of All Nations[23]


“Take ye therefore good heed unto yourselves;
for ye saw no manner of similitude
on the day that the LORD spake unto you in Horeb
out of the midst of the fire:

Lest ye corrupt yourselves,
and make you a graven image,
the similitude of any figure,
the likeness of male or female….

~ Deuteronomy 4:15-16 

According to a 1993 book entitled, The Cult of the Virgin, “the word apparition comes from the late-Latin word apparitio which means appearance or presence.”[24] Marian apparitions are named by where the “presence” manifested, i.e., Our Lady of Fatima (Portugal), Our Lady of Medjugorje (Bosnia, formerly Yugoslavia), Our Lady of Lourdes (France), Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mexico), etc. Each appearance of the Catholic Mary also reinforces Marian doctrine such as her supposed “Immaculate Conception,” “Assumption” bodily into heaven, devotion of The Rosary, etc. The Marian entity always requests that an image/shrine be made in her likeness to commemorate the appearance. It is interesting to note that each likeness appears to be a separate entity but are in fact the same personage (like the differing goddess names and statues from ancient days).

In 1945, an apparition began appearing to a young Amsterdam woman. In a series of messages, the entity identified herself as “The Lady of All Nations.” She promised the chosen seer that when the Holy Father in Rome proclaims the final Marian dogma of the Roman Catholic Church—that “Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate”—that a time of great grace and peace will come upon the world.[25] This apparition’s likeness is pictured above. Note that she is blasphemously standing upon the earth (above a sea of what look like sheep)—with the Cross on her back! This wicked Woman is a liar! The Lord Jesus Christ is the ONLY Redeemer, Mediator, and Advocate (Isa. 43:14; Jude 1:25; 1 Tim:2:5; Heb. 9:15; 1 Jn. 2:1)!

“Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon, sit on the ground: there is no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called tender and delicate…. 
As for our redeemer, the LORD of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel. 
Sit thou silent, and get thee into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called, The lady of kingdoms….
And thou saidst, I shall be a lady for ever: so that thou didst not lay these things to thy heart, neither didst remember the latter end of it….
But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come upon thee in their perfection for the multitude of thy sorceries, and for the great abundance of thine enchantments.”

~ Isaiah 47: 1-9 

In Queen of All, the authors gleaned some profound insight from Isaiah 47:4-5. In this verse, the prophet foretells the judgment of a Babylonian female entity called, “The Lady of Kingdoms” because of her many sorceries and enchantments: “As for our Redeemer, the LORD of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel…” is spoken just before the announcement of her judgment. They ask:

Could it be that the Lord revealed 2,700 years in advance that the Lady of Kingdoms would want to be known as Co-Redeemer?
God tells us in His Word that He alone “Declared the end from the beginning.” There can be no doubt that God foresaw this abominable doctrine—and He hates it.

Elsewhere, Tetlow concludes that this ‘Lady of Kingdoms’—the ‘Queen of Heaven’— (posing as the Lord’s mother) is poised to deceive the world once again:

Who is this “Lady of Kingdoms” that Isaiah is prophesying about? Apparently she is a female entity that has played a deceptive role and is somehow connected to the pagan religious practices of ancient Babylon. Isaiah’s words bring a strong retribution and condemnation upon those who have rejected the true Redeemer, the “Holy One of Israel” – the LORD of hosts is His name. We know from biblical history that a queen, (the Queen of Heaven) has played a significant role in deluding people of the past. Is it possible that this same Queen will delude the world once more? Is the apparition of Mary paving the way for such a delusion?[27]

Exhibit: Our Lady of Fatima statue[28]

One of the ways that this female impostor is deluding the masses is through her many supernatural appearances around the world where she seeks adoration and fidelity. One of the primary vehicles for this perpetual devotion is through The Rosary (see photo above). We will see that this is not a practice begun by Roman Catholics, but by ancient pagans.

