Resetting the Reformation: Part 4
Part 1: TOGETHER 2016: Unbiblical Unity on the National Mall
Part 2: Betraying the Reformers – Betraying the Gospel
Part 3: Unholy Alliances to the Apostate Bridge
“Enter ye in at the strait gate:
(Matt. 7:13-15)
“I am far more tolerant of other kinds of Christians than I once was. My contact with Catholic, Lutheran and other leaders—people far removed from my own Southern Baptist tradition—has helped me, hopefully, to move in the right direction. I’ve found that my beliefs are essentially the same as those of orthodox Roman Catholics, for instance….”
“500 years are enough.”
~Pope Francis*
From Broad Way Billy . . .
Just as Pope John Paul II was the catalyst for the current ecumenical movement, evangelist Billy Graham was the inspiration behind many leading evangelical leaders flocking to Rome today in ecumenical solidarity.
In his book, On the Edge of Apostasy: The Evangelical Romance with Rome, Robert M. Zins quotes Billy Graham, who was asked by a Christianity Today reporter in 1981 what the most significant changes in the Church were the previous 25 years:
…the new understanding between Roman Catholics and Protestants. Twenty-five years ago we could hardly speak with each other openly. In Crusades today, thousands of Catholics feel free to attend. I have preached in Roman Catholic schools and have received honorary doctorates from them. This could not have happened twenty-five years ago.[3][bold added]
Zins commented on Graham’s unbiblical ecumenical stance and tragically impotent gospel:
How is it that the apostle Paul had a death sentence upon his head when he spoke the Gospel to the Jewish community, and Mr. Graham receives honorary degrees? Could it be the message? We have no doubt that it is. Somewhere early on Mr. Graham lost it, and there is not one indication today that he has retrieved the cutting edge of the Gospel.[4][bold added]
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Billy Graham and Reset/Together 2016 founder, Nick Hall[5] |
. . . To Broad Way Nick
Unfortunately, Graham has passed his all-encompassing ecumenical gospel down to many idealistic millennials. Nick Hall, the Reset Movement/Together 2016 founder, has been called by some the “Billy Graham of the next generation.” In an interview with the Christian Post in March, Hall could scarcely conceal his robust admiration for the elderly Graham, and for Graham’s model of large public (often national, patriotic) gatherings calling for Christian unity:
“Moments of historic change [are] often marked by historic gatherings, and so, for us, we really believe that this is a time to shift the nation back to what matters,” said Hall, citing other “defining moments of faith” as the women’s suffrage and Civil Rights movements.
Regarding the increasing division of the nation during contentious presidential elections, Hall added that while it’s easy to be critical and negative during election cycles, people really long to come together. “We can still unite, regardless of our differences, and we really believe that Jesus is the one that can bring us together.”
Hall sits on the leadership team of the National Association of Evangelicals and on the student advisory team for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. He’s even been dubbed by some as the “Billy Graham of the next generation,” and admires the famed evangelist’s ability to bring people together.
“Billy Graham is obviously a hero of many people. I think the way that he brought people together, the way that he always talks about hope and life, and kept the message on something that could unite. And so, obviously anybody’s going to be humbled and honored to even be mentioned in the same breath as somebody like Billy Graham,” he told Fox News.[6][bold added]
Hall has even posted his “commissioning” video online[7] that begins with footage of Billy Graham’s preaching at Explo ’72[8] at the Cotton Bowl in Dallas. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) has also promoted Hall and his reinvigorated ecumenical message on its website—comparing Hall to a young Graham:
Hall is intentionally crossing ministry and denominational lines, calling on Christ followers to come together to reach the next generation.
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) is one of several ministries partnering with RESET, which Hall says resembles the early days of Youth for Christ—a ministry that was born in the 1940s, with Billy Graham as its first full-time evangelist.
