Unbiblical Unity on the National Mall
“…a reset clears past errors and gets the system working…”
“…we have downloaded the wrong files, corrupted the
~Nick Hall, Reset2016
“…we have downloaded the wrong files, corrupted the
~Nick Hall, Reset2016
The goal of Together 2016: |
NAR leader Lou Engle quote taken from the Reset 2016 website |
By Gaylene Goodroad
7-16-16 Washington Mall Event to “Reset Christianity”
Millions of evangelical leaders, authors, and entertainers will be gathering at the National Mall in Washington DC on July 16 in a concerted effort to ‘bring heaven down to earth’ in what has been called a national “revival”, “great awakening”, or secondary “Pentecost”. The Together 2016 event is closely aligned with the doctrines and personnel of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) that teaches a strident form of Dominionism, a fact that will be documented in this article. The fervor is high with the backdrop of a hotly divisive election year, violent civil unrest, and looming calamities on all fronts. Organizers of this broadly-touted event say that they want to forge Christian unity in all of this, but in order to achieve it, we must lay aside biblical doctrine which, they say, brings further division. Regrettably, as the Scriptures clearly teach, the resulting spectacle will only lead participants away from Christ and into full-fledged apostasy. Below is what is being touted:
Our generation
is the most cause-driven in history. But our causes are pulling us
apart. Even religion doesn’t unite. We believe only Jesus can bring us
together. July 16, 2016, is the day our generation will meet on the National Mall to come together around Jesus in unified prayer, worship, and a call for catalytic change.
We believe there’s power in coming together.
Jesus promised whenever two or more come together in His name, He is
present. It’s emboldening to join with others, to know we’re not alone,
to realize we can do more together than apart. July 16, 2016 is the day
when this generation lays down what divides us and lifts up Jesus who
unites us. On a day of unified prayer, worship, and a call for catalytic change,
we will meet on the National Mall to declare that Jesus changes
everything. We believe Jesus can do unprecedented things in our time.
Our dream is for more than one million people from all backgrounds to be
part of this generation-defining day.
have been times in history where the call to Jesus assembled the
masses: Explo 72, promise Keepers’ stand in the Gap, crusades led by
Rev. Billy Graham. These were historic events where the impact stretched
beyond the Church to all of culture.
Now our generation is rising up to lead toward a historic event that will define our time and shift our culture. The statistics of this generation
are sobering; young people struggle with depression, self-harm,
suicide, and addiction at unprecedented rates. But a call for hope is
rising—the hope that only Jesus brings—to change our generation forever.[1]
The Washington Mall has become a choice spot for massive gatherings, probably because it serves as a symbolic unity point near our nation’s capital. In 1995 (and again in 2015), controversial Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan, organized the Million Man March which brought hundreds of thousands of like-minded men together at that very location in a show of solidarity.[2] In 1997, Colorado coach Bill McCartney, gathered nearly a half million ecumenical Promise Keepers to the National Mall for another massive march. Hundreds of thousands of Catholics and Evangelicals of all stripes swarmed to participate in the historic event.[3]
Mormon Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” Rally at the National Mall in 2010 - Source |
Then in 2010, the devout Mormon, and political conservative television host, Glenn Beck, organized yet another immense national gathering—an ecumenically religious one—on the Washington Mall in an event called the Restoring Honor Rally.[4] NAR devotee Sarah Palin was a keynote speaker.[5] Given the fact that 2016 is an election year, some wonder when or if these religious rallies will also become overtly political in nature, fervently blending together church and state in dramatic dominionistic fashion. Presumptive Republican Presidential candidate, Donald Trump, has been publicly courted by the Prosperity Preachers and has an affinity for the New Thought writings of the late Dr. Norman Vincent Peale[6] —predecessor to Robert Schuller[7] —and Rick Warren, who initiated his own ecumenical P.E.A.C.E. Plan and sparked controversy when he gave the invocation at President Obama’s 2009 Inauguration.[8] And the NAR-connected May Day event, held in Washington, D.C. at the Lincoln Memorial on May 1, 2010, stated in is its Official Program that they were praying the “Prayers of Repentance for the Seven Mountains of Culture,” i.e., Dominionism. (Read “May Day Prayers.”) Together 2016 is yet another event to attempt to fulfill the old Latter Rain cult prophecies about filling stadiums with mass numbers of young people, a new breed of elect seed that they believe is an elite specially empowered generation to rule and reign over the earth. (See the article “The Significance of Youth-Filled Stadiums.”) Together 2016 aims to fill the National Mall again with over a million zealous souls seeking to induce a pervasive, landmark, and revolutionary spiritual awakening.
Nick Hall (Pulse) organizer of Together 2016 - Source |
The 33-year-old catalyst for the Together 2016 event is Nick Hall, who as a college freshman in 2001, jotted this declaration in his notebook: “My life exists to put Christ at the pulse of a generation.”[9] This was the genesis of Hall’s ‘Pulse” movement— a massive student-led movement—founded to ‘reset’ the ‘pulse’ of the nation back to Jesus. The event’s website explains: WE’RE ASKING JESUS TO RESET OUR GENERATION.
A reset to our created purpose.