In 2014 we published an article series entitled, “Canonizing Mystical Prophesies and Visions,” which exposed two Postmodern Prophecy Paradigm (PPP) leaders for their reliance on dubious and dark Roman Catholic sources to create and embellish end-times prophecies not recorded in the Bible. In Part 1 of that series, “Secrets of Fatima and Marian Apparitions,” I included some testimony from my childhood which was steeped in the Roman Catholic tradition, including a scary experience with a decorated statue made in the likeness of ‘Our Lady of Fatima’:

Into this mystical spiritual vacuum, devoid of true Scriptural moorings, came several frightening occult experiences that haunted my young mind. One of my most vivid memories was being made to kiss the feet of the Our Lady of Fatima statue during a processional Mass in the 1960s. An ambassadorial entourage, sanctioned by the Vatican, was commissioned to travel around the world with the statue and a message urging world citizens to be consecrated to the Catholic Mary

The wooden image, bedecked with precious stones and covered in cold, was carved in the likeness of the female entity that appeared to the famed peasant children in 1917. Many close family members believe that the Marian apparition itself commissioned the statue to specification which (in their eyes) justified its ‘veneration’ (kissing its feet) even more. Family witnesses and subsequent Polaroid photos revealed the statue’s apparent ability to change the positions of the ornate crown upon its head—a so-called verification of its authenticity. This inexplicable experience (among many others) was quite unsettling and scary to me as a young girl, and still is….

Six popes since 1917—from Pius XII to Francis—have determined the Fatima visions to be authentic and have perpetuated the Fatima processions and venerations, including the Marian entity’s request that the world be consecrated to her—and NOT to Christ. The late Pope John Paul II credited the entity of Fatima with saving his life from a would-be assassin’s bullet and even donated the bullet removed from his body to the Fatima Shrine in Spain. 

In direct opposition to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His death on the cross for our sins, the Fatima apparition promised “to save souls from hell” and “to avert the annihilation of nations” if pilgrims around the world, en masse, devoted themselves to the Catholic Mary, including daily recitations of the Rosary—a Marian devotion.[29] 

A common Roman Catholic tract not only states that the Rosary is indeed a devotion to the Catholic Mary, but that is not used exclusively by Catholics anymore—that even Protestants have succumbed to its practice:

The word rosary comes from Latin and means a garland of roses, the rose being one of the flowers used to symbolize the Virgin Mary. If you were to ask what object is most emblematic of Catholics, people would probably say, “The rosary, of course.” 

After Vatican II the rosary fell into relative disuse. The same is true for Marian devotions as a whole. But in recent years the rosary has made a comeback, and not just among Catholics. Many Protestants now say the rosary, recognizing it as a truly biblical form of prayer—after all, the prayers that compose it come mainly from the Bible. 

The Rosary is a devotion in honor of the Virgin Mary. It consists of a set number of specific prayers.[30] 

Exhibit: The Rosary a Marian devotion[31]

The rosary is undeniably a devotion in honor of the Catholic Mary, but it is definitely NOT a “biblical form of prayer” composed of “prayers that come mainly from the Bible.” Take note of one of the closing devotions of the Rosary—a blasphemous prayer TO the Catholic Mary which elevates her above the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is our true Advocate (1 Jn. 2:1). The ‘Holy Queen Mother’ would have to be God in order to fulfill this prayer’s petitions:

Hail Holy Queen 
Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our Life, our Sweetness, and our hope. To thee we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then most gracious advocate, Thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this, our exile, show unto us, the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Pray for us O Holy Mother of God, That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.[32]

The Rosary is NOT biblical. It is a sacred communication device among many pagan peoples of ancient times, including worshippers of the Ephesian goddess Diana (Artemis). Alexander Hislop traces the Babylonian and occult origins of this prayer practice—a pagan mechanism that has been dedicated to honor the ‘Queen of Heaven’:

The rosary, however, is no invention of the Papacy. It is of the highest antiquity, and almost universally found among Pagan nations. The rosary was used as a sacred instrument among the ancient Mexicans. It is commonly employed among the Brahmins of Hindustan; and in the Hindoo sacred books reference is made to it again and again…. 

In Asiatic Greece the rosary was commonly used, as may be seen from the image of the Ephesian Diana. In Pagan Rome the same appears to have been the case. The necklaces which the Roman ladies wore were not merely ornamental bands about the neck, but hung down the breast, just as the modern rosaries do; and the name by which they were called indicates the use to which they were applied. “Monile,” the ordinary word for a necklace, can have no other meaning than that of a “Remembrancer.” 