“At the beginning of Billy Graham’s ministry, he would go across the country and he was calling youth for Christ,” Hall said. “We were like, ‘What would it look like for a modern day movement to unfold today—a generation-defining moment in our day, with young people going ‘all in’ for God?’ That birthed the concept and the dream and the vision for RESET.”[9][bold added]
But Hall’s “generation-defining” movement called RESET is a false gospel, (see Part 1), that is leading multitudes onto the Broad Way apostasy bridge and away from the saving Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
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Broad Way Joel Screenshot of news broadcast reporting that Prosperity Preacher Joel Osteen met with Pope Francis in 2014[10] |
Besides Rick Warren (see Part 2), Pope Francis has also recently met with several other popular American evangelical leaders hoping to entice them, and their enormous flocks, onto the ecumenical and interfaith Broad Way Bridge to apostasy, including Joel Osteen (Positivity Gospel),[11] James Robison (ecumenical televangelist),[12] Kenneth Copeland (Word Faith),[13] and John Arnott (Toronto Blessing).[13] Charisma News reported some of the details concerning these recent Vatican visits:
The televangelists are among some wealthier U.S. evangelicals who have recently met with Francis, who has called for a focus on the poor and a simple lifestyle for clergy. In March, the pope met with members of the Green family, the Oklahoma billionaires whose company, Hobby Lobby, won their challenge to President Obama’s contraception coverage mandate at the Supreme Court last week….
[Joel] Osteen’s meeting with Francis on June 4 was part of a larger gathering coordinated by the International Foundation, also known as “the Fellowship.” Osteen was joined by Utah Sen. Mike Lee, a Mormon; California pastor Tim Timmons; and Gayle D. Beebe, president of evangelical Westmont College.
The June 24 meeting leaned particularly toward charismatic Christianity. Other guests were Anthony Palmer, a bishop and international ecumenical officer with the independent Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches; Geoff Tunnicliffe, the outgoing head of the Worldwide Evangelical Alliance; and John and Carol Arnott of Catch the Fire Toronto, which grew out of a Pentecostal revival 20 years ago.
The pope met with more than 50,000 Catholic charismatics in Rome last month, admitting he was not always comfortable with the way they prayed….[16][bold added, links removed]
Positivity Preacher, Joel Osteen, gushing about his 2014 visit with Pope Francis said, “I like the fact that he’s trying to make the church larger, not smaller. He’s not pushing people out but making the church more inclusive. That resonated with me.”[17]
But the Lord Jesus said to beware of false teachers pointing to the broad way that leads to destruction for many (Matt. 7:13). Instead, He taught His sheep to enter through the narrow doorway of the Cross.
(John 10:1-3, 7)
Even a casual observer to these recent Vatican visits can see that this wayward cast of shepherds hosted by the Roman Pontiff hold to various strands of aberrant doctrines—erroneous teachings that even compete with Roman Catholic dogma. On what basis could all of these so-called Christian leaders unify? Certainly not upon the Word of God or the Lord Jesus Christ it proclaims.
heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which
the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which
he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my
departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the
things, to draw away disciples after them. Therefore watch, and
remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every
one night and day with tears.”
(Acts 20:27-31)
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Broad Way Kenneth Prosperity Preacher Kenneth Copeland lays hands on Pope Francis in 2014[18] |
Nick Hall, the young catalyst behind the Reset/Together 2016 movement and eager apprentice of Billy Graham, also met with Pope Francis in 2013. He presented the Pope with a copy of his book, Reset.
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Broad Way Nick Nick Hall meets with Pope Francis in 2013[19] |
Although the Pope was not directly involved with the OneThing Catholic Ecumenical Track event in 2015,[20] the youth gathering demonstrates the concerted push for unification from all streams of Christianity, including the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). Husband and wife team Iwona and Keith Major started a nonprofit called MajorChange,[21] a Catholic ecumenical organization, that now collaborates with Mike Bickle’s International House of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City.[22] Francis Chan was the event’s keynote speaker last year.[23] Chan was also a featured speaker at Nick Hall’s Together 2016 event in July.