In 2012, a group of people from different backgrounds, known then as RESET Movement, began sharing the message of a “reset” at events and gatherings. The term relates to technology, where a reset clears past errors and gets the system working toward its created purpose. In the same way, every person is created for a purpose—but we have downloaded the wrong files, corrupted the system, and fallen away from God’s best for our lives. Each of us needs a reset, and Jesus offers everyone a supernatural reset.[10] [bold added]
Hall’s lofty dream first took root after uttering a prayer backstage at a Billy Graham crusade. He asked God to replicate Billy Graham’s ministry in his own life: Hall: “I am back there in the arena, and I prayed one day I want to do this one day. Eight years later, after saying this foolish prayer, the arena was packed and I was speaking on the stage.” Nick's Pulse Movement is like a magnet for young people. At a time when we often hear young people don't go to church, Nick is seeing this. Hall: “I find people are open to hope and love and a second chance.” Nick met with area pastors and church leaders of Fargo-Moorhead today; this as he prepares for Reset, a plan to bring a million people on the Washington Mall next summer.[11] It appears that Hall’s “foolish prayer” was answered. Today, Hall is a member of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) student advisory team, as well as leadership teams for the US Lausanne Committee and the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE). His Reset message has been featured on major media outlets across the country, including the US News & World Report, Fox News, Christianity Today, Moody Radio, Christian Broadcasting Network, Trinity Broadcast Network, The Christian Post, Decision Magazine, and Baptist Press.[12]
"CHURCH... FAMILY DOESN'T ALWAYS GET ALONG" The ecumenical message of |
Hall has also just published a book, Reset: Jesus Changes Everything, a Multnomah book with a foreword by Together 2016 speakers, Josh McDowell, Luis Palau, and Ravi Zacharias. In the spirit of global ecumenism, Hall was also given the opportunity to present his new book, in person, to Pope Francis in June.[13]
Instagram photo: Nick Hall presents the Pope with his book - June 13, 2016[14] |
Note the description of Hall’s book from the publisher’s website: Let Jesus Be Your Reset ...Whatever has been holding you back, a reset is available to you by the grace of God. Say yes to the life you were meant to live.[15][bold added]
There are no Scriptures actually cited in the entire mushy narrative that is focused on self and not upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Joel Osteen couldn’t have said it better. Pushing Hall’s imaginary “reset” button is also a false substitute for biblical repentance. There is no mention of sin here, nor that “dirty”, “broken”, and “desperate” lives can be “cleaned up”, “reassembled”, and “replaced” without acknowledging the very iniquities, transgressions, and outright sin that sent the Lord Jesus Christ to the Cross. Rebooting the computer might fix the man-made contraption, but it doesn’t parallel to God’s sure plan of salvation and sanctification. Only the Holy Spirit of God—through faith—can restore a sinner to new life and enable him/her to walk in the light (Gal. 5:13-25; 1 Jn. 1:5-6). A person’s positive “self-image” is not found in all of Scripture. Instead, believers find their identity in Christ alone (Col. 3:3; Rom. 6:11; 1 Pet. 4:2). Nonetheless, Hall’s book, Reset, has been endorsed by several prominent evangelical leaders, authors, and entertainers, many of whom will appear with Hall at Together 2016:
- Banning Liebscher[16], founder and pastor of Jesus Culture and author of Rooted: The Hidden Places Where God Develops [Ed. Note: Liebscher comes out of Bill Johnson’s (NAR) Bethel Church in Redding, CA]
- Mark Batterson, New York Times best-selling author of The Circle Maker and lead pastor of National Community Church
- Kari Jobe, singer/songwriter
- Christine Caine, evangelist, author, and founder of the A21 Campaign
- Dr. Ronnie Floyd, president of the Southern Baptist Convention and senior pastor at Cross Church
- Steve Douglass, president of Cru
- TobyMac, seven-time Grammy winner
- York Moore, national evangelist for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship USA
- Michael W. Smith, singer/songwriter
- Leith Anderson, president of the National Association of Evangelicals and author of Faith in the Voting Booth
- Ed and Nancy Schafer, Governor and First Lady of North Dakota, 1992–2000 [17] |
But Hall’s goals are even loftier than a simple “reset” life. Charisma Magazine ran a story in June titled, “How a God-Given Dream for a 'Modern-Day Pentecost' Became a Reality,” which laid out his full plan: Nick Hall wants to see a nation bow a knee to Jesus Christ this summer in the spirit of 2 Chronicles 7:14. Although many are skeptical about the manifestation of this verse's promise—"If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land"—these God-given instructions have led to transforming revivals throughout history and could again. Though it seems too long ago, the First and Second Great Awakenings, the Azusa Street Revival and Billy Graham's Explo '72 are among the fruit of this promise in America. Together 2016, a free event that invites Christians worldwide to unite July 16 on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., could be one more step toward the tipping point that brings awakening to the nation…. In spite of the obstacles, Together 2016 is set to be one of the largest intercessory prayer gatherings in the nation's history—and in a critical election year. The rally follows Lou Engle's Azusa Now and United Cry in April in what international author and speaker Dutch Sheets [a self-appointed NAR apostle, ed.] has called a Joel 2:16 year. "For much time, I have been sensing that a huge surge of prayer is coming to America in 2016," he says. "A great work of preparation has been done, and this wave of prayer will now hit its stride this year."[18][bold added]
Nick Hall with Billy Graham |
One of Together 2016’s ministry partners, the Assemblies of God, printed a favorable article of Hall, and his brainchild event, in their April 29 edition of PE News. In it, Hall was quoted with this presumptive boast in Dominionist language: “Ten or 20 years from now, I believe they (those in attendance at Together 2016) will be the leaders of our churches and ministries,” Hall says, “and they’ll look back at this window of time and see it as the day their vision for God shifted . . . when they realized God wanted them to do unbelievable things and were ‘unleashed’ for the Kingdom.”[19][bold added] So, rather than a spontaneous work of the Holy Spirit, Together 2016 is admittedly a concerted effort from below—by scores of evangelical luminaries and false prophets—to bring about national revival in the name of Jesus. Although the artificial underpinning of this event is denied by supporters, note the unwitting comparison that R. York Moore, evangelist for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, makes in defending Hall’s immense undertaking: With a clear vision from God, Hall started reaching out to other prominent Christians to join his movement. The list of names grew quickly. R. York Moore, national evangelist for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship USA and a longtime friend, says he has the same heart for revival. "What we haven't seen is the move of the Holy Spirit in such a way that it revitalizes the institutions of society," says Moore. "We haven't seen that in generations. I think something like Together 2016 has the capacity to create an altar. No one can schedule a revival—we're not claiming to do that—but I think when God's people come together and humble themselves before Him, it creates an altar. An altar is something God can consume."[bold added] But altars erected outside the will of God bring judgment, not holy revival. In 1 Kings 18, Elijah’s altar was consumed by God’s fire while soaking wet, while the prophets of Baal exhausted themselves attempting to get the Lord’s attention in vain. The false prophets who outnumbered Elijah, four hundred-fifty to one, were all slain at the Kishon brook. Moore also mentioned that this would be a “move of the Holy Spirit in such a way that it revitalizes the institutions of society,” which ominously adds a political component to this immense gathering at the Washington Mall. What could be more religiously-political—and ecumenical—than an appearance by Pope Francis himself!
