Herescope Blog

Becoming “Transformed Transforming Transformers”

[T]he church growth movement has its own ambiguous language and terms; so as to protect those who would deceive us with familiar words and phrases so they can quickly jump from one definition to another, if need be, to cover their embarrassing indiscretions, quiet their critics, advance their agenda and…

Worldview Wizardry

“I define a ‘worldview’ as the sum-total of answers that a person gives to life’s most important questions. A worldview can have either a powerful, positive influence on us or a negative one. A worldview, even when it is functioning subconsciously, shapes, determines, and influences the way we think and…

Purpose-Driven Parties & Lifestyle Worldviews

Apparently the word “worldview” also means “lifestyle” in purpose-driven circles. Think you’ve heard of everything? How about a Tupperware-style purpose-driven party! How about purpose-driven lifestyle coaches? “Cocktail napkins . . . coffee, soda and flavored tea close by . . . and copies of a slim, poetry-size book placed invitingly…

Bait & Switch “Worldview”

The moment “worldview” enters the modern vocabulary, it is immediately entrapping. This is because this word itself is nebulous. It can easily be defined one way by the speaker and another way by the hearer. (It is not a term found in the Scriptures.) In the modern neo-evangelical lexicon, “worldview”…

The ‘Transformative’ Worldview

“Activist PPMs [post-modern ministries, ed.] are attempting to wean evangelicals from their addiction to the modern era with its dogmatic truth claims by a process called ‘transformation.’ ‘Transformational thinking’ and ‘managed change’ have become the machinery with which to re-tool the evangelical church. A whole industry of congregational consultant/coaches are…

Are you in the throes of Transformation?

Herescope was requested to prepare a “thumbnail sketch” — an overview — of what constitutes “transformation.” Below is an outline summary which many will find helpful. “Transformation” is the end-goal of a process that moves from TRADITION through TRANSITION to TRANSFORMATION. This is sometimes called a “Paradigm Shift,” which means…

The Newest Heresy of the NAR: Orality

The latest fad is potentially the most grievous heresy to arise in the recent history of the Church. It is a repudiation of literacy — the written Word. It is now widely being taught to missionaries, particularly through mission groups closely associated with the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). This new…

Deceptive CHANGE vs. Make it Plain

The following article was prepared by Anton Bosch, inspired by reading last week’s Herescope blog posts on “change” and the deceptive process of “transition.” Herescope was critiquing John C. Hillary’s article “Paradigm Change: More Magic than Logic” and comparing it with Chuck McAlister’s purpose-driven ( formula for church transformation. Make…

Oldie But Goodie #1: John Wimber & “Joel’s Army”

Occasionally Herescope will post items from the past as an Oldie But Goodie (OBG). These items from our archives illustrate the heresies of the New Apostolic Reformation. Today’s excerpts come from a 1984 “Spiritual WARFARE!” Conference sponsored by John Wimber’s Vineyard Ministries International. This conference would have taken place during…

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