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Broad Way Chan OneThing 2015 Catholic Ecumenical Track video featuring Francis Chan[25] |
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Broad Way Mike Bickle hugs Francis Chan during the OneThing 2015 Catholic Ecumenical Track on YouTube. |
Even the 2016 Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, called for Christian unity when he spoke at Liberty University in January.[26] But a short month later a public sparring match ensued between Trump and Pope Francis bringing an instant prickly disunity between the two of them. The discord began when the Pope questioned Trump’s Christian faith due to his border-securing immigration policy.[27] Trump promptly responded to Pope Francis[28] by issuing a statement[29] calling his critical remarks “disgraceful.” A Trump social media advisor later tweeted a barb (with a map),[30] suggesting that the Pope’s statements were hypocritical: “Amazing comments from the Pope-considering Vatican City is 100% surrounded by massive walls.”
There is no sign that the feud between the two men has been resolved, but among Trump’s cache of spiritual advisors[31] include Broad Way-ers James Robison and Kenneth Copeland. Will they will counsel the POTUS candidate toward reconciliation with the Pontiff in the weeks leading up to the election in November?
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Broad Way-ers James & Betty Robison, Kenneth Copeland, John & Carol Arnott, et al, pose with Pope Francis in 2014[34] |
On June 26 2014, James Robison posted a glowing review[32] of his visit with Pope Francis at the Vatican titled, “Witnessing the Miracle Jesus Prayed for,” citing the Lord’s prayer for unity in John 17. The article is embellished with a photograph of Robison exchanging a “high five” with the Pontiff (posted at the top of Part 3). A few of the comments posted beneath the article were critical of Robison’s embrace of the Pope. One respondent rightly cited atrocities leveled against Protestant reformers because they refused to relent to Rome’s false doctrines. Note Robison’s glib and dismissive response to this concerned reader:
“Fortunately, we are not dealing with those people today. Nor the Jews who persecuted Christians. Or the Egyptians who slaughtered children. Or the Romans who beheaded the disciples. It’s nice to be in the present, with the old ways left behind.”[33]
But these reckless and insensitive sentiments not only betray the import of John 17, they also betray our Christian brethren who perished for the sake of the Gospel.
No one can be justly sanctified by Christ or truly unified with Him by aligning themselves with enemies of His Gospel, His Word, or His Body.
The Scriptures tell us that the Lord God remembers those killed for His sake, even if men posing as God’s workmen like Robison do not. The Harlot Church, “drunken with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs,” will one day give an account to Him for her abominations against God (Rev. 16:5-7; 17:3-6, 15-18; 18:4-8, 20; 19:1-2). The Bible also warns us that this ‘Whore of Babylon’ will be led by a religious global leader—a False Prophet—in cahoots with the Antichrist (Rev. 13:11-17; 16:13; 19:19-20; 20:10). God’s Word tells us that this unholy trinity, led by Satan (the Dragon), will ravage and attempt to destroy God’s Bride before Jesus Christ returns to the earth (Dan. 7:19-26; Rev. 12:17; 13:1-8; 16:6; 17:6; 18:24). Are we in fact witnessing the coalescing of the Harlot Church in this hour shortly preceding a day of inordinate tribulation on earth? Is persecution looming on the horizon for the faithful remnant—those who refuse to unify with apostasy?
(Heb. 13:5-6)
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Broad Way Samuel The Gathering promo featuring NAR leader Samuel Rodriquez[35] |
James Robison and Nick Hall were among a popular cast[36] of evangelical and NAR leaders, pastors, teachers, and authors who came together for a National Solemn Assembly September 21st in Dallas, called The Gathering, “to unite the Body of Christ in America– all believers, regardless of race, age, or denomination – in prayer for forgiveness, wisdom, and provision for our nation.”[37] Anne Graham Lotz, the undiscerning daughter of ecumenical evangelist Billy Graham, was among the many scheduled speakers.