Pope Francis - Source |
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with
unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with
unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?”
(2 Corinthians 6:14)
(2 Corinthians 6:14)
Amy Spreeman, writing for the Berean Examiner, reported the big news—along with a full list of other noteworthy participants—in June: Today it was announced that Pope Francis would deliver a video message to help unite Christians in the "Next Great Awakening" at Together 2016, joining in the ecumaniacal gathering. Together 2016, also known as The Reset Movement, bringing together different religions in an effort to erase the lines of doctrinal divisions. Nick Hall, the founder of PULSE, a prayer and evangelism movement to empower the church and awaken the culture to Jesus, says adding the Pope to the lineup is the best news yet.
"We are humbled and honored by his involvement and are eager to share his message with the crowd that gathers at Together 2016," Hall said in a statement, reacting to the announcement that the pope has added his name to the list of speakers. "That His Holiness would choose to speak into this historic day is a testament to the urgency and the need for followers of Jesus to unite in prayer for our nation and our world."
Hall is the college pastor who came up with the idea of uniting pastors and Christian leaders from all denominational backgrounds to join 1 million people at the free event "in hopes of inspiring true revival in the America." This so-called revival is bringing Assemblies of God Supt. George O. Wood and Southern Baptist Convention president Ronnie Floyd together to link arms in spiritual unity with the Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America, Grace Communion International (formerly the Armstrongism Worldwide Church of God), and a host of familiar Chrislebrities including Hillsong United, Kari Jobe, Francis Chan, Lecrae, Nick Hall, Passion, Crowder, Kirk Franklin, Ravi Zacharias, Jeremy Camp, Bob Lenz, Andy Mineo, Michael W. Smith, Lauren Daigle, Christine Caine, Mark Batterson, Matthew West,Jo Saxton, Mike Kelsey, Casting Crowns, John K. Jenkins Sr., Josh McDowell, Laurel Bunker, Luis Palau, Tedashii, Tasha Cobbs, Lacey Sturm, York Moore, Trip Lee, Samuel Rodriguez, Ronnie Floyd, Reid Saunders, Jose Zayas, Jennie Allen, Nabeel Qureshi, Ann Voskamp, KB, Christine D'Clario, Matt Maher, Sammy Wanyonyi, Lindsey Nobles, Amena Brown, and Josh Brewer.[20][bold added]
Big name evangelical leaders are supporting this ecumenical event |
Spreeman continues with a strong warning against such an unholy union, or “ecumaniacal gathering”, as she calls it, which is “bringing together different religions in an effort to erase the lines of doctrinal divisions” and which will eventually lead to the “end-times falling away”. She highlights the obvious connections of Together 2016 to the Dominionist leaders of the New Apostolic Reformation: This revival movement to Unite faiths is part of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), started by C. Peter Wagner from the Latter Rain movement. It is counterfeit Christianity, and here's why: NAR isn’t an official organization, nor can it be characterized by a common creed. It is instead a loosely knit and often unaffiliated network of leaders who share a common vision and goal for the visible Church. Supernatural Signs & Wonders; Dominionism; The Latter Rain Movement; Joel's Army; The 7 Mountain Mandate; Third Wave Revivalism; IHOP; Bill Johnson's Bethel Church, The Hillsong Media Empire, these are all a part of this shape-shifting movement in one way or another. It is gobbling up churches and deceiving millions who don’t even know they’ve become a part of an apostate, end-times falling away. [21][bold added] Pastor Samuel Rodriguez, a wily stealth NAR figure at these events, corroborates Spreeman’s alarm concerning the NAR. Rodriguez is an NAR apostle who holds to a Dominionist theology, yet he seems to drift in and out of these public affairs—both political and religious ones—without detection. Dr. Orrel Steinkamp gives us a glimpse of how NAR apostles, infiltrate major gatherings like Together 2016 and accommodate the ecumenical emphasis of the affair to broaden their Dominionist network: Samuel Rodriguez is officially a NAR apostle. However he wears many hats. He is head of The National Hispanic Leadership Conference. But he has also been the Vice-President of the Oak Initiative, a religio-political entity initiated by Rick Joyner who is also a NAR apostle who has his own ministry called Morningstar Ministries…. Understandably, Rodriquez is then courted by various political movements. But he is at bedrock an NAR apostle with a "prophetic calling." Rodriquez has attempted to deny his office as a NAR apostle. But, despite his denials he is an apostle of the NAR. He is a member of Wagner's elite International Coalition of Apostles (ICA) through 2009, when they quit publicly publishing their membership). Although he is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God, he has apostolic authority over a group of ministries, and he is, in turn, is under the apostolic authority of apostle Steve Perea. Perea, in turn, is part of the Kingdom Leadership Network that is under ICA apostle Pat Francis…. This example illustrates the reach and authority of the restored apostles. On the surface these leaders may not herald their apostolic relatedness to other apostles. They may be ordained by a denomination. They may participate in myriads of organizations and seem very mainline. But the bottom line is that they must answer to their apostolic government… Rodriquez has, of course, other credentials. Besides being an ordained AOG minister he sits on the board of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, the NAE and Christianity Today. But these mainstream credentials do not change his identity and his false claim to hold the office of an apostle. As an apostle, Rodriguez has many other associations with leaders of the NAR and other associated leaders, including controversial ones like T.D. Jakes and Benny Hinn. [22][bold added]
The promo video included this statement |
“You shall not plow with an ox and a donkey together.”
