The Apostolic Transformation Worldview

On the topic of Worldview, and how this term is being used as a lever to orchestrate Transformation, take a look at one of the newest models — Ed Silvoso’s Apostolic Transformation Network (ATN).

The text below is a good example of the full extent to which this Transformation Worldview intends to go, particularly in terms of exercising dominion. Ed Silvoso has been able to maneuver with ease between both the prayer-warfare dominionism sect and also the mission sect. He appears to be placed in a key global leadership position as the top “apostle” for transforming the structures of nations via marketplace transformation. Keep in mind as you read this that much of the language is coded; e.g., the phrase “discipling nations” means making nations (corporately) disciples, with an emphasis on the word “making.” Elsewhere Silvoso’s writings confirm this veiled meaning.

The excerpts below are from [bold is in original, italics are emphasis added]:

The Apostolic Transformation Network (ATN) is an intentional association of Christian leaders comprised of both pulpit and marketplace ministers who are laying down a foundation for transformation in their areas of influence toward the final objective of discipling nations in fulfillment of the Great Commission.

“The Apostolic Transformation Network is coming alongside leaders in Argentina to produce a prototype for nation transformation that can be duplicated in other places. Just as Resistencia, Argentina, became a such a prototype for city reaching, so Argentina will be a model for the transformation of nations. ” . . .

“The ATN embraces the existence of modern-day apostles. An apostle is a leader anointed and sent by God who receives a celestial revelation and establishes a foundation on earth for that revelation for others to build upon to take the kingdom of God to the lost in such a way that the kingdom of darkness together with its most tangible manifestation, poverty, is transformed into a kingdom of light. . . .

“The ATN is committed to transformation – cooperating with the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, so that ‘all that was lost’ (Lk. 19:10) will be restored by His redeeming power, and the will of God will be done on earth as it is done in Heaven.

“The ATN is persuing nation transformationinfluencing and discipling national leadership so that they will know and learn how to operate according to the will and the power of God and as a result have the blessing of God.

“The ATN is dedicated to establishing prototypes – tangible, reproducible models that will provide hope for the nations of the world.” . . .

The hard questions need to be asked. Who ARE these marketplace leaders? Small businessmen or large multi-national corporations? Just how do they intend to wield “influence” over the “national leadership” to “operate” according to the supposed “will” and “power of God”?

Many scenarios come to mind, and they are not pretty. Will economic levers — incentives and penalties — be applied to individuals, government leaders, cities, and businesses in order to “transform” the nation? When “marketplace transformation” leaders come together, as described in more detail below (and at the website posting) will they pool their efforts and resources together in order to make or break individuals, governments, leaders, cities, and businesses?

Hard questions need to be asked which delve into areas of national sovereignty, Christian doctrine, and the ethics behind these newly forming entities — such as Ed Silvoso’s Apostolic Transformation Network — to achieve this form of dominion. Bear in mind that these activities are being done in the name of Jesus Christ, and by people who claim to be His representatives implementing His dominion on earth!

The recent webpost by Silvoso continues:

“The Argentina prototype is connecting the time-proven principles of prayer evangelism and marketplace transformation by linking the spiritual wealth resident in the leaders Church with the governmental, social and economic wealth found in the professionals in the marketplace This is a hand-in-hand project with Argentine leaders carried out through the following structures and activities for implementation.

National Advisory Board for Implementation: This national working Board is comprised of pulpit and marketplace ministers representing each of Argentina’s 24 Provinces along with Harvest Evangelism leadership to provide on-going stimulus and direction to the project.

Argentine Christian Chamber for Businesspeople, Entrepreneurs, Professionals, and Executives: This national Chamber has a three-fold purpose:

“*To promote the personal transformation of its members so that they become agents for transformation within the marketplace of their cities and provinces.

“*To synergize commercial and professional efforts within the nation. The focus is on raising up small- and medium-sized businesses and being creative catalysts for internal, self-sustaining initiatives in a climate of justice and mercy.

“*To provide a secure and stable connection to the international community for trade and professional interchange with the objective of the kingdom of God to the nation. . . .

City reaching efforts: The Church in every city is being encouraged to systematically implement the principles of prayer evangelism as a lifestyle to continuously minister to the city at every level and sector of influence. By blessing, having fellowship with and ministering to the felt needs of the people, they are being discipled in how to know and respond to the will and the ways of God in both the personal and public areas of their lives.

Focus and Alignment: The apostolic leadership of Ed Silvoso and the Harvest Evangelism team provides consistent focus to which Network members align in the vision for nation transformation.

Synergy: The relational connections within the ATN serve to synergize the anointing and wisdom coming from what members are already doing in their business, city, region, and/or nation.

Serving one another: The strength of the Network is in the strength of its members. For that reason, the ATN leadership prioritizes serving each member to the best of their ability to achieve the goal of discipling nations together. . . “

Ed Silvoso has written and spoken widely on this topic of marketplace transformation. He served, along with C. Peter Wagner and Graham Power (“Transform Africa”) on the Transform World MarketPlace focus group. Silvoso also served with Luis Bush on the Global Interest Group. Luis Bush has written about the vision for “kingdom” Transformation of the planet. See “What is Transformation” at the Transform World website by Luis Bush, for a more thorough understanding of the dominionism inherent in this theology. [] For more information about Ed Silvoso and his marketplace transformation agenda, and how it fits into the entire dominionist mandate, see “Dominionism and the Rise of Christian Imperialism” article posted at

The Truth:

“There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand.” (Proverbs 19:21)