Life Today (Robison) and Together 2016 (Hall) are listed as partners[39] as well as speakers for The Gathering event. Other speakers on the roster for The Gathering were also scheduled to attend Together 2016. Discerning readers might also notice that the chosen date for this Christian unity coalition event was on the same day as the United Nations International Day of Peace. Coincidence? The graphics below depict an unbiblical collusion:
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Broad Way One World LEFT: The Gathering trailer[41] RIGHT: The U.N. International Day of Peace website[42] |
Pope Francis appears to be ramping up his efforts to unify Protestants and Catholics in recent months.[43] Zenit News reported that the Pontiff gave an address to the World Communion of Reformed Churches in June. In it he quoted his now familiar refrain also being sung by accommodating evangelicals like James Robison:
Our meeting here today is one more step along the journey that marks the ecumenical movement, a blessed and hope-filled journey whereby we strive to live ever more fully in accord with the Lord’s prayer “that all may be one” (Jn17:21)…
There is urgent need for an ecumenism that, along with theological dialogue aimed at settling traditional doctrinal disagreements between Christians, can promote a shared mission of evangelization and service….
Dear brothers and sisters, in renewing my gratitude for your visit and your commitment in service to the Gospel, I express my hope that this meeting may be an effective sign of our resolution to journey together towards full unity. May it encourage all Reformed and Catholic communities to continue to work together to bring the joy of the Gospel to the men and women of our time. God bless you all.[44][bold added]
In order to unify all religions—and indeed the world—the Pope must first unify those identifying themselves as Christian under his authority. As a political[45] and governmental leader[46] with religious power,[47] it is imperative that the Roman Pontiff succeed in his ecumenical and interfaith endeavors in order to secure global religious control[48] and ultimately cross completely over the apostate Broad Way Unity Bridge.
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Broad Way Pope Is Christian Unity Coming through Pope Francis?[49] |
Lamont Colucci, a political writer for U.S. News & World Report, posted an astute article on the ramifications of Pope Francis’ ecumenical initiative in June. Below are some highlights:
Those of us involved with foreign policy, national security and international relations tend to focus most of our attention on the immediate threat or short-term trend. Some of us involved more on the military or diplomatic wing rarely look at religion, except for the contemporary focus on jihadism emanating out of the Islamic world. Lost in this is the planetary view that attempts to identify titanic, or potential shifts, in world politics.
On Sunday, Pope Francis attended the Divine Liturgy celebrated by the patriarch at Etchmiadzin, the center of the Armenian Apostolic Church. He reiterated his much used word, “scandal,” to describe Christian disunity. Much has been written about Pope Francis’ attempts at reform, his possible views on immigration, climate change and economics. However, far above all of this are indications that this pope has a renewed interest in Christian unity. Those who watch and study this know all too well that we have seen this before, and it came to naught. However, there are signs to indicate that we may be witnessing a more fundamental desire…. Some have reported that a meeting and declaration like this has not happened since 1054 AD….
Should Francis’ efforts begin to prove successful and palatable to Orthodox and Protestant Christians, there will be no greater story in international relations in the 21st century. Those of us wired to the hard politics of war, diplomacy and trade forget that all of this pales in comparison to the power of God and the church. If Christendom were once again to have unified positions on all of these ideas, it would be an unstoppable force for good in a world rent by the evils of terrorism, human degradation and political tyranny. The shift would be incalculable to the current mindsets of international relations, to both theoretical academician and political practitioner alike. Perhaps we are bearing witness to the truly most transformative political story in centuries….[50][bold added]
While Colucci is correct to say that the Pope’s ambitious plan to unify Christians would potentially be a “titanic shift in world politics,” biblically, his conclusions are tragically wrong. When—not if—Christendom unifies in this way, it will not be “an unstoppable force for good,” but a deadly vehicle for the Antichrist.
In his article, Colucci also briefly mentioned Pope Francis’ public apologies to “various protestant groups for sins committed against them.”[51] These recent apologies will also facilitate bridge-building in order to “leave the old ways behind” (in the words of James Robison), and push on toward global unification. The next historic gathering[52] to this end for Pope Francis will be a Joint Ecumenical Commemoration of the Reformation on Oct. 31st in Lund, Sweden.[53]
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A Broad Way 2nd Reformation? 500th Anniversary of the Reformation – Oct. 2017[54] |
But this 2016 event in Sweden and other events held this year are merely a precursor to the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation in 2017:
Joint Ecumenical Commemoration
The Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic Church will hold a joint ecumenical commemoration of the Reformation on 31 October 2016 [Halloween, ed.] in Lund and Malmö, Sweden. It will begin with a liturgy in Lund Cathedral and continue with a public event in Malmö Arena that will be open to wider participation.