(Deuteronomy 22:10)
(Deuteronomy 22:10)
Evangelist Mike Gendron, founder of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries, has even stronger words for those evangelicals who are capitulating to Rome: Nick Hall, the founder of PULSE, who came up with the idea for Together 2016, said adding the Pope to the lineup is the best news yet. He said, "We are humbled and honored by his involvement and are eager to share his message with the crowd that gathers. That His Holiness would choose to speak into this historic day is a testament to the urgency and the need for followers of Jesus to unite in prayer for our nation and our world." While some may admire Hall's zeal, it is clearly not based on knowledge. For him to refer to a wolf in sheep's clothing as "His Holiness" demonstrates his lack of knowledge of God's Word. God alone is holy! Anyone who does not know Scripture cannot discern between holiness and depravity or between true and false prophets. The evangelicals who will speak with the pope need to know that the Lord Jesus did not come to bring peace on earth but rather division (Luke 12:51). His Gospel has always divided believers from unbelievers. The Lord Jesus said He is the door that must be entered for salvation (John 10:9). Those words caused division among the people who heard them (John 10:19). Clearly, those who have been sanctified by the Gospel must avoid uniting with those who embrace another gospel and have deserted Christ (Gal. 1:6-9). The evangelical leaders scheduled to speak with the false prophet of Rome either do not know the exclusivity of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, or they do not know the false and fatal gospel of Catholicism; or perhaps they know, but chose to be disobedient to Scripture. God's Word gives us a clear command: "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of God with idols?" (2 Cor. 6:14-16). Evangelicals who worship God in Spirit and truth must have no agreement with Catholics who worship idols, relics and a false Christ. To do so would be seeking to please men over God (Gal. 1:10).[23][bold added] Gendron warns that those who stand with the Pope at Together 2016 “betray the Gospel of Christ, the Reformation, and all those martyred by Rome”. They will also have to give an account to the Lord: The evangelical leaders who are planning to stand with the Pope will betray the Gospel, the Reformation, and all those martyred by Rome. It was the Word of God proclaimed by the Reformers that broke the tyrannical hold of the popes over the visible church. Now these evangelicals are aiding and abetting the Pope's attempt to reverse the Reformation. The truths that set the Reformers free from religious bondage and deception are being suppressed or ignored. It is very disturbing to see evangelical leaders cooperating with the enemies of Christ and His Gospel. The apostate church of Rome has condemned Christians with over 100 anathemas for believing the infallible truths of God's Word. We must wonder if these evangelicals know that the worship of the Eucharist and veneration of Mary is idolatry (Ex. 20:3-5)? Don't they know that Rome's plan of salvation is a false gospel that condemns those who teach it (Gal. 1:6-9)? Don't they know that the sacrifice of the Mass and the dogma of Purgatory is a blatant denial of the finished, perfect, and sufficient work of Christ's atonement (Heb. 10:10-18)? As more and more evangelical leaders embrace the Pope as a brother-in-Christ, they must be warned and called to repentance. Those who promote unity with false teachers, without challenging their errors, leave their own convictions and beliefs open to question. Anyone who embraces false teachers is giving credibility to their heresies. All Christians will be held accountable to God for the souls that are misled by our unwillingness to contend for the faith. For more of Mike's comments, read his interview conducted by Christian News Network.[24][bold added]
Together 2016 ad 4/20/16 linking to |
The list of “Christians who will be held accountable to God for the souls that are misled by our unwillingness to contend for the faith” is growing exponentially as the Together 2016 event swiftly approaches. Besides the high profile evangelical leaders and Christian celebrities already mentioned, Hall’s massive Mall event has garnered an impressive partnership: "Together 2016" has earned the support of many including The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, the Luis Palau Association, CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ), Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Premiere Productions, the National Day of Prayer, YWAM and the American Bible Society. Joel Houston of Hillsong United said he loves the name "Together." "There's a power in unity and a blessing that comes when people put aside their differences and gather together for one purpose. Our prayer is for this to be a reset for us as a generation of the Church—in America and beyond," he said.[25][bold, red added]
Graphic taken from the National Day of Prayer website |
Another major partner of Together 2016 is the National Day of Prayer (NDP) organization. In fact, the two entities will overlap their efforts and come together for the main event on July 16th. The keynote speaker will be Anne Graham Lotz, following in-step with her famous father, along with NAR false prophet Dutch Sheets. Note the advertisement from the NDP website. See how many NAR leaders you can spot in this list and ask why it is that these other evangelical leaders see no problem in openly associating with them.