Now, whatever might be the pretence [sic], in the first instance, for the introduction of such “Rosaries” or “Remembrancers,” the very idea of such a thing is thoroughly Pagan.* It supposes that a certain number of prayers must be regularly gone over; it overlooks the grand demand which God makes for the heart, and leads those who use them to believe that form and routine are everything, and that “they must be heard for their much speaking.”[33] 

To this day, versions of The Rosary are used by virtually every religious culture on the planet, not just Roman Catholics.

“And when you pray, do not babble on like pagans,
for they think that by their many words they will be heard.
Do not be like them, f
or your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.”

~ Matthew 6:7-8 

Exhibit: Diana (Artemis) of Ephesus[34]


“But when they knew that he was a Jew, all with one voice about the space of two hours cried out, Great is Diana of the Ephesians. And when the townclerk had appeased the people, he said, Ye men of Ephesus, what man is there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddess Diana, and of the image which fell down from Jupiter?”

~ Acts 19:34-36

The temple to Diana of Ephesus was known as one of the seven wonders of the world. Some say it took 120 years to construct. It was located in Asia Minor, where the Apostle Paul preached the Gospel (Acts 19:1, 8-10). It was in Ephesus during this time that a great riot broke out when Demetrius, a wealthy silversmith, became afraid that Paul’s Good News to the city would destroy his business and bring the worship to the goddess Diana to a screeching halt. The city was in was in a tumult. The residents “… all with one voice about the space of two hours cried out, Great is Diana of the Ephesians!” (Acts 19:34). Paul averted personal harm and left for Macedonia shortly after the uproar (Acts 20:1), but the cult of the goddess Diana lived on, as we shall see, through the Catholic Mary. It is crucial to understand that the worship of the goddess Diana (Artemis) did not originate in Ephesus… but in ancient Babylon.

In his classic work, The Two Babylons, Alexander Hislop connects the Ephesian goddess Diana to the “Mother of gods,” an entity tracing all the way back to the tower of Babel. Some depictions of this goddess present the crown on her head as a small tower or turret (pictured right). From Hislop’s earlier quote above, the necklace the statue is wearing (pictured right) is an ancient Rosary. The banding of bulbs around her chest, thought to represent breasts, might actually be severed bull testicles which were ritualistically sacrificed to her image!

In general, Diana was depicted as a virgin, and the patroness of virginity; but the Ephesian Diana was quite different. She was represented with all the attributes of the Mother of the gods, and, as the Mother of the gods, she wore a turreted crown, such as no one can contemplate without being forcibly reminded of the tower of Babel.[35] 

In 2016, Carla Ionescu, a professor of Greek and Roman studies at Trent University[36] in Canada published her provocative dissertation entitled, “THE ENDURING GODDESS: Artemis and Mary, Mother of Jesus.” In it, she asserts that the goddess Artemis (another name for Diana) “fused into” the Catholic Mary. She writes that Artemis “could not be deposed. Instead, she survived the conquering of this new religion [Christianity] under the guise of Mary, Mother of Jesus.” Ionescu contends that the Ephesians did not swap one goddess for another, but that Artemis (Diana) became the Catholic Mary, emphasizing that “Mary did not struggle through a transformation, and the citizens of Ephesus did not need to go through a transition. What happened was that one virgin was fused with another.” Below are excerpts from her paper:

…This work suggests that this deeply entrenched scholarly tradition is fissured with misunderstandings of Greek and Ephesian popular culture, and provides evidence that clearly suggests Artemis is the most prevalent and influential goddess of the Mediterranean, with roots embedded in the community and culture of this area that can be traced further back in time than even the arrival of the Greeks. In fact, Artemis’ reign is so fundamental to the cultural identity of her worshippers that even when facing the onslaught of early Christianity, she could not be deposed. Instead, she survived the conquering of this new religion under the guise of Mary, Mother of Jesus. 