Pope Francis, LWF President Bishop Dr Munib A. Younan and LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge will lead the common prayer service in Lund and the event in Malmö in cooperation with leaders from Church of Sweden and the Catholic Diocese of Stockholm.
The event will take place in anticipation of the 500th Reformation anniversary in 2017. It will highlight the solid ecumenical developments between Catholics and Lutherans and the joint gifts received through dialogue.[55][bold added, links removed]
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Broad Way Europe Screenshot of ‘Together for Europe’ trailer[56] |
Not so coincidentally, 1,700 representatives of 300 Christian denominations met in Munich, Germany (Martin Luther’s home country)[57] as part of the ‘Together for Europe’ congress from June 30 to July 2.[58] Pope Francis sent a video message[59] to the participants encouraging the historic gathering,
“…Together for Europe? Today this is more than ever necessary. In a Europe made up of many nations, you bear witness to the fact that we are children of one Father and brothers and sisters to one another. You are a precious seed of hope, so that Europe can rediscover its vocation to contribute to the unity of all….”
The prevailing theme of the ‘Together for Europe’ gathering was that ‘unity is possible’ and that after five hundred centuries of ungodly separation, Protestants and Christians must come together. Gerhard Pross, organizer of this event opined,
“The division amongst Christians in Europe is a wound, but it does not have to be open forever.” Looking ahead to the 2017 commemoration of the Protestant Reformation, he concluded: “500 years are enough.”[60][bold added]
The Wittenberg 2017 Summit, scheduled to be held at the Castle Church in Berlin next year, will include Christian luminaries such as Leonard Sweet (Emergent),[61] George Wood (Assemblies of God),[62] and Samuel Rodriquez (New Apostolic Reformation)[62] cited above. James O. Davis, founder of the Billion Soul Network, which is sponsoring the event, will also be a presenter.[63]
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A Broad Way Reinvented (“Reset” of) Luther?! Wittenberg Summit 2017 poster[64] |
On October 31, 2017, the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, it is possible that Pope Francis might publicly apologize on behalf of his murderous Roman Catholic predecessors for the brutal atrocities committed against the martyred Christian Reformers (who suffered and died for the sake of the Gospel of Christ). But if he does this, it is likely he will do so without completely repenting of his false Gospel, false Christ, and the multitude of other false doctrines taught in his church. Will he posture global unity while affirming the title “Vicar of Christ”?[65] This appears to be the Pope’s modus operandi. By treacherously striving to undo (“reset”) the Reformation with feigned confession, counterfeit doctrinal transformation, and false promises for enduring global harmony the Pope, with his Broad Way ecumenical evangelical associates, may precipitate the greatest falling away from the truth the world has ever known (Lk. 18:8; 2 Thess. 2:3; 1 Tim. 4:1).
(2 Thess. 9-10)
The late Dave Hunt sounded a sobering alarm to the Church back in 1994 after the signing of the Evangelicals and Catholics Together (ECT) accord. His statements are even more relevant today as we witness the wholesale betrayal of the Christian Reformers, the sweeping betrayal of the Gospel, and the swift formation of the Harlot church:
A Flickering Candle of Truth
If we truly love the lost souls about us, no matter what their religious affiliations, we will increase our efforts to bring them the truth of the gospel before it is forever too late. Such was the passion of Bishop Hugh Latimer, England’s most powerful preacher in his day. He had dared to explain the errors of transubstantiation and of Rome’s false gospel even during the reign of Henry VIII, for which he was imprisoned in the Tower of London. Released when Edward came to power, Latimer continued his passionate preaching of the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in the finished work of Christ until, under Bloody Mary, he was imprisoned again and burned at Balliol college on October 16, 1555.
Bound back-to-back with iron chain at the same stake with Bishop Nicholas Ridley, Latimer was heard to call out to his companion in martyrdom as the flames engulfed them:
Be of courage, Master Ridley, and play the man. We shall this day, by God’s grace, light such a candle in England as I trust will ever be put out!