From the National Prayer Summit webpage an advertisement for Together 2016 [26] |
The Together 2016 Mall gathering indeed follows closely on the heels of Lou Engle’s ‘Azusa Now’ rally which was held in April. Not surprisingly, Engle, co-founder of TheCall, a prayer-and-fasting movement known for gathering hundreds of thousands of mostly young people around the world, will also appear as a featured speaker at Together 2016. Engle is prominently quoted on the Reset 2016 website: “I believe we are in a historic shifting moment in the history of America. And I believe that Together 2016 will be the dawning of a new Jesus Movement where thousands will be saved. We are headed into a Jesus movement, an awakening, that I believe will turn the nation.” [bold added]
Azusa Now poster - Source |
Engle believes that Together 2016, like Azusa Now, will bring about “a historic shifting moment in the history of America”— “the dawning of a new Jesus Movement”. He also has a foolproof prescription for achieving his desired outcome: extreme fasting combined with NAR-style prayer, which renders practitioners malleable to suggestion and even altered states of consciousness. Engle has even written a book with Dean Briggs to explain this unbiblical and manipulative practice titled The Jesus Fast. Note the Dominionist language of this blurb that appears on the book’s website: Before there was ever a Jesus movement, there was a Jesus Fast. Both a war manual and global summons to revival, The Jesus Fast is your guide to the most explosive weapon in the Christian arsenal: humility, expressed in fasting, combined with prayer. Using Jesus as the role model, Lou Engle and Dean Briggs reveal how extended fasting and the 40-day fast precede breakthrough and a true outpouring of the Spirit. It’s time for the next Jesus movement. We stand at the brink of massive spiritual upheaval. Will God’s people merely endure history, or shape it? As we seek His face together, the Church can significantly realign earth with heaven. We can turn the tide of evil in our lands, awaken the nations to the glory of Christ and forge hope out of despair.[28][bold and red added] Many NAR advocates of Strategic-Level Spiritual Warfare engage in these extreme fasting disciplines taught by the late Franklin Hall. His book, Atomic Power with God Through Fasting and Prayer, was published back in 1946. Most significant to the recent urgent call to greater ecumenism, is the fact that extreme fasting disciplines trace back to Roman Catholic asceticism and Contemplative mysticism.[30] These unholy practices will not bring Holy Ghost revival, but devilish apostasy—a forbiddingly seductive kind of awakening —that provokes God’s wrath (1 Pet. 5:8; Rev. 18:23; Eph. 5:6).
Lou Engle’s book - Source |
TheCall DC 2000 on the Washington Mall - Source |
Lou Engle kissing the feet of Pope Benedict appointee (screenshot) – Source |
Pastor Osborne echoes the admonishment of Spreeman and Gendron to the church with his own assessment of Azusa Now: Any kind of spiritual unity attempted through another “way” other than the Truth is doomed from the outset. How can Engle, Johnson, and the other NAR leaders speak of unity when they are willing to bow and kiss the feet of a Catholic? Where is the truth in that? I cannot walk hand in hand with people under the banner of Jesus Christ if they are worshipping another Jesus. Or, even if they claim to be worshipping the same Jesus that I am, but yet are contradicting the Word of God over and over again with their doctrines and practices, I cannot walk in unity with them… So ignoring the clear teaching of Scripture, and despite serious theological differences, the men and women who planned and led the Azusa Now event in L.A. have attempted to link arms in unity with those who preach another gospel. Again, this cannot be the basis of unity! The early Church was unified as it “continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” Azusa Now fails horribly in this regard.[33][bold added]
IHOP and NAR leaders believe there is a "New Breed" of "elect seed," a specially anointed endtime of Joel's Army for Dominion. This exhibit is an original Latter Rain artist's depiction. See: "New Breed Leaders." |
But hopeful followers depart from Scripture in favor of experiencing their false worship with multitudes of others—even making their own prophetic proclamations for ongoing religious shows. For example, note what one Azusa Now attendee declared: Joshua Mills, a recording artist, author and revivalist, says..."I believe Azusa Now was the beginning, and now it will continue to unfold for those who were touched by that moment of glory." So where do we go from here? I'm declaring right now that awakening is here, and it's coming. Azusa Now wasn't the only prayer event on April 9. United Cry gathered 30,000 pastors in Washington, D.C. There was an Azusa event in Houston and thousands of people watching, praying and agreeing in churches, prayer rooms and homes across America. Reset America will gather tens of thousands on the Mall in D.C. to cry out to God again. I believe April 9 was a day of demarcation in America. It was a show of desperation and unity in the church. Prophetically, it was a shot heard around the world. Will we immediately see the impact of this historic, or as many are calling it, "epic" event?[34][bold added]
NAR-cited Youth Rally - Source |
In the May issue of the ElijahList—the publishing arm of the NAR—James Goll, the President of Encounters Network, a member of the Harvest International Ministries, and an instructor in the Wagner Leadership Institute, wrote an article titled, "The Coming Worldwide Youth Awakening." In it, Goll re-prophesies the old Latter Rain cult prophecy about a coming youth awakening, which he calls “a revolution”: The time has come for another Great Awakening! In 1967, a youth revival called the Jesus People Movement started and it swept across the country, exploding in colleges and coffeehouses. People were being saved everywhere. It was radical… Now, close to 50 years later, we are crying out, "Do it again, God! Way beyond the Jesus People movement! Way beyond the charismatic movement! Do it again, God! Do it again in this generation!" With youth-oriented prayer movements like TheCall chaired by Lou Engle and IHOP-KC lead by Mike Bickle [IHOP, ed.], united by scores of prayer networks globally, we have more prayer today for a Youth Awakening than any previous time in Church History! I can feel it. I can smell it! I know it! Yes, we're turning the corner towards the Greatest Youth Awakening that the World Has Ever Seen! It has happened before. It can happen again. It's time for another Shock Wave of signs and wonders from the Holy Spirit to hit the Church and cause the Body of Christ to AWAKEN! Why not now? Revolution Almost Always Begins with Young Adults Almost every revolution has started with students on a college or university campus. Throughout history both bad and good revolutions frequently begin because student-aged young people are hungry for change and willing to lay down their lives for a cause, whether political, social, or spiritual. Think of revolutions such as Marxism, Nazism, and Communism, or even Pentecostalism and the Jesus People movement… I declare that the Greatest Youth Awakening that the world has ever seen is coming upon the stage of time. Now is the time! This is the generation. The joining of the generations is upon us. "Your people will volunteer freely in the day of Your power" (Psalm 110:3). Let another historic awakening begin now for Jesus Christ's sake![35][bold, red added]
TheCall DC rally-goers 2000 - Source |
And all of these massive gatherings seek to fulfill Lou Engle’s own dream. In an interview with CBN, Engle calls his mission, “stadium Christianity”: Since 2000, a prayer movement labeled "The Call" has gathered hundreds of thousands of people across America for times of prayer, fasting, repentance and worship. The Call co-founder Lou Engle says his expectations for coming years are higher than ever and he's asking the church to join him in faith.