Using methods of narrative analysis, as well as review of archeological findings, this work demonstrates that the customs devoted to the worship of Artemis were fundamental to the civic identity of her followers, particularly in the city of Ephesus in which Artemis reigned not only as Queen of Heaven, but also as Mother, Healer and Saviour. Reverence for her was as so deeply entrenched in the community of this city, that after her temple was destroyed, and Christian churches were built on top of her sacred places, her citizens brought forward the only female character in the new ruling religion of Christianity, the Virgin Mary, and re-named her Theotokos, Mother of God, within its city walls. [pg. ii]

It is my position that the virgin Artemis was not transformed into the Virgin Mary. Rather it is that Mary was simply fused into the long established [sic] communal practices of Ephesus without any change to civic identity. The evidence for this is based on corresponding mythologies, epithets and roles, and the social need for a Goddess. Almost all rituals remained the same; a new church was built where people could worship in the absence of their now destroyed temple; and all of Artemis’ titles and epithets were fused into the doctrine of Marian worship. Thus, Mary did not struggle through a transformation, and the citizens of Ephesus did not need to go through a transition. What happened was that one virgin was fused with another. [pg. 15] [37]

Ionescu, like Rev. Hislop, goes on to the postulate that the multiple goddesses of the ancient world were undoubtedly the same deity; many names and faces, but the same entity. She writes that as “Mother of Gods,” Artemis (Diana) “rivals the authority and influence of Zeus” and “embodies” the “all-encompassing Mother Goddess Gaia”:

The “Mother of Gods” attribute is a foundational difference that transforms the traditional Greek attributes of Artemis into a whole new dimension: she rivals the authority and influence of Zeus. Thus, in Ephesus, Artemis is not just an Olympian. As Cybele, her authority predates the Olympians, and through this early Cretan practice she embodies the Titan Rhea, and even the all-encompassing Mother Goddess Gaia.[38] 

The evidence before us now suggests that the ‘Mother Gaia’ is poised to “fuse into” the Catholic Mary who perpetually attempts “to rival the authority and influence” of the Lord Jesus Christ—like the Marian image at the top of this post who is shown crushing the head of a serpent with her foot, usurping Christ’s sole power and authority (Gen. 3:15; 1 Jn. 3:8).

The Bible warns us, in advance, that when the Antichrist comes to power, he will deceive the entire world by using satanic false signs and wonders (2 Thess. 2:1-12). The Word also warns that “God will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie” (v. 11), because “they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them” and “have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness” (vs. 10, 12).

At this same time, the Antichrist (the Beast) will be assisted by the False Prophet (the 2nd Beast) who will also be given great demonic powers and signs—including the ability to make an image come to life—an image that will deceive the inhabitants of the world into worshipping the Antichrist or face imminent death (Rev. 13:11-18; 16:13). Could the ‘Queen of Heaven’ be involved in this world-wide deception? Time will certainly tell.

“Sit thou silent, and get thee into darkness,
O daughter of the Chaldeans:
for thou shalt no more be called,
The lady of kingdoms.”

~ Isaiah 47:5 


“I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore
that sitteth upon many waters:
With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication,
and the inhabitants of the earth
have been made drunk with the wine of
her fornication.”

Revelation 17:1-3 

The authors of The Queen of All make a powerful case that the ‘Queen of Heaven’—in all her semblances—”will be the energizing force behind the world’s final counterfeit church”:

Jeremiah [7:18-20] specifies the Queen of Heaven as the one who seduced God’s people in the past. Solomon [Ecc. 1:9-11] warns that if it has happened in the past, it will surely be repeated. Isaiah [47:1-9] describes a wicked “virgin” and “mother” who is called the “Lady of Kingdoms.” Jesus [Rev. 2:20-22] identifies an evil prophetess “Jezebel” and her idolatrous activities. Jezebel and her followers will be cast into the Great Tribulation unless they repent. 

Jesus [Matt. 13:31-33; Lk. 13: 18-21] also warns of a wicked woman who secretly infuses her corrupt doctrine. John [Rev. 17:1-3; 18:7] describes the mother of harlots as a woman who refers to herself as “Queen”. Zechariah [5:7-8] explains that there will be a worldwide curse related to a wicked woman. Daniel [11:36-37; 2 Thess. 2:3-4] prophesies that the Antichrist will exalt himself above an end-times female goddess. 