Such is the heritage of today’s Protestants, which evangelical leaders are now dishonoring and even repudiating. Christian leaders who likely would not have known the gospel but for the martyrs who bravely stood up to Rome are now joining in an unholy partnership with that very institution which shed the martyr’s blood!
Yes, the woman rides the beast, and part of that ride is an unholy alliance with those who ought to know better. Let us stand firmly against the descending darkness as that candle ignited by the immolated bodies of countless martyrs flickers ever more dimly in our day.[66][bold added]
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The Broad Way Gathering |
“Behold, they shall surely gather together,
but not by Me:”
(Isaiah 54:15a)
1. Graphic exhibit taken from Carol Brooks, “Billy Graham,” In Plain Site website; see:
2. David Cloud, “When Did Graham’s Compromise Begin?” Fundamental Baptist Information Service, Port Huron, MI, Updated December 5 2013 (first published August 5, 2008). The following was first published in the out-of-print book Evangelicals and Rome in 1999; see: Bold added.
3. Robert M. Zins, Th.M., On the Edge of Apostasy: The Evangelical Romance with Rome, White Horse Publications, Huntsville, AL, 1998, pg. 241.
4. Ibid. Zins, pg. 241.
5. Graphic exhibit taken from Lance Goodall, “Together 2016 – Nick Hall Meets Pope Francis – Revisited,” Coercion Code website; see:
6. Kevin Porter, “’Billy Graham of the Next Generation’ Calls on 1 Million Americans to Unite in Prayer in Washington This Summer,” Christian Post online, March 28, 2016; see:
7. See Nick Hall’s Together 2016 “Commissioning” video on YouTube:
8. See Wikipedia “Explo ‘72”; see:
9. Kristy Etheridge “RESET Movement Calls Next Generation to Go ‘All In’ for Jesus,” Billy Graham Evangelistic Association online (BGEA), October 22, 2013; see:
10. Exhibit is screenshot from YouTube video:
11. CBS News, “The Positivity of Joel Osteen,” March 27, 2016; see:
12. James Robison Life Today website, “Pope Francis on Life Today”, May 2, 2014; see:
13. Ken Silva, “Arrogance and Blasphemy: The Faith of Kenneth Copeland,” Apprising Ministries, Sept. 6, 2008; see:
14. Ed Tarkowski, THE LAUGHING PHENOMENA: Its History and Possible Effects on the Church Part 1, Deception in the Church; see:
15. See Bill Randles’ book, Weighed and Found Wanting, (1995), documenting the so-called Toronto Blessing/Holy Laughter movement and leader, John Arnott; see:
16. Sarah Pulliam Bailey, “Pope Francis Meets With Kenneth Copeland, James Robison—High Fives Ensue,” Charisma News online, July 10, 2014; see:
17. Kathy Schiffer, “Joel Osteen Attends Mass in St. Peter’s Square, Meets With Holy Father,” Patheos website, June 7, 2014; see:
18. Graphic exhibit taken from Kenneth Copeland Ministries, “Kenneth Copeland Visits the Pope, June 2014,” KCM; see:
19. Graphic taken from Waterbrook/Multnomah website, Nick Hall’s book, Reset; see:
20. Robert Barbry II, “Ecumenism In Action: An Interview with Iwona Bednarz-Major,” Epic Pew, Feb. 4, 2016; see:
21. See Major Change website:
22. For background on Mike Bickle’s Latter Rain cult teachings, ‘The Passion and the Presence,’: “Bridal Eschatology Part 3,” Herescope, March 08, 2014; see: Note this is a 6 part series, a comprehensive overview of the old Latter Rain cult doctrines found in this youth movement.