Engle is believing for what he calls "stadium Christianity," an outbreak of revival that will bring believers to stadiums across the country to worship and experience a new power in the Holy Spirit. His dream is to hold "The Call" in Los Angeles Memorial Stadium on April 9, 2016, on the 110th anniversary of the Azusa Street Outpouring, which kicked off the Pentecostal/Charismatic renewal in the United States. "Can you believe with us that denominations will unite, that the races could come together, that God could make us one, as the antidote to the terrific division in our day?" Lou asks. "Could you believe with us for 'stadium Christianity' where signs and wonders are breaking out and mass evangelism explodes across our country?" he continued. Watch CBN's Wendy Griffith's interview with Lou Engle and hear his passion and desire to see God bring about a 'Third Great Awakening" in America.[36] [bold added]
NAR leaders Dutch Sheets and Lou Engle pray at Azusa Now – Source |
Of course, as the photo shows, Engle already found oneness with the Pope by kissing his representative's feet. These NAR leaders, and many others, have been striving to bring about another “Great Awakening” for decades. Back in 2010, we posted an article series about these prominent figures attempting to concoct the “Next Great Awakening” and noted that it was missing the key ingredient of the Gospel of Salvation.[37] GOD’S ‘DREAM’ OR SATAN’S ‘SPIRITUAL’ TRAP?
What many unsuspecting Christians may not know, however, is that the New Apostolic Reformation under such leaders as Lou Engle, Dutch Sheets, C. Peter Wagner, Mike Bickle, Cindy Jacobs, Lance Wallnau, Bill Johnson, and many others, have used these youth-filled stadiums to convert attendees into the Latter Rain cult with their Dominionist ideologies and corrupt teachings on Joel’s Army and the ‘New Breed’. We have chronicled their heretical activities for several years, including a 2013 post titled, “The Significance of Youth-Filled Stadiums: Revisiting the Old Latter Rain Prophecy, in Light of Current Events.” Note this important excerpt: One of the common denominators between the two men [Mike Bickle and Lou Engle] is the call for "justice" or "social justice," which has a definition rooted in the old Social Gospel movement of the early 20th century. For instance, Lou Engle held an event on the Washington Mall on August 16, 2008 called "God Has A Dream." We wrote at the time: To get a sense of the extraordinary nature of this upcoming “God’s Dream” event, check out “The Vision” posted at TheCall Institute, which is to “equip, disciple and commission an emerging generation of radical Nazirites to prepare the way of the Lord by embracing a lifestyle of prayer and fasting that is energized by intimacy with Jesus…. [A] new breed of young men and women….” [emphasis added] A highly disturbing video posted at TheCall’s website describes the extreme nature of this youth movement, and states that “those who come will be marked forever and they will be history-makers and dreamers of God's dream.” Notice the young men and women in this brownish-greyish video have marks on their foreheads. A similarly disturbing video is posted at The Luke 18 Project which is interconnected with TheCall. It states that 10,000 apostolic young men and women, by their radical lifestyle of prayer and fasting, and in conjunction with the fulfillment of a “dream of launching massive solemn assemblies of fasting and prayer” will “release justice over the earth” and start prayer cells (called “prayer FURNACES”) that “will transform cities, finish the task of the Great Commission and prepare a way for Jesus to return to the planet to establish his kingdom forever and ever....” The context for much of this activity is through food deprivation (fasting) in conjunction with a hypnotic-like fervor of mass prayer rallies — "filled stadiums and arenas."[38][bold, red added]
Red and Blue politics evidenced by promo for |
It’s also disconcerting that Engle—a major player in these national prayer gatherings—would refer to his 2008 Washington Mall rally as a “God’s Dream event”. The reader will also recall that Charisma titled their June article on Nick Hall, “How a God-Given Dream for a 'Modern-Day Pentecost' Became a Reality.” Warren B. Smith, has continued to warn the church of innocent-sounding “overlapping transformational language” used by the New Age/New Spirituality to deceive true believers. “God’s Dream” is at the top of the list: The Spiritual Trap
Using the term “God’s Dream” and other overlapping transformational language, Rick Warren’s ever-evolving Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan is in the process of semantically merging with the PEACE Plan of the New Age/New Spirituality. “God’s Dream” has become the “Pied Piper” Field of Dreams rallying cry for a deceptive world peace plan that purports to establish the kingdom of God here on earth through humanitarian effort and global good works. But “God’s Dream,” as described by its proponents cannot and will not succeed. It is not a case of “if you build it, he will come.” While humanity is to always do its best in meeting human and environmental needs, the kingdom of God will not be established by humanity imagining and creating world peace by invoking a Schulleresque New Age “God’s Dream PEACE Plan. The kingdom of God comes just as prophesied in the Bible–through the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ–the real Jesus Christ–not the false Christ of a deceived and apostate church. Not the false Christ of a New Age/New Spirituality.[39][bold added]
Washington Mall graphic taken from the Reset2016 website |
Nick Hall and others are already planning to take part in another national prayer rally—this time in Dallas this September—called, “The Gathering: A National Solemn Assembly” which states “The Gathering has one purpose: to unite the Body of Christ in America....” Most, if not all of those scheduled to speak at this event are also partners or supporters of the ultra ecumenical Together 2016: Dr. Tony Evans, Anne Graham Lotz, James Robison, Kay Arthur, Sam Rodriguez, Max Lucado, Ronnie Floyd, Nick Hall, Marcus & Joni Lamb, Priscilla Shirer, Leith Anderson, Greg Laurie, Jonathan Falwell, Dr. Richard Land.[40] |
James Robison, who sponsors Beth Moore’s bible teaching on his Life Today television program, has been actively embracing the Vatican in recent years attempting to bring about a false Christian unity. He has also collaborated with and promoted such notorious false teachers as Prosperity Preacher Kenneth Copeland. In June, Robison and Copeland led a delegation of televangelists to meet with Pope Francis at the Vatican in person. Like-minded Word-Faith Pastor Joel Osteen, also cherished the opportunity to meet with the Pontiff in a separate visit. VATICAN CITY (Worthy News)-- A delegation of evangelicals led by televangelists Kenneth Copeland and James Robison met with Pope Francis for three hours last week at the Vatican. The meeting was set up by Bishop Tony Palmer, a bishop of the Anglican Episcopal Church in the United Kingdom. Last January, Palmer addressed a Kenneth Copeland pastor's conference calling for unity between Catholics and Protestants.... Over the past few years, Robison has led several conferences with evangelicals and Catholics working toward an ecumenical understanding.... Earlier this month, mega-church speaker Joel Osteen, also met with the Pope saying, "I love the fact that's he's made the Church more inclusive, not trying to make it smaller, but to try to make it larger — to take everybody in. So, that just resonates with me."[41][bold, red added] But while making the Church ‘more inclusive’, as Osteen beams in the above quote, the Pope, in the words of Mike Gendron, betrays the fact that he has abandoned the “exclusivity of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ… God's Word gives us a clear command: ‘Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers…’”
Screenshot from The Gathering website See even though the purpose statement claims no speakers will be promoted. | |
Pastor Gary Osborne’s sobering assessment of the April Azusa Now event could just as well have been written about the Together 2016/Reset 2016 event. The modus operandi of the organizers, as well as the recurring cast of characters are in perfect sync with each other—to the abandonment of Christ’s Gospel and His precious Word: Even still there is error in the Azusa Now phenomenon that is more profound than its silly “signs,” its rampant ecumenism, or its prophesying and then scheduling a national move of God. No, the deeper issue is in trying to duplicate a previous event in church history at all. What biblical rationale is there for attempting to re-create any spiritual undertakings outside of the pages of Scripture?... Nothing has changed in almost 2,000 years. It is ongoing. Pentecost has never stopped! It continues today. What we have often called national revivals—whether it be the 1st Great Awakening, the 2nd Great Awakening, the original Azusa Street Revival, etc.—are nothing more and nothing less than the ongoing work of God pouring out His Spirit in these “last days.” So why would we try to duplicate any subsequent revival or awakening that takes place beyond the biblical history that is written in the New Testament? There are a couple of problems with this line of thinking. Firstly, as I've noted previously a prior event may or may not have been genuine. It's as simple as that. Maybe it was and maybe it wasn't. And secondly, and just as importantly, there is no need to do so because God has not changed, and His program continues because we are still in the “last days.” … And I read of no occasion when any of the disciples planned out or announced far in advance that stadiums of people in specific locations would be saved. No, they simply went about their business of being led by the Spirit of God and proclaiming the Gospel to any and all the encountered. I'd also note that nowhere in the New Testament do we ever read of Peter, John, James, Paul, or anyone else trying to duplicate the day of Pentecost. At no time were they insisting that people from outside of Jerusalem come back to the city and reassemble in the same upper room. Nowhere were they insisting that the “tongues of fire” that initially came down on the 120 be expected or encouraged. Rather, we read in Scripture that men and women who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ also trusted God for His promise to be filled with the Holy Spirit. That's it. No theatrics. No orchestrations. No priming people to expect specific “signs and wonders,” as was being claimed in the advertisements for Azusa Now. And that's still true for us today. God has already given us His agenda in His Word. And He's given us the power to accomplish it by pouring out the Holy Spirit that we might be witnesses for Him. There's no manipulating or planning out mighty moves of God on some regional, national or international level. At times He sovereignly does this as He wills. But we can't plan it!
Azusa Now? No. Azusa later or yet to come? No. How about a new and improved Pentecost now? No. Is God still doing the same thing He's been doing since the day of Pentecost? Absolutely! And that's where I'll keep my focus—on God's Word and in lifting up Jesus Christ. I pray you do as well.[43] [bold added] |
The ubiquitous connections and interlocking network of deceptive workman disguised as sheep will continue to increase as that day draws near when the Man of Sin at last seizes total temporal dominion over the world, alongside the False Prophet, who will mesmerize and deceive the masses with his sorcerous supernatural abilities (Rev. 13; 16:13; 2 Thess. 2:1-12). Let us stand in the strength and might of the Lord Jesus Christ as we swiftly approach a very dark and foreboding hour (Eph. 6).
“And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.”
(Rom. 13:11-14)
(Rom. 13:11-14)
“And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.”
(Revelation 17:1-6)
(Revelation 17:1-6)
“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.”
(Revelation 18:4)
(Revelation 18:4)
1. See the Together2016 website:
2. See:
3. See: See aerial photos of National Mall rallies:
4. See:
5. See:
6. See: Note: The 2010 May Day event, which took place at the Lincoln Memorial, brought together the Christian Right with Apostolic Dominonism. See Dr. Orrel Steinkamp’s report, “The Coalescing of the Christian Right with Apostolic Dominionism,” excerpted from May/June 2010 issue of The Plumbline; see: See also:
7. Pastor Larry DeBruyn, BEWITCHED! “Evil Eye over Evangelicalism” Discernment Ministries Newsletter, March/April 2010; see:
8. See:
9. See Hall’s website:
10. Ibid. See the Together2016 website:
11. Kevin Wallevand, (WDAY TV), “Fargo native Nick Hall leads ‘Pulse’ movement”, Apr 29, 2015; See:
12. See Hall’s website:
13. See the Multnomah page on Hall’s Reset:
14. Ibid. Multnomah website.
15. Ibid. Multnomah website.
16. See:
17. Ibid. Multnomah website.
18. Taylor Berglund, “How a God-Given Dream for a 'Modern-Day Pentecost' Became a Reality,” Charisma, June 2016; see:
19. Dan Van Veen, “Together 2016 -- A Defining Moment for This Generation,” PE News, April 29, 2016; see:
20. Amy Spreeman, “The Pope and Hillsong will unite "Together 2016" in Washington D.C.,” The Berean Examiner, June 8, 2016; see: See additional pertinent articles posted by Spreeman:
• The Six Hallmarks of a NAR Church. Together 2016: "catalytic change” more like cataclysmic syncretism
• Berean Research White Paper: Dominionism/NAR
• The New Apostolic Reformation by Apologetics Index
• The Roots and Fruits of the New Apostolic Reformation by Bob Dewaay
• The Changing of the Apostolic Guard: 13 Names to Watch by Holly Pivec
• The Apostles Who Don't Do Anything by Grace to You
• Hillsong, Ronnie Floyd, Lecrae, Join Pope at Monumental Together 2016 Gathering
21. Ibid. Spreeman.
22. Dr. Orrel Steinkamp, “NAR in the Political Limelight,” Herescope, September 17, 2012; see:
23. Mike Gendron, “Professing Evangelicals Are Assisting the Pope in His Agenda to Reverse the Reformation,” Proclaiming the Gospel Newsletter, July 2016; see: See also: Heather Clark,“‘Together 2016’ Organizer Meets With ‘Pope Francis’ to Unite Christians, Catholics on National Mall,” Christian News, June 10, 2016; see:
24. Ibid. Mike Gendron.
25. Jonah Hicap, “'Together 2016': July 16 D.C. event to see Evangelicals, Catholics forging 'historic unity' to 'pray for a reset for our nation'”, Christianity Today, June 11, 2016; see: See also: Kelly Frazier, “Pope Francis Will Address Crowd at D.C.’s National Mall During ‘Together 2016’”, World Religion News, June 8 2016; see:
26. John Bornschein, “Prayer Summit,” June 16, 2016; see:
27. See Engle’s The Jesus Fast website:
28. See The Jesus Fast website:
29. Gaylene Goodroad and the Discernment Research Group, “Militant Prayer: Taking Spiritual Dominion Over Dark Angels,” Herescope, Sept. 11, 2011; see: See footnote #4. Franklin Hall’s book, Atomic Power with God Through Fasting and Prayer, was published in 1946; see: In Spiritual Warfare: The Invisible Invasion (Huntington House Publishers, Lafayette, LA, 1998, pp. 162-186), Postmodern Prophecy Paradigm (PPP) advocate, Tom Horn, also promotes fasting as a discipline of spiritual warfare.
30. David Cloud, “Roman Catholic Asceticism,” Way of and the Fundamental Baptist Information Service, (article excerpted from Cloud’s book: Contemplative Mysticism: A Powerful Ecumenical Bond), Dec 26, 2013; see:
31. See TheCall website:
32. Pastor Gary Osborne, “Azusa or Pentecost? Now, Then, or Later?”, Herescope, May 19, 2016; see:
33. Ibid. Pastor Osborne.
34. Jennifer LeClaire, “The Nation-Shaking Prophetic Download I Got at Azusa Now,”; see;
35. James Goll: "The Coming Worldwide Youth Awakening," The ElijahList, May 27, 2016; see:
36. CBN News, “Lou Engle Expects Revival that Will Fill Stadiums,” July 30, 2015; see:
37. See: “Concocting a Great Awakening” Herescope series:
Part 1 - Rallying Around the Seven Mountains
Part 2 - A Political Platform
Part 3 - Building the 7 Mountains
Part 4 - The Next Great Awakening. . . Or Great Deadening?
38. See Herescope: “The Significance of Youth-Filled Stadiums: Revisiting the Old Latter Rain Prophecy, in Light of Current Events,” Herescope, Jan. 2013; see:
39. Warren B. Smith, “God’s Dream” or a Deceptive Scheme?,” Lighthouse Trails, Aug. 30, 2009; see: Note: Warren’s article was excerpted from Chapter 8 of his book, A “Wonderful” Deception (2009).
40. See The Gathering website:
41. “Pope Francis Met Televangelists Kenneth Copeland and James Robison (Video),” Worthy News, June 30, 2014; see:
42. See The Gathering website:
43. Ibid. Pastor Gary Osborne, “Azusa or Pentecost? Now, Then, or Later?” See also Dr. Orrel Steinkamp’s report: “A Second Pentecost? Is There the Hope of an End-Time Repeat of Pentecost?!,” (taken from The Plumbline Newsletter, Vol. 19, No. 3, May/June 2014).
Also, read the 6-part article series “The Passion of the Presence” that begins here:
Read Part 1
Read Part 2
Read Part 3
Read Part 4
Read Part 5
Read Part 6 A very special thanks to research associate Barbara Wilhelm for jump-starting this writing project with a paper she wrote and privately distributed documenting the Catholic connections to all of this. Without her seminal work, this article would have never been undertaken. NOTE: Discernment Ministries has been writing about these false revival issues since 1990. See the newsletter archive page.