Paul [2 Thess. 2:9-12] states that God will send a strong delusion to those who reject the truth. And several other prophecies anticipate idolatry and goddess worship during earth’s final days. Taken as a whole, the many clues strongly suggest that the entity or entities that appear as Mary will be the energizing force behind the world’s final counterfeit church.[39] 

Exhibit: A depiction of the Whore of Babylon[40]

“And upon her forehead was a name written,


~ Revelation 17:5 
“…Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.  
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying,
Come out of her, my people,
that ye be not partakers of her sins,
and that ye receive not of her plagues.
For her sins have reached unto heaven,
and God hath remembered her iniquities.
Reward her even as she rewarded you,
and double unto her double according to her works:
in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.
How much she hath glorified herself,
and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her:
for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen,
and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.”

~ Rev. 18:2-7
“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,
or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above,
or that is in the earth beneath,
or that is in the water under the earth:
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them,
nor serve them:
for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God,
visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children
unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me…”

~ Exodus 20:4-5 
“Little children, keep yourselves from idols.”

~ 1 John 5:21 

1. Marian image, Mary in History.com; http://www.maryinhistory.com/MarysTitles/06MotherOfDivineGrace/IR03545xx.jpg
2. Elliot Miller and Kenneth R. Samples, The Cult of the Virgin, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1992, 1993, pp. 64-65, bold and red added.
3. Laudato Si’, mi’ Signore, Pope Francis Encyclical on Care for Our Common Home, Vatican Press, May 24, 2015; http://w2.vatican.va/content/dam/francesco/pdf/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si_en.pdf, pp. 175-176, bold and red added. 
4. Exhibit from Big Think website: https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/world-map-marian-apparitions.
5.  Jim Tetlow, Eternal Productions website: “Queen of All Article The Marian apparitions’ plan to unite all religions”; http://www.eternal-productions.org/PDFS/Queen%20of%20All%20Article.pdf, bold and red added.Download his books at his website: http://www.eternal-productions.org/catholicism.html
6. Jim Tetlow, Roger Oakland, & Brad Meyers, Queen of Rome, Queen of Islam, Queen of All, Eternal Productions, Fairfield, NY, 2006; https://www.amazon.com/Queen-All-apparitions-religions-Catholic-ebook/dp/B01M2YWL6Y, pg. 15, bold, red added. Download his book at his website: http://www.eternal-productions.org/catholicism.html
7. Book image: Amazon.com; Queen of All; https://www.amazon.com/Queen-All-Jim-Tetlow/dp/0971756112
8. Ibid. Tetlow, bold, red added. 
9. Ibid. Tetlow, bold added.
10. Gaylene Goodroad, “Resetting the Reformation Part 3, Unholy Alliances to the Apostate Bridge,” Herescope, Oct. 3, 2016; https://herescope.net/2016/10/unholy-alliances-to-apostate-bridge.html
Resetting the Reformation: 
Part 1: TOGETHER 2016: Unbiblical Unity on the National Mall 
Part 2: Betraying the Reformers – Betraying the Gospel 
Part 3: Unholy Alliances to the Apostate Bridge 
Part 4: The Broad Way Unity Bridge 
11. Ibid. Queen of All, pp. 35-37. 
12. Jim Tetlow, Eternal Productions website: “Queen of All Article The Marian apparitions’ plan to unite all religions”; http://www.eternal-productions.org/PDFS/Queen%20of%20All%20Article.pdf, bold, red added. 
13. Book image: Amazon.com; Jim Tetlow, Messages from Heaven, Eternal Productions, Mar. 2009; https://www.amazon.com/Messages-Heaven-Jim-Tetlow/dp/0971756104. See also his website: http://www.eternal-productions.org/catholicism.html
14. Ibid. Laudato Si
15. William M. Briggs, “The Scientific Pantheist Who Advises Pope Francis,” Stream.org., June 22, 2015; https://stream.org/scientific-pantheist-who-advises-pope-francis/, bold, red added.
16. Exhibit from Omni World.org; https://www.omiworld.org/es/2019/10/04/presencia-oblata-en-el-sinodo-especial-para-la-amazonia-2019/