23. For Chan’s unbiblical connection to Bickel see: Ken Silva, “Francis Chan Declares ‘I love Mike Bickel’ of IHOP”, Apprising Ministries, Jan. 2, 2014; see:
24. See Chan’s website:
25. Graphic exhibit taken from the MajorChange video on YouTube: Also, see the OneThing 2015 Catholic Ecumenical Track video on YouTube:
26. Ben Schrenkinger, “Trump calls for Christian unity at Liberty U.,” Politico, Jan. 18, 2016; see:
27. Hayley Hoefer, “Views You Can Use: The Pope Vs. the Donald,” US News and World Report, Feb. 18, 2016; see:
28. Ben Jacobs, “Donald Trump calls Pope Francis ‘disgraceful’ for questioning his faith,” The Guardian, Feb. 18 2016; see:
29. “Full text: Donald Trump responds to Pope Francis,” Politico, Feb. 18, 2016; see:
30. See Dan Scavino’s Twitter page:
31. Kate Shellnutt and Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra, “Who’s Who of Trump’s ‘Tremendous’ Faith Advisers,” Christianity Today, June 22, 2016; see:
32. James Robison, “Witnessing the Miracle Jesus Prayed For,” James Robison website, June 26, 2014; see:
33. James Robison, “Witnessing the Miracle Jesus Prayed For,” James Robison website, comments section, Sept. 18, 2014; see:
34. Graphic exhibit taken from Parables website, Oct. 7, 2014; see:
35. See: and See Part 1 of this series for a background on Pastor Rodriguez:
36. See The Gathering website:
37. See The Gathering website, “About”; see:
38. For further background on Anne Graham Lotz’ unbiblical teachings see: Marsha West, “LOTZ of nonsense,” Berean Research , April 18, 2016; see:
39. See The Gathering website, “Our Partners”; see:
40. See the UN I nternational Day of Peace website:
41. Graphic exhibit taken from The Gathering video on YouTube:
42. Graphic exhibit taken from the UN International Day of Peace website:
43. Ines San Martin, “Francis if proving to be a very ecumenical Pope,” Crux, Jan. 25, 2016; see:
44. Zenit, “Pope’s Address to World Communion of Reformed Churches,” June 10, 2016 (translated from Spanish); see:
45. Samuel C. Baxter and Stacey L. Palm, “Politics, Power and the Pope-The Vatican’s Rising Diplomatic Clout,” Real Truth Magazine online; see:
46. New World Encyclopedia online, “Papal States”; see:
47. See Wikipedia, “Papal Supremacy”:
48. Rebecca Terrell, “Pope’s Environmental Encyclical Calls for World Government,” The New American, June 19, 2015; see:
49. Graphic exhibit taken from US News website:
50. Lamont Colucci, Is Christian Unity Coming?” U.S. News & Report online, June 28, 2016; see:
51. Reuters, “Why Pope Francis Just Asked Protestants for Forgiveness,” Newsweek online, Jan. 25, 2016; see: This theology of repenting for the sins of one’s ancestors is called Identificational Repentance.
52. Ibid. Ines San Martin, Crux:
53. Graphic exhibit taken from Lund, Sweden website:
54. Graphic exhibit taken from the Luther 2017 website: Be sure to notice Leonard Sweet’s leadership in this endeavor.
55. See the Joint Ecumenical Commemoration website:
56. Graphic exhibit taken from the ‘Together Europe’ video trailer:
57. See Martin Luther bio,
58. See the ‘Together for Europe’ website/video:
59. Vatican Radio, “Pope Francis: video message to Together for Europe 2016”; see:
60. “Ecumenical Congress promoted ‘unity’ between Catholics, Protestants and Evangelicals,” Evangelical Focus, July 4, 2016; see:
61. For more information on Leonard Sweet, see the new Lighthouse Trails booklet by Warren B. Smith, “Leonard Sweet – A More Magnificent Way of Seeing Christ?”; see:
62. Ibid. Luther 2017:
63. See Davis’ website: To see the dominionist connections between such men and Sweet and Davis, see the 2010 Herescope article, “Mainstreaming Dominionism”: and the 2012 article, “Ca$h Cow$ & Fat Cat$ – the Cult of Evangelical Leadership, Part 2”:
64. Ibid. Luther 2017:
65., “Vicar of Christ”; see:
66. Dave Hunt, A Woman Rides the Beast, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, OR, 1994, pp. 409-410.
*Pope’s derisive comment regarding the Reformation, made “Ecumenical Congress promoted ‘unity’ between Catholics, Protestants and Evangelicals,” Evangelical Focus, July 4, 2016; see: