Herescope Blog

The Global Day of Prayer 2006

On Sunday, June 4, 2006, we as Christians are being asked to participate in a global event that we are being told is for the purpose of repentance and prayer to bring healing to the nations. Known as the Global Day of Prayer (GDOP), the organizers through their many networks…

Marketing the Global Worldview

“Worldview” is about to have a whole new meaning. If you previously thought it was safe to embrace any evangelical individual or group that professed to hold a “Christian” or “biblical” worldview — it is time to re-examine your stance. “Worldview” is being re-defined to mean a global purpose-driven view…

Creating a Purpose-Driven World

Is Rick Warren building a global church organization? Or, a global political organization? In an article (5/25/06) in the LA City Beat, “The Purpose-Driven World: Pastor Rick Warren proposes using his church organizing methods to tackle global problems like hunger and disease,” reporter Andrew Gumbel notices Warren’s skill in mobilizing…

From DaVinci to The Omen 666

What would a pastor whose church is next door to Hollywood have to say about the current movie media frenzy surrounding occult-themed films? There are many pastors in southern California with national and international fame, but none of them have delivered the sobering message you’ll read in today’s Herescope. The…

Yoism: Creating Heaven on Earth

Yoism, a topic introduced in yesterday’s Herescope, bears a startling similarity to the bizarre new doctrines and teachings invented by the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). These teachings have been covered extensively on previous Herescope posts. 1. The idea that man can bring heaven down to earth.2. The corollary idea that…

Emergent Yoism

It sounds like a scam on its surface. An invented religion where everybody comes up with their own beliefs and throws it into the communal stewpot. Like the jokes about “let’s all go worship the gods of chocolate.” This new religion is called “Yoism” and it is based upon the…

Kingdom Decrees

One of the unique heresies coming out of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is the idea that the self-anointed, self-appointed “apostles” and “prophets” can issues DECREES. This doctrine teaches that these particular leaders have the power to make decrees that assist their “kingdom-building” efforts. These decrees, proclamations, and pronouncements are…

Da Vinci Opening the Canon of Worms

“A small but growing number of very influential New Testament scholars who apparently have never found the source of life in the classical apostolic gospel are finding in this Gnostic view of Jesus a ‘new lease on life.’ We can expect that this novel interpretation may well represent the scholarly…

Da Vinci Propaganda

Christianity is under an unprecedented assault from every direction. This weekend’s launching of The Da Vinci Code movie is just one example. Harnessing the forces of the media has proven to be a most effective tool to change public opinion, and alter the faith of many people. The evangelical response…

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