17. The Synod of Bishops Special Assembly for the Pan-Amazon, The Amazon: New Paths for the Church and for Integral Ecology, “Instrumentum Laboris,” June 19, 2019; See: https://rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/2019/06/exclusive-full-text-of-amazon-synod.html, bold, red added.. 
18. The Synod of the Amazon document: New Paths for the Church and for an Integral Ecology, Vatican News, Feb. 2020; https://www.vaticannews.va/en/vatican-city/news/2020-02/final-document-synod-amazon.html, bold, red added. 
19. Exhibit from Veritas Vincit website, “Pope Francis blesses pagan Pachamama statue in Vatican Gardens,” Dec. 12, 2019; https://veritas-vincit-international.org/2019/12/12/pope-blesses-pachamama/
20. Paul Smeaton, “Did Pope Francis defend Pachamama idolatry at Vatican in new Amazon synod exhortation?; Life Site News, Feb. 12, 2020; https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/did-pope-francis-defend-pachamama-idolatry-at-vatican-in-new-amazon-synod-exhortation, hyperlinks in original. 
21. Exhibit from Choosing Him website; https://choosing-him.blogspot.com/2020/02/parish-bans-pachamama-activist-from.html 
22. “Pope Francis apologizes that Amazon synod ‘Pachamama’ was thrown into Tiber River”, Catholic World Report website, Oct. 25, 2019; https://www.catholicworldreport.com/2019/10/25/pope-francis-apologizes-that-amazon-synod-pachamama-was-thrown-into-tiber-river/
23. Exhibit from The Lady of All Nations website; https://www.theladyofallnations.org/DLGB-070h-ENG/en
24. Ibid. Cult of the Virgin, pg. 80. 
25. The Amsterdam Apparitions website, The Lady of All Nations; https://www.amsterdamapparitions.com/1945 and https://www.amsterdamapparitions.com/fifth-marian-dogma
26. Ibid. Queen of All, pg. 96, bold, red added. 
27. Jim Tetlow, Eternal Productions website: “Queen of All Article The Marian apparitions’ plan to unite all religions”; http://www.eternal-productions.org/PDFS/Queen%20of%20All%20Article.pdf, bold, red added. 
28. Exhibit from Flickr photos website; https://www.flickr.com/photos/pilgrimfatima/11932010883/; Photo Courtesy of denniscallahanphotos.smugmug.com
29. Gaylene Goodroad, “Canonizing Mystical Prophecies & Visions Part 1: Secrets of Fatima & Marian Apparitions,” Herescope, May 27, 2014; https://herescope.net/2014/05/canonizing-forbidden-texts-visions.html, bold, red, underscore added. 
Part 1: Secrets of Fatima & Marian Apparitions 
Part 2: St. Malachy & his prophecies 
Part 3: Is Francis the Last Pope? 
30. The Catholic.com website, The Rosary tract; https://www.catholic.com/tract/the-rosary, bold, underscore added. 
31. Image taken from Father Broom website; http://fatherbroom.com/wp-content/media/JPG/Mary-OLF-I-am-Lady-Rosary.jpg
32. The Rosary Center & Confraternity website, Prayers of the Rosary; https://www.rosarycenter.org/homepage-2/rosary/prayers-of-the-rosary/, bold, red and italics added. 
33. Ibid. Hislop, pp. 187-188, bold added. 
34. Goddess Diana image left taken from Wikipedia.org; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_of_Artemis; goddess Diana image right taken from Rev. Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons, Loizeaux Brothers, Inc., Neptune, NJ, 1916, 1943, 1959, pg. 29. 
35. Ibid. Hislop, pg. 30, bold, red added. 
36. See the Trent University website: https://www.trentu.ca/teaching/carla-ionescu
37. Carla Ionescu, “THE ENDURING GODDESS: Artemis and Mary, Mother of Jesus”, A Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree Graduate Program in Humanities, York University, Toronto, Ontario, May 2016. Download from: http://veilsofartemis.com/index.php/en/online-resources/2-theses-or-dissertations-on-artemis/18-the-enduring-goddess-artemis-and-mary-mother-of-jesus-carla-ionescu, bold, red, underscore added.
38. Ibid. Ionescu, pg. 75, bold, red added. 
39. Ibid. Queen of All, pg. 123, bold, red, underscore added.
40. “A depiction of the Whore of Babylon riding the seven-headed Beast, Henri-Marcel Magne – Self-photographed by GFreihalter, Nov. 2018,” posted at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whore_of_Babylon#/media/File:Bougival_Église_Notre-Dame_Vitrail_592.jpg and linked to from the main Whore of Babylon webpage at Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whore_of_Babylon